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Unread 03-31-2009   #6
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 115
Story: The Party, part 3 (SW, SM, GTS, GT, TG, 18+)

The Party, part 4

Victoria lay on her back, with her head against the wall and her ass on the opposite edge of the bed. With her arms she was gripping the mattress, and she was staring up at the ceiling. Clyde was kneeling on the floor by the foot of the bed, licking her out.
“Oh… it’s so little… it’s aaahhh.. it’s such a little tongue…”
Clyde hit a sensitive spot, and Victoria bucked her hips off the bed, bringing her crotch well out of her reach. She stood up to follow it, grabbed her waist, held herself in place, and continued licking, while standing upright. After about half a minute, however, she began to notice it was even harder to reach her pussy than before.
“Wha… why’d you stop?”
“Are you doing that on purpose?”
“Doing… what?”
“Lifting yourself too high. I can’t reach.”
Victoria slowly lowered her hips and realised that Clyde had actually become too short to reach her pussy! Victoria looked past her, though, at the bedroom door. Pushing the door open, with great difficulty, was the smallest person she had ever seen. A tiny, tiny Chinese man was making his way in. Clyde may not have been able to reach her pussy, but she doubted that this one would be able to reach her knee.
Clyde followed her gaze behind her and gaped. “Anna? Is that you?”
Anna grinned as he pushed the door shut. “Yep. You guys got room for one more?”
“I think we can make room,” Victoria said. “Come here.”
Anna walked over to the bed slowly, taking the room in. The bed was taller than he was, and he started to climb up the side, when an enormous hand closed around his waist. “H-hey!”
Victoria lifted him into the air and held him above her face. “You… are… so tiny.”
“I may be small, bu-u-u-ah!” Anna started to protest, but Victoria placed her lips around his dick and began to suck. Anna’s prick was smaller than her little finger, but she had a good grip on it and Anna was unable to speak for the feelings he was experiencing. Almost as soon as it began, though, she popped him out. “Hey! How come no one here will finish me off?”
“Soon. First, I want you inside of me.” She grinned and placed him on her chest. “As much of you as will fit. As for you, Clyde, come here and sit on my face.” At that, both the shrunken lovers ran excitedly to where this giantess was directing them. Clyde got there first, placing her feet in either side of Victoria’s head and gently lowering herself down, propping herself up with her hands on the wall behind Victoria’s head. Victoria began to lick, now quickly, now slowly, now using her whole mouth, now just the tip of her tongue. It was all Clyde could do to stay upright.
Anna, however, was having trouble. He had walked down Victoria’s chest and stomach carefully, take care not to fall, but once he got to her crotch, he saw that her ass was extended over the foot of the bed. What do I do now? He wondered. He tried lying on his stomach and reaching in with his arm. He rubbed her clitoris and kissed it gently, but that only provoked Victoria to yell, “Come on now! You can do better than that!” Shit, he thought. Alright, let’s try… this. Slowly, carefully, he grabbed hold of her pubic hair and tugged. No response. He pulled harder. Still no response. He gave it a yank. Nothing. Good. Hanging on to her hair to keep from falling, he slowly turned to face Victoria’s face and moved his feet backward until they were no longer resting on her crotch, but pressed against her pussy. He felt around her vagina with his feet until he found no resistance. Here goes… He held on to her hair and swung his legs inside her as quickly as he could…
And suddenly he was up in the air as Victoria’s hips bucked again and she let out a shriek of ecstasy.
Oh, yeah. That’s what I want. Keep doing that!”
Anna was inserted into her pussy up to his waist, but her waist was way up off the bed. His knuckles turned white as he gripped her pubic hair, and he started squirming his legs about inside of her.
Clyde, meanwhile, was experiencing his first ever orgasm as a woman. Victoria’s tongue, teeth and lips were rubbing and sucking her in all of the right ways, her thighs, pussy, and ass, and she came with a shriek, dripping her juices into Victoria’s mouth. Victoria swallowed them eagerly.

Peter walked cautiously toward the living room, and stood in the doorway. The only thing she could see from this angle was an enormous pair of feet sticking over the side of the couch. She could hear Jose moaning, and, much more quietly, if she listened carefully, she was sure she could hear Maria’s voice squealing alongside him! She ran over to the side of the couch and saw that there was no way she could get up there with Jose’s massive body hanging over the side. She climbed up on the table instead, and froze when she saw Jose’s head extending all the way to the wall. There’s no way he can stand up in this room. “Hey!” she shouted. They both looked up and stopped moving.
Jose started stammering. “Hey there, uh, ah…”
“It’s Peter!”
“Pete? Really? Holy shit, you look good.”
“Yeah, you’re not looking so bad yourself.”
Maria felt herself shrink a bit more, both physically and from embarrassment. “Peter, I… I’m sorry… I…”
Peter motioned for Jose to help him over, and Jose extended his arm, opened one gigantic hand, closed it around Peter’s midsection, and carried her effortlessly over the gap, placing her gently on his chest. Maria stood up and Peter was shocked to find that she didn’t even reach her waist. I thought I was small! “Maria…”
“I’m so sorry… I don’t know what came over me… I…”
“Maria, it’s okay. It’s the drugs. It’s the combination of all the drugs we’ve taken. You should see the other rooms, everyone’s having sex here. It looks like you’re, uh, in a unique situation, though…”
“I feel so horrible…”
“Hey…” and Peter crouched down and hugged her, taking great care not to squeeze her too hard. “Hey, it’s okay. I love you. Tonight is just for fun.”
They sat on Jose’s belly, looking over each others’ bodies.
“Hey… Peter?”
“You’re really sexy.”
“Heh. You’re really sexy too.”
Maria leaned over and kissed her on the mouth. Peter leaned back and kissed her as well. She accidentally pushed her a bit too strongly, though, and Maria fell backward against Jose’s thigh. Peter crawled toward her on all fours, and started licking her breasts gently, making her way south.
Jose He reached over and grabbed a beer from the table, and drained the entire thing- barely a mouthful. He put his hands behind his head and watched the two shrunken lovers have sex on his belly. When he rested his head back, though, he struck the wall with more force than he expected. Ouch! Then something else occurred to him. Wait a minute… am I still growing? He looked down at his belly again, and he could see Peter’s backside pointed directly at his face. Oh, but… this is just too good to give up. He moved his hand behind her and started stroking her back. He then extended his pinky finger and slowly started pressing it against Peter’s pussy, penetrating her from behind.
Peter cried out in pain and intense sexual pleasure. Jose’s other hand was around her waist, holding her in place, and his pinky started moving back and forth, in and out, deeper and deeper. Peter resumed licking Maria, who was getting a show of her own, watching her boyfriend, as a woman, getting a pinky bigger than any dick up her pussy from behind. It didn’t take long for Peter to cum. She scratched at Jose’s skin and wailed in a haze of euphoria as his finger struck the perfect spot, over and over and over. She eventually collapsed on his belly and rested. “That… was… incredible.”
Maria looked up at the enormous cock, jutting into the air right next to the both of them. She walked up to it and put her arms around it- she had shrunk enough that it was now almost twice as tall as she was! She couldn’t put her arms all the way around it, but she tried. Jose laid his giant hand next to her, palm up, and she climbed in. He lifted her straight up until she was level with the head of his dick, where she climbed out and wrapped her legs around it to keep her balance. There she again started grinding against him, twisting this way and that, bringing him off.
Peter looked up at her girlfriend riding this enormous cock in front of her, and she got up. When she stood up fully, Jose’s dick came up to her breasts, and her face was right in front of Maria. She smirked, and sat back down at the base of his shaft, wrapped her legs around it, and began to squeeze, pressing her whole body against it. She licked the enormous pole of skin in front of her, feeling the contours of his veins and pulling on his loose skin.
Jose was in bliss. Looking down at these two tiny women rocking his dick was too much for him to take. He jerked his head back, hitting the wall again, and murmured, “Oh, that’s… Oh, I’m gonna… Oh, that’s it.”
Peter, smirking, worked Jose’s rod even harder.
Maria stopped moving and looked up. “Hey, wai—”
It was too late. His cock flexed and stiffened and a stream of hot jizz shot out of him, completely covering Maria’s body from below.
“Augh!” She had to lean forward over his head to keep from falling off, as he continued to pump semen out onto her belly. Big, thick drops fell down onto Peter’s head, who opened her mouth to catch some.
After what seemed like an eternity, the cum stopped flowing, and Jose held out his hand to the now very sticky Maria. She got on, and he lowered her back down to Peter, grinning ear-to-ear and sitting propped up against Jose’s thigh.
“I hope you enjoyed that!” Maria yelled.
“Um… yeah, I did.” And she laughed.

Last edited by Eelskin; 03-31-2009 at 01:43 PM.
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