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Unread 03-31-2009   #17
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Re: A Costume Party

Actually, I rather liked the ending.

(spoiler alert)

The story had a regular story arc - problem exists, characters run around trying to fix it, find solution, and problem is fixed. The costumes didn't take over the world, and the good guys won. The bit at the dance was a nice way to wrap things up. Unnecessary - anything after the ball was prevented from shattering was unnecessary - but nice.

My own complaint is that I fail to understand, and it's never adequately explained, how costumes ambushing people and turning them into new selves is supposed to doom the entire world. Make chaos, yes. Be a good joke, yes. But bring on Ragnarok? I don't see it. I also don't entirely like how the solution was found rather quickly and by a minor character instead of one of the mains. To my mind, the story would have been better if they'd managed to drag Ron down to the shop with them, making him a main, and of course we know what costume he'd pick, but perhaps he's not quite so big a fan as in this version and it takes some brainstorming or an offhand comment for him to recall what that character could DO.

But on the whole the story was pretty darned good.
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