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Thread: SlaveMaker
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Unread 02-12-2009   #18
Slave Trainer
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Re: SlaveMaker

I will now post a quick guide on how to get reisz tentacle queen ending.
First go to the docks and submit to the tentacles 5+ times
Durning this you should be trying to RAISE your conversation skill to 60 (Happens if you are constantly raising it by about day 30) Then go to the docks every day and either have libido or morality at 60 and have a high hunting skill is a must to get this ending as you must get all three girls

First girl is easy you'll run into her randomly in docks (No needed skills)

Second girl is a little bit harder as the chance of getting her is determined by your hunting skill and you must have a high conversation.

Third Girl is easier (or harder) than the second girl, you must do the acolyte job until you get a message asking if you'd like to investigate. Say yes if you have a min. of 60 conversation you'll be given a second choice: Lust or gods. Do the one that you have 60 in (Libido or morality respectively) and your done.

If you got all three you'll get reisz'z special ending of Tentacle Queen if not you'll get one of the standard endings with the tentacle rape ending before it.
will think of something next time

Last edited by Gagecoalbrace; 02-12-2009 at 11:26 PM.
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