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Unread 05-11-2009   #9
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Part 3

Sorry for the delay, Here's Part 3 of my story, it contains both SW and SM/GTS at opposite ends of the chapter with a nice slowly shrinking stretch in the middle. While I was a bit skeptical about this part because of the fact that the SW was the main focus of the last chapter and the SW was to be the focus of this one, but seeing how there are in fact a few SM fans here, I feel better knowing that this story can be enjoyed by all shrinking fans.

I am a bit dissapointed that no one wants to draw any scenes or comics from this story, but then again, it doesn't hurt to dream once and a while.

As always, enjoy and feel free to give me some feedback XD

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The 10:23 to Micronia
Part 3

Yuji made his way up to the top level above the atrium; as he slowly rounded the corner, he saw a pair of three foot tall men armed with spears guarding an entrance leading into the spire at the top of the structure. ?Small or not? he thought to himself, ?getting past them won?t be easy?; he then suddenly heard footsteps coming down the hall and quickly darted into a nearby doorway and hid behind the curtain. After the footsteps faded off, Yuji breathed a sigh of relief only to turn around and see Mina standing in front of him, of all places; he ended up in her chamber. ?Well hello? Mina said to him, ?uh? hi? Yuji said back nervously; ?It would seem that you have more questions? ?uh? yes? yes I do? Yuji said as he entered the room. ?Very well? she said sitting down on a cushion at a small table on the floor and giving him an inviting gesture towards the seat across. Yuji sat down, ?so? Mina said, ?what is it you wish to know?? ?Well? Yuji said to her, ?first of all, we are very grateful for your hospitality and this is truly an? interesting place to say the least. But you can?t blame me for being a bit skeptical about this paradise of yours? ?it?s understandable? Mina said, ?even I was in disbelief when I first came to Micronia, and now here I am, a part of it?s grand legacy.? ?You mentioned a strange stone earlier? ?Yes? Mina said, ? the stone the tribe discovered was carved into an idol to represent the fertility goddess they thought sent it to them?. ?And where is this Idol?? he asked, ?it?s is in the citadel located at the top of this structure, however only myself and Carthus are privileged with access.?

?Interesting? Yuji said, ?indeed? Mina replied as she stood up and walked over to her mantel and retrieved a small box; ?while not able to stand in the idol?s presence, everyone in Micronia may freely share in its powers? she then sat back down across from Yuji and opened the box. Yuji watched as she removed a small stone and placed it upon the table in front of him; ?What is it?? he asked as he picked it up and held it in his hand, ?a fragment of the stone; when the tribe?s people carved the stone, there were numerous pieces that still held its power?. As Yuji gazed upon the stone it began to start glowing, he then began to feel a slight tingling sensation running from his hand, through his body and into his crotch, he looked across the table at Mina and found his eyes scanning up and down her body. The longer he stared the more profound and captivating every curve of her body seemed to him, Mina too was beginning to stare at him in a flirtatious manner. ?What? power?? he said, trying to maintain focus as he began to experience the same feeling from the hallway. ?Well? Mina said with a suddenly sly tone, ?it provides? a little boost to the body?s natural desires?. Mina then uncrossed her legs and began to slide her bare foot up Yuji?s thigh and gently press it into is crotch, a sudden wave of energy shot through his body as he felt the soft warm sole of Mina?s foot through his loincloth slowly brushing up and down his now erect penis. Yuji began to feel the floor moving beneath him, the fabric of his loincloth seemed looser as Mina?s foot (now suddenly almost covering half his pelvic region) continued moving it around his crotch. He gathered his thoughts long enough to see that the table?s edge was now at eye level and Mina was now looking down at him, he had begun to shrink again.

Before he could utter a word, another pulse of energy hit his body and set him laying back on the floor; Mina withdrew her foot and stood up and walked over to Yuji, now a mere three feet tall. Yuji was shocked at what he was feeling and seeing; he tried to slide back away from Mina as she approached, but she then stepped down on to the trailing edge of his now oversized loincloth between his legs. Mina looked down on the now shrunken boy before her, seeing the distinct cloth peak that covered Yuji?s crotch and slowly slid her other foot on top of it, again Mina touch sent jolts of orgasmic bliss through his body, even further reducing him in size. Yuji had completely lost himself in the experience and could only stare blissfully back up at Mina, she then stepped back off of him and looked at Yuji? now two foot tall body, ?well aren?t you just cute?, she said giggling down at him, ?you?re like a little child? she said as she began to slide her tunic off her shoulders, revealing her breasts to Yuji, who began to feel almost hypnotized. ?Yes? she said as she knelt down and placed her hands under Yuji?s arms and lifted up into the air, his loincloth completely slipping off, ?a hungry little child?. Mina then thrust Yuji?s little face into her warm soft breasts, his shrunken naked body pressing against her stomach. Mesmerized, he began grabbing at her breasts in attempt to climb higher, his legs searching for footing in the folds of Mina tunic only to push it down further until it completely slid down off her nude figure.

?Well, aren?t we a little anxious? she said as she lifted him further up her breasts, Yuji then embraced her now Giant nipple and began sucking on it and finally reached down and began to pleasure himself, shrinking even further. Mina was in a state of bliss and reached down and began to massage her wet pussy while the shrinking boy remained on her breasts, now less then two feet tall. Mina?s nipple was now too big for Yuji mouth and he had simply began kissing and licking it; she then lifted him up and away from her breasts, Yuji?s face filled with desire, ?was that good for you?? she said brining him up eye level with her, his erect penis hanging in front of her, ?cause now, it?s my turn?. With that she cradled Yuji?s shrunken penis in her tongue and slid it deep between her lips, Yuji embraced Mina?s Face as he continued to shrink with the pleasurable sensations coursing though their bodies. The mounting pleasure finally reached its climax and Yuji came in Mina?s mouth, an almost un-noticeable spurt, but enough to push Mina over the edge as she too felt the final explosion of pleasure within her body, leaving the two of them in a state of relaxing bliss.

Mina then removed the now six inch tall Yuji from her face and saw that he had lost consciousness, she put her tunic back on and then wrapped Yuji in his massive loincloth and carried him out of the room. She entered Yuji and Kaori?s room and saw the shrunken Kaori lying asleep on the bed and placed Yuji down next to her and quietly left. As Mina rounded the corner, Carthus was waiting, ?I see you were successful as well? she said to him, ?yes indeed? he replied, ?if things continue as they are, I think these two will make a fine addition to Micronia?. ?I agree? she said then grabbing his vest and pulling him close, ?now that our tasks are complete, how about a little one on one? ?I thought you?d never ask? he said as they began making out as they made their way back up to their room, leaving the shrunken couple still asleep?

Yuji slowly opened his eyes as he awoke to see the light of the rising sun peering through the silk curtains of the balcony and looked around realized that he was back in the room; he was relieved to see by the size of the room that he was no longer shrunk. He then felt something large, warm, and soft pressing against him and looked down to see Kaori lying next to him with her face buried in his chest and her arms wrapped around him and he could not help but smile; his smile however soon turned to a pale white face of shock when he realized that the two of them were completely naked. Yuji then slowly began to slip his way out of Kaori?s arms without waking her, but soon discovered his left arm was pinned beneath her. As he began to pull himself free, Kaori began to shift position and make faint moaning noises, forcing Yuji to freeze up with his hand almost free; when Kaori was again at rest, Yuji slid his hand out from under her and breathed a sigh of relief. Kaori then suddenly rolled back towards him and cuddled up with his body as if it were a pillow, her left arm and leg draping over him. Kaori then began to wake up and opened her eyes to see Yuji?s face directly in front of hers; she then simply stared at him for a few seconds before her eyes began to widen slightly, she then looked down to see their nude bodies intertwined, causing her eyes to widen even further. ?Uh?hi? Yuji said nervously, ?I can explain-? Kaori screamed and pushed Yuji away, causing him to fall right off the edge of the bed.

?What the hell were you doing!? Kaori yelled as she wrapped herself in a blanket, ?Nothing I swear,? Yuji said, ?I woke up like this the same as you. The last thing I remember was looking around?. And running into Mina? and I think she and I?? ?You did what with her?? ?I couldn?t help it, it was like something had power over my body? ?oh yeah right? ?oh yeah,? Yuji said back, ?what about you and that guy Carthus? ?wait, how did you know about that? ?I didn?t, that was just a lucky guess? ?dammit!? Kaori yelled as she jumped up off the bed and picked up her clothes, grabbing and throwing Yuji?s loincloth in his face. ?I don?t see what you have to be so mad about? he said as he dressed himself, ?you jealous?? ?Jealous, ha!? Kaori yelled back as she slipped her tunic back on behind a pillar; she then came out from behind the pillar and walked towards him ?What could I possibly be jealous about-? Kaori suddenly tripped on the bottom of her tunic and stumbled forward towards Yuji, he was able to grab her before she knocked them both down and helped her steady herself leaving the two of them staring at each other in silence once again. ?You alright?? he asked? yeah I?m fine? Kaori said back as she looked down to see that the top of her tunic had sagged down, exposing one of her breasts, and the bottom was dragging on the floor. She was then shocked to see that Yuji?s loincloth had slipped off and had pooled at his ankles; they appeared to be a few inches shorter than they were originally. ?Wha- what?s this? she asked, ?Our clothes are now bigger than before? ?maybe we didn?t grow back all the way?? Yuji said. ?Yuji, what?s happening to us?? Kaori asked in fear, ?I don?t know? he said, ?well, good morning? a familiar voice sounded behind them, they looked to see Mina standing in the doorway.

?I trust you two had a good night?s sleep? she asked; Yuji and Kaori then looked at each other and realized that there where half naked and holding each other, they immediately separated and adjusted their clothes. ?Uh yes? yes we did? Yuji said nervously, ?Glad to hear it? Mina said to them, ?Carthus and I were about to go for a morning dip in the hot springs, would you two like to join us?? ?Yes, yes we would? Kaori then looked at him curiously, ?great? Mina said, ?we?ll meet you both in the atrium shortly. Oh, and I noticed your clothing seems a bit more roomy than before, I?ll arrange for some better fitting ones to be brought to you? ?oh, thank you? Kaori said to her? as Mina left the room. ?What are you doing?? Kaori asked Yuji, ?look, it?s pretty clear whatever?s happening, Mina and Carthus know about it, we need to find out whatever we can, so just play along? ?alright? she said, ?I just hope you know what you?re doing? ?so do I? he said as they left the room and made their way downstairs. At the ground floor, Mina and Carthus were waiting for them, ?good morning? Carthus said to them, especially eyeing Kaori, ?morning? she said back to him nervously, ?well, shall we? he said as they made their way out of the atrium and exited the rear of the structure.

Behind the structure was a small garden path that led down to a small lagoon below; Yuji and Kaori then beheld a massive outdoor bathing complex filled with numerous pools of various sized where numerous people had gathered. As they made their way into the complex, Kaori felt somewhat embarrassed with her loss in height now more obvious as she found herself now surrounded by taller people. She looked around to see many people eying her as she continued on, noticing her hands holding her oversized tunic up from the floor and her little feet swimming in her sandals. Yuji too noticed Kaori struggling and motioned himself closer; he then suddenly put his arm around behind her, Kaori was surprised at first and was about to protest, but then realized that Yuji?s hand was grabbing hold of the back of her tunic and was keeping it from sliding downward and exposing her bare bottom. She looked at him and cracked a small nervous smile and uttered a faint ?thank you? from her lips. They were unaware that at that very moment Mina was watching them out of the corner of her eye and she immediately turned and smiled at Carthus as they continued walking. They then finally reached the main bath, located at the complex?s center, which was a massive pool that connected to several smaller secluded ones; ?it?s beautiful? Kaori said, ?yes indeed? Carthus replied, ?I was told when those centurions found their way here in around 14A.D, they felt Micronia deserved a little piece of Roman culture, and we?ve all enjoyed it ever since?.

They soon reached one of the secluded pools, which was surrounded by numerous tropical plants and had several large stones in the steamy water that had been carved into seats; Mina and Carthus then disrobed in front of Yuji and Kaori and stepped into the pool. Mina gracefully swirled about in the water before finding her way into Carthus? arms and looking back at Yuji and Kaori, ?well, you coming or not??, Yuji and Kaori then looked at each other and let their already heavy oversized clothes slide off and joined Mina and Carthus in the pool. The heated water felt incredible as Kaori submerged her nude figure and seated herself on one of the stones next to them, this feels wonderful? she said, ?not even the best springs in all of Japan can compare to this? ?yes? Yuji replied ?it would seem that everything about this place absolutely? perfect? adding an optimistic yet suspicious tone to his voice. One of the smaller servant people, a three foot all girl, then entered and placed a basket with towels and washcloths beside them and left, again not saying a word; as Yuji grabbed the cloths and distributed them he asked, ?do they ever speak?? ?Never? Mina said, ?they seem to only exist to satisfy our needs, not much room for anything else?. Yuji then looked through the gap in the trees to see the small girl be approached by a large man and escorted into one of the other secluded pools; Yuji then stood up and wrapped his towel around his waist. ?Going somewhere?? Mina asked, ?oh, I?m just going to get a little air, this is just a little too much steam for me, I?ll be back in a minute or so? ?alright? mina said, ?hurry back?.

Yuji left the pool and walked around the edge of the main pool towards the secluded space where he saw the smaller girl enter, he then slipped around the side through the trees and peered through the leaves. Through the steam, Yuji could see the brown cloths of the servant girl on the floor near the pool?s edge; he then saw movement at the opposite end of the pool and saw what appeared to be the servant girl, now nearly half her size, naked, and bent over the edge of the pool with the larger man forcing himself into her. He could see her face with an expression of both pain and pleasure as he continued to thrust himself upon her over and over as she continued to shrink; when she then became too small for him to insert himself he lifted her up, laid himself back and placed her on his penis which she then wrapped herself around and began motioning herself up and down, brushing her tiny pussy up against his shaft, the man?s body dunking her in and out of the water again and again. Yuji couldn?t believe what he was seeing and could not help but become aroused by it. Finally the man came, his final thrust knocking the shrunken girl off of him and into the water, Yuji then watched as the tiny naked swimmer began to grow as she made her way back to the edge of the pool, by the time she stepped back out, she was her original three foot tall self. She slipped her cloths back on and left, Yuji then backed up away from the leaves and suddenly tripped back over a vine and fell through the cover of the pool next door and landed in the water.

He quickly stood up gasping for breath when he suddenly looked across from him and saw two women standing in the entrance, the very same women he saw in the corridor the night before, with their arms around each other and they had appeared to been making out, but now were simply staring at him in surprise. ?Uh? hi ladies? he said nervously, the two women continued to stare at him until one of them smiled, ?well, well? she said, ?it would seem that someone has gone and gotten himself lost, what do you think Aya?? the other women then smiled, ?it would appear so Mia, what do suppose we do with our new friend? Mia then looked back at Yuji, ?well, we mustn?t be rude? she said as she slid off her tunic, Aya removing hers as well, ?we should make our guest feel comfortable now shouldn?t we? ?yes? Aya said as they both stepped into the pool, ?yes we should?.

?Oh jeez? Yuji quietly said to himself as the two naked women motioned through the water towards him?

End of Part 3
After years of research and countless hours of labor, a lone scientist finally discovered the secret to a new generation Shrink Ray that had the ability to shrink clothes...

...Thank goodness I was able to silence him before he told anyone.
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