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Unread 01-19-2009   #1224
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 23
Re: Evil conversion(for the lack for better term)

Originally Posted by rb9 View Post
The big question would be finding a good artist. I'm not opposed but it could get pricy. Then again making this is time-consuming.

I'm glad it's enjoyable so far. What fetishes would be fun?

It's hard to capture them with text but I'd like to incorporate them. You know about my old yahoo group, right? Nobody's responded yet there but I'm hoping I'll get feedback there.

I had some other ideas in the meantime:

-there must be vore. Either the heroine gets consumed by the flowers of an alura une or even more fun, cocooned in silk
-I want to make a scene where Jessica confronts a Barb-E and gets utterly devastated
-of course, there will be hypnotic dancers too
-a town where everybody is really a monstergirl

Pitch in... I may make a system to where people can contribute and commission things too.
"-a town where everybody is really a monstergirl"? That would be pretty cool. They'd probably start out giving you a lot of free stuff and offer a free stay at the inn. You'd probably only figure out what's wrong later that night.
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