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Thread: SlaveMaker
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Unread 02-25-2009   #36
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Re: SlaveMaker

Originally Posted by hellraider2006 View Post
The answer about Urd brings a nice additional question. How can her Alchemy be upgraded? I can let her taste different drugs but besides the 3 times for the Hermdrug there is no increase, well beside the fact that the ones at the shop get cheaper(she says that she can make them herself now?) and the ones in the slums get more expensive(or at a smaller rate expensive. I usually don?t buy from them)

Hunting with Reisz is easy, Farm and Docks/Forrest
Ayane?s Rebellion is even easier to lower. Spanking at night.
I don?t go into what?s necessary to raise Ranmas femminity since there are to many options.
Kasumis Fighting is obvious: DOJO

But honestly how can one raise URD?s Alchemy or is my version bugged. I?m using version 5 from this thread.
Buy different potions from the shopkeeper. Energy draft, Soothing, maybe even the uninhibited drugs, three each until she learns how to make them. Do it until she mentions she can open up an alchemy shop as a job, which will raise that stat when she does it.
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