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Unread 12-11-2008   #1
Zone of Darkness
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Willing vs. Forced

Well, after about a month of just not coming here, and then another of lurking, I've decided to come out and start talking. I wasn't sure if this really goes under any particular type of TF, so I put it here. Anyways, here's how this thread goes.

What do you like better?
A: A person is forcibly transformed, shrunk, tg'd, etc. against their will, and the person is then forced to be someones sex-slave, pet, experiment, etc. (personality change can be included)

B: A person is forcibly transformed, etc. against their will, but eventually comes to terms with their new form.

C: A person is transformed, but comes to find that they like that form better than their original after spending time as such. (this does not include personality change)

D: The person is transformed completely by their own accord, but something goes horribly wrong.

E: A person is transformed by their own account, and the work ends in good terms for the transformee.
Personally, my favorite is E, because I'm a fan of happy endings.
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