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Unread 03-30-2009   #1
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Posts: 115
Story: The Party (SW, SM, GTS, GT, TG, 18+)

Warnings / info: This story contains (rather, will contain) SW, SM, miniGTS, miniGT, and TG, as well as explicit sex and drugs. Yes, there is a male giant in this story. With contents like this, I?m not sure anyone will enjoy it quite as much as I?m enjoying writing it. That's the reason I'm posting it in "eveything else." But here you are!

The Party, part 1

Peter got out of the taxi and Maria gave the driver a twenty.
"Hey, thanks for springing for the cab," he said.
"It's cold out! I'm not taking the bus!"
He laughed. "Fair enough."
They walked up to the house and rang the bell. They could hear muffled shouts and music coming from inside, and Maria looked at her watch. "We aren't late, I hope. It's only 8:45."
"Oh, don't worry about it. Even if we were, they--"
The door opened, and in the doorway stood a tall, slightly overweight teenager with messy brown hair and a slightly patchy beard. "Peter!" He extended his hand.
"Hey Clyde!" He shook it and laughed.
"Glad you could make it!"
"I've been looking forward to it! Clyde, this is my girlfriend." He introduced Maria, a short Hispanic girl with her hair done in a braid, going down to her shoulder blades.
"Oh, good to meet you!"
She took his hand and he shook it vigorously, a little more than was comfortable. "Charmed."
"Yeah, come on in, it's fuuuucking cold. Anna and Jose are here."
"Really?" Peter grinned. He turned to Maria. "I've known Anna and Jose for about... uh, eight years. They're really good friends." Clyde walked back inside to the kitchen, and Anna called to the front door. "Peter, is that you? You're just in time, the cookies are almost ready!"
Cookies? Peter thought to himself. Uh oh. They walked inside and took off their hats and coats. Peter was a slightly shorter than average boy with light blond hair and a muscular build.
?Oh, are we baking?? Maria said with a smile. ?That?s not what I was expecting. That?s really nice.?
?Uh, they might not be normal cookies.?
?What do you mean??
Anna, holding a tea, and Jose, drinking a beer, walked in. Anna was a tall Chinese girl with a pleasant round face, and long black hair going down to the small of her back, wearing a bright dress with a flower pattern. Jose was a thin Hispanic fellow with a shaved head, in jeans and a t-shirt.
?Hey dude!?
?Hi Peter! Is this your girlfriend??
?Yep! Guys, this is Maria. Uh. Jose, can I talk to you and Clyde for a sec??
?Sure, I guess.?
?Ok.? He turned to Maria. ?I?ll be right back.? He kissed her lightly on the lips.
Anna turned to Maria. ?Here. Let me take your jacket. I?ll put it on Clydes? bed.?

In the kitchen, Jose and Peter sat down. Clyde closed the oven and walked over. ?Almost done. Man, I love it when my parents are out of town.?
Jose raised his bottle. ?No kidding, dude. Who else is coming??
?Just my friend Victoria.?
?Oh, yeah, I met her. Nice girl.?
?Yeah, she?s cool. So Peter, you cabbed it over??
?Yeah, well Maria can afford that kind of thing. Her parents are pretty well off.?
?Ah, dating a rich girl, eh?? He raised his bottle. ?Cheers to that.?
?Dude? those aren?t normal cookies, are they??
?Hell no. How often do I bake fucking cookies??
?You didn?t tell me we were dropping anything tonight.?
?So? Why is that a problem??
?Well, Maria isn?t exactly into that kind of thing!?
?Oh. Really??
?Yeah! What the fuck am I gonna do now??
?Well, she doesn?t have to have one.?
?Yeah, and it?ll be really awkward all night.?
?Oh, please. If she?s not a baby she?ll be fine. Get her to try something new for a change!?
?Dude, shut up. Hang on, let me go talk to her.?

In the bedroom, Anna placed Peter?s and Maria?s coats on the bed. ?So, have you ever taken Redulix before??
Maria looked up. ?I?m sorry??
?Redulix. The drug. Have you ever taken it??
?Um? no.?
Her eyes widened. ?Really? Oh, you?re going to have fun. It?s a blast.?
?Is, uh, is everyone taking it??
?Uh huh. Well, I think so. I don?t think it would be too fun to be the only person who isn?t shifting.?
?No? I guess not??
At that point, Peter walked in. ?Hey guys. Um, Anna, can I talk to Maria alone for a second??
?Sure. Just don?t get ahead of the party.? She winked at him and left.
?What the hell is Redulix?? He sighed. ?Did you bring me to a party where everyone is taking drugs??
?I, uh?? He looked at her. ?Apparently. But I didn?t know!?
?You didn?t know??
?No! Clyde didn?t mention that!?
?Peter, have you done this before??
?Uh, yeah. A couple of times.?
?Great. That?s great. My boyfriend is a drug user.?
?It?s not a normal drug.?
?No, I?m sure! Let me guess, it?s the best high ever or something like that, eh??
?No, it? it doesn?t do anything mental. Well, it does? it acts like an aphrodisiac in some people.?
?The main effect it has is that it causes people to, uh? to shrink.?
?To what??
?Yeah. It?s? well, it?s really interesting.?
?I have to go to the bathroom.?
?Look, we can go. If you don?t want to do this. We can go right now.?
?I have to go to the bathroom.? And with that, she walked out and slammed to door to the bathroom.
That?s fucking great, he thought to himself.

Peter walked back to the kitchen and saw someone there who was new, a girl with short black hair and a tall face, sitting at the table chatting with Clyde and introducing herself to the others.
?Hey, Pete. This is Victoria.?
?Hi. Look, guys, I don?t think I can stay.?
?What? How come?
?Well, because you didn?t tell me what kind of party this was going to be, and I brought my girlfriend, who isn?t interested.?
?Dude, just tell her to try it. She?ll like it.?
?Clyde, you are a fucking genius when it comes to women. That?ll be perfect. Why didn?t I think of that? Look, when she comes out of the bathroom, she?s going to tell me that she wants to leave. And I?m sure as hell not going to stay and send her away. So thanks for the invite, but I?m off.? And he walked out of the room.
Back in the bedroom, he picked up his jacket and started to put it on. Behind him, Maria approached him. He looked at her, and then looked forward again. ?Hey.?
?Hey. Look, I? we don?t have to go.?
?Maria, I don?t want you to do anything you don?t want to.?
?No, I know. I was thinking? I?ve never tried this before. I mean, I?ve heard about it. But? I just never knew anyone who actually did it. And I never thought about what I?d do if anyone asked me to try. I always thought it seemed? unrealistic, but? fun.?
?So? what, you want to stay??
?Yeah. I think.?
?Oh, Maria?? he kissed her on the mouth. ?You?ll see. It?s so much fun. This?ll be a blast.? He took off his jacket, held her hand and they walked back into the kitchen.

Victoria looked up as they walked in. ?So, you two are headed off??
?Um, actually, we?re staying.?
?Sweet!? Clyde winked at Peter.
?But, um, this is going to be my first time, so, uh, can I have just a little bit??
?Um? not really.?
?What do you mean??
?Well? ok, well I?ll just explain everyone what I have planned for tonight. It?s a surprise, but we?re all here now! On the table here, I have six cookies. I?ve mixed into four of them varying amounts of Redulix.?
Anna spoke up. ?Four of them??
?Yeah, four. I, wheeler and dealer extraordinaire, have managed to procure a few grams of Magnum.?
A collective gasp went up. ?Magnum?? asked Jose. ?Dude, that must have set you back a shitload of money. I haven?t been able to find any for months in this city!?
?Nope! It was given to me as a favour, the details of which I am definitely not getting into right now. So that?s in the other two. But not only that? as a special present to all of you, my good friends, in three of these cookies is a tab of Chrome.?
Peter looked at Maria. She was listening with an expression of confusion on her face. She doesn?t know what any of this is.
Victoria laughed and yelled, ?No way! Chrome? I?ve only ever taken Chrome once. That?s a trip.?
Jose turned to Anna and asked, ?You ever tried Chrome??
?No, you??
?So who gets what??
Clyde stood up. ?Ah, but that?s the best part. I don?t know what?s in each cookie. None of us do. It?s going to be a complete surprise. I?ll take the last one, just to prove it.? The guests all looked at each other, smirking.
?So, ladies and gents, whaddaya say? You ready to get fucked up??
?Um?? Maria spoke up. ?I think I?m the only person here who?s never done this, so? what the hell does all of this mean??
?Well,? began Peter, ?Redulix makes you shrink, I mentioned. Magnum does the opposite. It?s really expensive and hard to find, but it actually makes you grow.?
?And Chrome??
?It, uh? it switches your gender.?
?A man who takes a tab of Chrome will turn into a woman for a few hours. A woman will turn into a man.?
Maria looked at Victoria. ?You?ve done that??
?Sure. It?s fun to shift and then go out clubbing.?
She turned back. ?Peter, have you ever done that??
?No. Look? are you okay with this? We can still go.?
Maria looked around at the faces in front of her, a group of people she hardly knew, in one of their parents? house. They were all looking at her expectantly. Then she looked at Peter and saw only concern and understanding. ?No? I trust you.? Peter?s face broke into a huge grin.
Maria walked over to the table and looked at the six cookies. They all looked identical. ?So? which one?s mine??
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