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Unread 06-25-2009   #1
Lurker/budding TG author
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Mizuho Kazami TG: The Wish (Complete)

Hello everyone!

Right now, I'm trying to make a new story. If anyone ever saw Please Teacher, then you may know that Mizuho Kazami is a humanoid alien...a hot female one at that. It's just a shame that there are not many TG stories involving her character yet. (For reference, check out the thumnail.)

However, I feel my ending is a little screwed up...I'm hoping I can get some advice to end it. So feel free to give comments.

For now, I'll just gradually place what I'm perhaps happy with so far.


The Wish- By apsm.

“Are you watching that anime stuff, again Harry?” flatly complained Jonathan.

“Yes,” Sighed his roommate taking a bite of pocky, as a cartoon was displayed on the television.

“Aren’t you getting a little old for that? No wonder you can’t keep a girlfriend.”

“Shut up, I just haven’t found the one.”

It was another typical night for these two. Both knew the same result would happen every time. Jonathan would tease about Harry’s immaturity; Harry would retaliate with said immaturity; a pointless quibble would follow and then both would let each other be.

“Sometimes I wish you grew up.” Jon just yawned before heading to his bed for the night, unaware of the tongue his otaku friend of ten years had just stuck out.

However, as he turned his attention back to the episode of Please teacher, Harry admitted that Jon was right. At twenty five and working at a library, he was lonely. He knew he had some nice qualities, but every girl he’d been with just didn’t seem to be compatible with his laid back otaku attitude. Watching his program, he mournfully groaned as he saw the beauty on his screen, lamenting how much of a lucky bastard Kei Kusanagi was for having a hot alien woman as his wife. Especially considering how kind and homely she appeared. There was no way he’d get anything like her.

His attention now on the night sky, and depression in his heart, he uttered a little wish.

“I wish to have a girlfriend like Mizuho Kazami.”

He then went to bed, knowing nothing of the sort would happen...or would it?


However, our victim for today will NOT be Harry. As night continued, the strange forces that be had heard the wish of desperation. These forces soon responded using the strange power of magic to conjure up a box of Pocky, which on consumption would change the victim into Mizuho. This box was then teleported to the table of an unlikely victim.

...Unlikely in the fact that he was a man.


In the room next to Harry, Jonathan was in his bed, making only slight whispered breaths as his mind was away on snack break in dream world. With handsome features and blonde hair, he was about to be in for a rude shock.


Slamming his arm onto his clock, Jonathan groggily rose out of bed. In the faint darkness, he gave a troubled yawn, knowing full well that another work day was ahead; one as a substitute teacher. Turning on the lamp he noticed a small, unopened red box.

“” he read the title, confused how the box even reached his side table drawer. He then recognized the box as snacks that his otaku roommate, Harry would usually eat. “Hmmphh,” he dismissed, “I’ve told him to clean up after himself.” However he couldn’t help but feel allured to open the box, like a voice was telling him that it was of the utmost importance.
“Please open.” A sweet whisper graced his tired ears.

Thinking he was hearing things he decided that the chocolate frosting from the sticks would give him a much needed sugar rush. Slowly he chewed on a couple before moving off his bed and yawning his way to the bathroom, oblivious to the chemical reaction his snack had somehow triggered.

Upon observing himself in the mirror to start shaving, he was puzzled to find that his stubble hadn’t grown a millimetre since eight hours before. If anything, there didn’t seem to be signs of hair no matter how he touched it.
“Hmph, saves more time.” He dismissed this slight oddity before switching to his next activity: his shower. He switched the water on, and hopped in while it was still tepid, not noticing the patches of body hair which washed away. Nor did he notice the bristles swirling down the plughole, as he hygienically lathered soap all over himself. However, seeing as he was preoccupied about his upcoming day, it was only fair that he would fail to notice such small details.

Feeling refreshed over his newly smoothened skin, Jonathan got dressed in his suit and tie without incident. He again looked at his reflection and thought that he could do with some make up, but shook this unorthodox thought before moving on with breakfast. Of course, he absently took the Pocky box with him, not thinking there was anything wrong with a snack.

After a quick meal of toast and coffee he bit on another pocky stick, relived to replenish his craving for something sweet. His sight did go blurry for a second, before a blink cleared them up revealing bigger pupils of indigo, where green once lay. An itch on his scalp also brought to his attention, as his hair crawled to his ears. It was then that he had a strange feeling to check on his roommate before he left. Tip toeing to Harry’s room, he observed him though the streak of light that failed to reveal the various anime paraphernalia that was littered throughout. He looked so...lonely, he thought, as strange forlornness overwhelmed him. Once more he shook it off though, remembering he had a job to go to.

“I’m just going now Harry-kun.” He gently whispered, as he closed the door.


“Hmm, my suit is a little loose.” He grumbled as he drove his sedan through the spatial traffic. Even though he had a start, he looked at his watch nervously, knowing he still had fifteen minutes. Things were made worse when he saw that the traffic were slowing down in front of him. He sighed in frustration, scratching at his nipples which had suddenly become itchy since he left the house. He thought it was strange that they felt a little puffier than usual, but again dismissed it.

“Boy, I must be out of shape.” He thought.

Worried that he could be late for the briefing, he nibbled on another stick between his slenderizing fingers, failing to notice the sudden growth of his fingernails. He looked himself in the rear view mirror and saw indigo eyes.
“Weren’t they green?” he blinked a few times, before coming to the conclusion that he was still tired. He also thought he might want a haircut, as his hair started to feel a little scruffy at the back.

Fortune managed to smile on him as an opening allowed off the freeway and he found a park with 5 minutes to spare. Taking the pocky with his suitcase he rushed off, ignoring the ‘thud’ sound of his car locking.

He made it just in time, to the glowering eyes and the giggles of his superiors. He gave out a flustered apology and sat down. As news and issues of the school week were discussed, Jonathan quietly nibbled on some more Pocky, keeping his ear for anything important. He shivered a little, oblivious that the stick had just withered his shoulders and arms to womanly proportions.

Afterwards, staff members went left and right as one superior with a kindly smile, but heavy moustache confronted him. “Jonathan,” he reminded him, “remember you’ve got Mary’s shift at ten...”

“Righto!” he remarked with fake cheer, finding his voice a little softer than usual. He coughed, trying to clear a lump that really wasn’t there as he collected his papers for the day. Another mention of his name interrupted him; the feminine quality of its voice prompted him to turn.

“Oh, good morning Hilary.” He smiled to the beautiful lady with the ponytail draped over her shoulder.

“How are you today?” She asked, trying to make small talk.

“Good, how about you.”

“Peachy.” She cheerfully replied, before her face studied his. “Say, is there something different about you?”

“What? Oh yes, my hair. Well I’ve noticed it has been a little shaggy.” He informed her, rubbing his scalp in the process.

However, Hilary still looked at him like she was searching for the hidden image in a magic eye picture “No, that’s not it...”

“What is it then?”

“Oh don’t worry,” she denied “It’s just me.” She then changed the subject to coffee. Five minutes later, and the two had planned a possible lunch break together. He was happy to hear this, as he’d been eying her for a few months, but never got beyond small talk. As he walked to his class for the day however, he glanced at his reflection in the glass door. He could’ve sworn that his eyes weren’t blue. His hair also appeared different, appearing to be longer than usual, like a mini mullet which crawled half way down his neck. If he had a proper mirror, he would’ve also noticed that hints of ginger brown were peaking through.

“I must be paranoid.” He shrugged, as he went to sort out his files for the day.

The ignorance of man had once again let magic off with nothing more than a parking ticket.

(More coming in the next post)
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-Male characters I like to see TG'd: Koizumi (Haruhi), Shinji (EVA), Keitaro (Love Hina), Satoshi (DNAngel)
-Female characters I'd like to be (Update): Rei (EVA), Ami and Haruka (Sailor Moon), Nene (BGC2040), Teletha (FMP), Haruhi and Mikuru(Haruhi Suzumiya), Yourichi and Rangiku (Bleach), Riza(FMA), Lenalee (D Gray Man), Ennis (Baccano).

Last edited by Apsm; 06-25-2009 at 01:33 AM.
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