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Unread 03-31-2009   #5
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Posts: 115
Story: The Party, part 3 (SW, SM, GTS, GT, TG, 18+)

The Party, part 3

Peter came out of the bathroom and immediately noticed how much bigger everything was. I must have shrunk in the bathroom! Crap! He tried to hold his pants up around his waist, but the legs were dragging around his feet and keeping him from walking properly. The first person he saw upon turning into the main room was Victoria, which stopped him in his tracks. Her shirt had been tucked into her pants, but it now didn’t reach that low, exposing her flat belly. Her pants stopped above her ankles, as well. She was now so much taller than he was that it was a little scary. He knew that she had been only an inch taller than he had been at the beginning of the evening, and now, he only came up to her breasts.
She saw him looking up at her. She grinned. “Hey shorty.”
“Uh… hi.”
She nodded to indicate for him to look to his left, and he saw Maria holding her knees to her chest on the couch. He climbed up (which was way more difficult than he had remembered!) and sat next to her. “Hey.”
“How are you doing?”
“I’m kind of scared.”
“Hey, it’s okay. It’s just for tonight. It can be fun.”
Just then, Anna ran back into the living room, with her shirt on, but with her legs exposed. “Hey everyone!” She announced, sounding decidedly more masculine. “I got a Chrome!” That earned a round of applause from Clyde, Jose and Victoria. “I’m so excited! I can’t wait to pee!”
Peter turned back to Maria.
“I don’t want to become a man,” she whispered.
“I don’t think you will.”
“How do you know? Anna got one and Clyde got another. There’s one more.”
“Yeah. Uh…” he looked at the far wall.
“Peter? Honey? Are you okay?” He looked back at her. She was looking at his arms. Honey, your arms are really smooth. They weren’t this smooth before…” She suddenly looked up at his face, her mouth in an O of surprise.
“Yeah. I got it. I got the last Chrome. I’m turning into a woman.”
She suddenly burst out laughing. Everyone turned to look. Peter looked at them all, and Maria was o her back on the couch, laughing.
“I got the last Chrome.”
“Hey! You! Come here!” Anna grabbed his hand and pulled him into the kitchen. She closed the door behind them, reaching up to grasp the doorknob. Then she turned around. Peter was stunned- here was Anna, the tallest girl he knew, looking him right in the eye.
“Anna, how tall are you?”
“Last I checked, I was five even. I’m probably a little shorter now, though. Take off your pants! I want to see!”
Five even? He didn’t have any more time to think about it, though, as Anna crouched down and yanked his jeans to his ankles. There, in front of her face, was a vagina. The clitoris was extended, and was still covered in skin, but it was very clearly a pussy. She stared for a moment, and felt a strange feeling in her crotch. She sat back and pulled up her shirt to reveal, above masculine thighs and below a toned waist, a small ballsack and dick. And her dick was growing right in front of their eyes, getting firmer and turning slightly purple.
“Holy shit! Peter, is this what is feels like? This is amazing!” She grasped it and moaned as it flexed in her hand. She stood up and stroked it softly and cooed to herself. “It’s so… different…” With a big grin, she looked back at Peter’s crotch. “How do you like it?”
“Uh, I don’t know.”
“Hrm.” She got on all fours and placed her face right in his crotch and give him a long, slow, strong lick up the length of his pussy.
“Good, huh?”
Peter steadied his breath. “Do that again.”

“Clyde! Is that still you in there?” Victoria tapped him on the shoulder, causing him to start. “You’re staring off into space.”
“Uh, yeah.” Clyde grimaced at his extremely feminine-sounding voice. “I’m just trying to… savour this. It’s really cool.”
“You ever taken Chrome before?”
“You’re taller than me.”
“No kidding. You had some Redulix too, remember?”
“Yeah. Yeah, it’s just… a lot of things all happening at once.” He shuddered, and closed his eyes. He exhaled. “See, things like that. It just feels so…” he opened his eyes again. “You’re way taller than me.”
“No, not way taller. Not more than a few inches.”
“You used to be nine inches shorter than me.”
“Yeah, well… things change.” She smirked. “Speaking of which…” her gaze dropped down to his chest, which was starting to fill out nicely. Clyde was slightly overweight, and remained so as a woman, though the extra body weight went to all of the right places and shaped him well.
“No kidding. These things are getting really heavy.”
Have you ever taken Chrome?”
“No. First time.” He smiled up at her.
“So you’ve probably never felt anything like this.” And with that she grabbed both of his breasts and gave them a firm but gentle squeeze.
He gasped. “Oh! That’s… nnno, I’ve never felt that.”
“You want to feel it again?”
Clyde watched as Victoria seemed to rise a bit higher. He was now at eye level with her chin. “Uh… let’s go to my room.”

Jose sat down on the couch, throwing Maria up in the air a little. He looked down at her with a sheepish grin. “Sorry.”
“No problem.”
“So how are you doing? It looks like you got a pretty big dose.”
“So I hear. It’s, uh…” I’m just trying not to masturbate right here on the couch. “…interesting.” She looked up at him. The two of them were sitting down, and the top of her head didn’t even reach his shoulder. His pants had long been discarded, and his underwear…
…Maria lost her train of thought. His underwear is about to burst. Jose hadn’t taken off his underwear, trying to keep some measure of decency, but it looked as though he wouldn’t be able to for much longer. His raging erection was straining the fabric of his briefs, and it was pulling them far away enough from his groin that the shaft of his dick was clearly visible. She couldn’t take her eyes off it. It looks almost as long as my forearm! “Uh… yeah… you too.”
“Me too what?”
“Uh… you look like you got a pretty big dose.”
“Hah! Yeah, I…”
“You’re huge.”
He looked down at her and saw that she wasn’t looking at his face. “Why thank you.”
“Can I… Can you take it out?”
He smiled down at her and, with his massive hand, pulled the elastic over the head of his cock. It sprang free with almost visible relief, and pointed up towards the ceiling.
Oh my God… I was wrong. It’s longer than my forearm. She held out her arm to compare them, and sure enough, if she touched her elbow to his groin, the head of his penis fit nicely into her palm. At least… it is now. If I keep shrinking, and if he keeps growing… All thoughts of Peter vanished from her head as she began to stroke the monstrous shaft in front of her. Jose leaned his head back against the wall and groaned in pleasure.

Peter, meanwhile, was having the strangest sex of her life. Anna was down on his knees, licking Peter’s pussy while Peter held the back of his head and pushed him into her. This is so strange… it feels like the pleasure isn’t coming from any particular point inside my body… it’s just all over! Anna eventually pulled away, licking his lips. He stood up, and Peter saw that he was even shorter than before. There was now clearly a few inches’ difference between them. Anna now was staring at Peter’s chest and bent down to lick her left nipple. “Oooh!” She couldn’t help but let it out. “That feels so… my God! It feels like my whole body is getting turned on!” He smiled up at her and kneaded her breasts slowly, carefully. They were still a little small and firm, maybe A-cups, but they were clearly growing. Peter stepped away from Anna and whispered, “Hang on… hang on. I’m still… getting used to this. It’s just so strange.”
“That’s fine.”
She looked at Anna and hadn’t realised until now just how much he had changed. There, before her, was a beautiful Chinese man, toned, with long black hair, standing naked and erect. She eyed Anna’s new dick with lust. “But I can pay you back, I think.” She grinned. She lay down on the cold kitchen floor and curled her finger towards herself. “Come here and lie on top of me.” Anna almost jumped forward as he placed his feet on either side of her body, and placed his hands on the floor behind her head so that his cock was hanging down directly on top of his face. She took it in her mouth and sucked it hungrily, squeezing his butt with her hands. Anna cried out in amazement and ecstasy as he received his first-ever blowjob. He didn’t notice how he had to keep moving his hands to accommodate his shrinking body and keep his dick in position. She moved one hand underneath his body and started cradling his balls, fondling them as she sucked and bringing him closer to orgasm.
When she pulled her mouth away from his groin, he protested. “Hey! Why’d you stop?” Then he got a good look at Peter, seemingly for the first time. Sitting on the floor in front of him was a gorgeous woman with short blonde hair and perky, beautiful breasts. Without an ounce of extra fat on her build, she looked like an athlete. Also the fact that she was now very obviously taller than he was made her a sight to behold.
“Well,” she said, winking, “something you might not realise is that you might not be able to cum more than once in an evening anymore. Don’t spoil it too early. Now what do you say we get back to the main party?” She looked at the door and gasped- the doorknob was now over her head level. She looked back at him. “How short are we?”

Victoria giggled as she walked into Clyde’s bedroom. She had to duck slightly to avoid banging her head on the top of the doorframe. “Clyde, dear, do me a favour and help me out of these pants.”
Clyde walked toward her and began pulling her pants down to her feet, and was surprised at how much effort he had to exert. Victoria stepped out of them lightly and then stood right up against her to see how tall she was becoming. The top of Clyde’s head came up to her collarbone. “Hasn’t your mother ever told you not to wear clothes that are too small?”
“Mmm, it seemed to fit fine before. How about my shirt?”
Clyde pulled them up over her breasts, but stopped when she realised she actually wasn’t tall – or strong – enough anymore to pull it over her head. “Um, you might need to take care of that one yourself.” Victoria’s lucky she isn’t wearing a bra, or else she’d be in a lot of pain.
Victoria snorted in mock indignation. “Women!” And, with some difficulty, she pulled it over her own head, banging her elbows on the ceiling and stretching the neck hole. She threw it on the floor, grinned and looked down, drinking in the sight of this tiny, tiny person groping her breasts- especially someone who used to be so much taller. She moaned as she felt herself climb up several more inches in another spurt, and she felt her head brush the ceiling. Clyde shuddered as she dropped down at the same time- the biggest drop she’d felt that evening. She looked around her at the room as she watched everything growing bigger, and then looked back at the giant beauty before her. The top of Clyde’s head now only reached Victoria’s stomach, and she leaned forward to kiss Victoria’s flat pussy.
Victoria pushed Clyde – hard – onto the bed. She fell backwards and sat up, surprised at how much force this formerly average girl had managed, with no effort on her part. Victoria crawled toward her and lifted her shirt off of her with total ease. Clyde’s fat breasts swayed and jiggled, and her nipples were rock hard.
“You have beautiful tits. I bet they taste even better than they look.” And she took her nipple into her mouth, biting them ever so slightly, putting just enough pressure on them so that it wouldn’t be painful. Clyde yelped in surprise and pleasure, and fell back down backwards onto the bed. She felt the sheets underneath her move ever so slightly as she shifted again and shrank a couple more inches. Victoria opened her mouth wide and took her entire left breast into her mouth, sucking it with enough force to make Clyde gasp. She released her hold on her breast and backed up, placing her face between Clyde’s thighs, and stuck her tongue down her pussy, flicking it expertly along the walls of her vagina. Clyde was totally helpless; she had never felt anything like this before. She yelled gibberish words, amazed at this enormous tongue snaking its way inside her.

Jose was starting to feel constricted in his shirt. “Maria,” he said. She stopped rubbing his gigantic shaft and looked up at him. “Hang on. I need to take this off.” He stood up slowly, and when he lifted his arms to pull it off, his elbows banged against the ceiling. “Oops.” He leaned forward and pulled it off in front of him, but when he straightened up, the back of his head struck the ceiling. “Fuck!”
Maria was in awe. There was a completely naked giant standing in front of her, and though she was standing up straight, on the couch, her face didn’t even come up to his stomach. In fact, pointing right at her, seeming to block out all other parts of her vision, was his enormous prick.
“I need to sit down again,” he laughed. She started to move toward his crotch again, but he picked her up in both hands.
“H-hey!” she yelled. “What are you doing?”
He didn’t answer. Instead, he just grinned at her, and lifted her up effortlessly to his face where he stuck his enormous tongue directly between her legs.
Ohhhh!” she cried out, strangely quietly, as this huge, wet, clumsy organ wound its way around her thighs, across her ass, and on her belly. He tipped her backwards and she didn’t put up any resistance as he held her up in front of her face and placed her legs on either side of his head and began to suck on her pussy. Her dress was comically large, so he pulled lightly and it fell to the ground. She didn’t even notice, as the feelings emanating from her crotch were rendering her almost insensate with arousal. She wouldn’t have noticed a bomb going off. The more he sucked on her, the smaller she got, and the more powerful the feelings became. She slowly spread her legs wider and wider to accommodate his growing face, until she finally came in an orgasmic explosion, shouting loud enough for Jose to hear, but no one outside the room. She fell back into the palm of his hand and exhaled as he pulled her away. She grinned, blinked, and looked around—and the room was enormous. She looked in shock at the enormous grinning face in front of her. He let her down slowly, and he leaned back, his shoulders resting on one of the couch’s arms and his calved resting on the opposite arm. She lay on his belly, facing him. She almost was afraid to look behind her, but when she did, she saw the most beautiful sight in the world.
His penis came up to her chin.
She approached it and hugged it, provoking a groan from Jose. She tightened her arms around it and wrapped her legs around it, hanging on as it swayed back and forth. Eventually, her weight brought it down, and her back rested against his belly. She squirmed and wriggled against it, loving the feeling of this enormous—and still growing dick pressed against her entire body! She licked his head all around and ground her crotch against it, loving the feeling of his thick, pulsing veins against her skin.

Peter tried turning the doorknob, but couldn’t. She could reach it; it wasn’t too far above her head that she couldn’t touch it, but it was too big and heavy for her to do from this angle. Anna, at this point, only came up to her breasts, so he couldn’t even touch it. “As pleased as I am to finally be taller than you,” she said, “at a time like this I’d appreciate your extra height.”
“So what do we do?”
She walked over to the kitchen table and started pulling a chair over to the door. “Here, help me push this chair.” Anna followed her and grabbed the other leg, but even with the two of them, the wooden chair was far too heavy.
“Is this thing bolted to the floor, or what?”
“Okay. Um…” Peter looked back at the door. She didn’t know if she was starting to get paranoid or if this was true, but the doorknob seemed even higher than it had a moment before. “Oh, shit.” She crouched down and faced away from Anna. Okay, climb on my back.”
“You need to turn it, and you can’t do it from below.”
“I can’t turn it!”
“Do you want to try carrying me?”
“Good point.” He stepped up behind her and scrambled up on her shoulders. She stood up slowly, but Anna weighed less than she had feared. “Okay. This isn’t so bad. Let’s give it a go.” She moved forward until Anna could touch the doorknob.
This thing is just as wide across as I am, he thought. He wrapped his arms around it, pressed his chest against it, and tried turning his whole body using Peter as leverage. “I think it’s working! I can feel… wo-o-a-a-ah!” He suddenly started hanging on to the knob for dear life as the door swung open and he was no longer standing on Peter’s shoulders. “Hey! A little help here!” He slipped and was now hanging off it, but the drop to the ground still looked pretty daunting. Peter came up behind him and stood under him again.
“Here you go. Just get on my back again.” Anna carefully placed his weight on Peter’s back, and let go of the knob when he felt he was secure. They teetered and almost fell, but Peter managed to catch her balance and put Anna down. Out of breath on the floor, they started laughing. “Okay. Let’s go see what everyone else is up to.”
They stepped out of the kitchen and could hear squealing and moaning coming from the bedroom. Anna tapped Peter’s shoulder and motioned toward that room, but as they turned in that direction, Peter suddenly heard a very familiar voice coming from the living room. “Oh, shit! Maria!” She ran off, and Anna continued on to the bedroom.

Last edited by Eelskin; 03-31-2009 at 10:55 AM.
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