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Unread 05-20-2006   #82
Posts: n/a
There are other recorded instances of women becoming men. Basically, what happens is that they are born male, but with the outward appearance of being female, at some point something triggers either a hormonal boost or some sort of physical trauma that uncovers the truth. It mostly happens either in countries where access to medical equipment is scarce or non-existent. It has happened before. For a man to become a woman (at least in regards to genitals) without surgery is not possible as far as I know. I really wish I knew the specifics of how it happens, years ago I read of something similiar happening to a girl who suffered some trauma in a minor accident. What supposedly happened from that was that apparently "her" male genitalia were inside of her and and the accident allowed for them to drop. This was in a book on human sexuality I read years ago, I wish I remembered the specifics, but from what the book said "she" went on to become a family man and had kids. I believe this happened in Ireland, might be wrong though.
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