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Unread 07-13-2009   #12
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Part 4

Well, after countless delays and my computer being anything less than a total piece of crap, I?ve finally completed Part 4 of my story. As always, I?ve tried to keep the SW and SM well balanced to appeal my small yet diverse audience, I hope you all like it, I should be starting Part 5 hopefully later this week and have it posted by the end of the month.

Thanks, and be sure to let me know what you think

Enjoy XD

The 10:23 to Micronia
Part 4

Not long after Yuji left, Carthus stood up, ?well if you ladies excuse me, I?ll leave you two to talk amongst yourselves?, he motioned over to Mina who then gave him a little kiss on the cheek before he left the bath. Mia then turned to Kaori, ?I?ll tell you,? she said?, when you do have eternity, you can indeed find the perfect man?; ?you really love each other don?t you?? Kaori said to her, ?oh yes; he is truly a wonderful man, and I must say a real tomcat in bed? but you already know about that?. Kaori was shocked and embarrassed, ?about that, I?? ?It?s quite alright? Mina said to her as she slid up beside her, ?In Micronia, love is unconditional, sex is merely an activity that is to be shared and enjoyed by all. And I must say that friend of yours isn?t too bad himself; he seems to have potential, but I think he?s saving it for someone special?, Kaori couldn?t believe what she was hearing. Mina then drew closer and slowly brushed her fingertip down the center of Kaori?s chest, ?so what about you?? she asked, her finger sliding beneath the water down Kaori?s stomach, her warm breasts pressing into her shoulder, ?are you saving yourself for someone special? she then whispered into her ear, sliding her hand beneath Kaori?s towel, ?or are you more of the adventurous type like me?? Kaori began to feel an increase in heat around her body as Mia?s fingertips found her vagina and began to gently stroke it; a familiar tingling sensation began to slowly coarse through her body.

As Mina began to further touch Kaori she grabbed her wrist with her free hand and pulled Kaori?s hand over to her and placed it upon her pelvis, overcome by the intense sensation, Kaori soon began to pleasure Mina in return. As Kaori continued to feel Mina?s soothing touch, she suddenly felt the warm surface of the water tough her chin; her legs swayed freely above the bottom of the pool as she remained perched upon the stone seat, she had begun to shrink. Despite her realization as to what was happening, she could not stop herself, she continued to allow Mina to continue stoking her, and she responded in kind. By now the water?s surface had begun to reach her nose and mouth; she tried to sit up, but the weight of the wet towels was too much for her now smaller frame and she quickly wiggled herself out of them and stood up on the stone, she was now eye level with Mina. She then turned and faced Kaori and pressed her pelvis against hers, Kaori planted her head into Mina?s breasts and began shifting her body up and down against Mina?s vagina, her own being stimulated to the touch. The once waist high water level was soon at Kaori?s chest as she continued to shrink as she pleasured Mia and herself, lost in the intense sensation they shared.

Kaori took a big breath as her head then slipped beneath the now wave like ripples in the water as Mina?s hand began to press her body further into her. As Kaori continued to feel the intense euphoria that had overcome her, she then saw that beneath the surface of the pool, were dozens of those strange stones embedded in the rocks and they were glowing. As she stared at the stones, she suddenly remembered that when she was with Carthus, the stones caused her to shrink and lose control of her body; she soon realized that Mina was causing the same thing to happen again, that her recent sexual experiences were being induced and manipulated. She quickly regained focus and stopped pleasuring herself and tried desperately to free herself from Mina?s hand; after a few good shoves, she squirmed her way out of Mina?s grip (who was so lost in the sensation, had not noticed she was gone). Kaori then swam for the surface and emerged gasping for breath on the opposite end of the pool, she looked back to see Mina still pleasuring herself, unaware of what had happened. She quickly climbed up the small waterfall leading to the main pool, still only a mere six inches tall; she slipped into the main pool and began to swim towards the direction she saw Yuji leave in.

As she continued along, she felt a massive force moving beneath her; before she could react, a giant man merged from the water like a massive submarine, the powerful current thrashing Kaori about. She desperately reached about for something to grab hold of in fear of drowning; she then felt a large object pass beside her and she wrapped her arms around it as she felt herself being pulled up from the water. Kaori opened her eyes and realized that she was now hanging from the man?s penis as he was stepping out of the pool; she then felt the massive cloth wall of a towel press upon her as the man wrapped himself. Kaori squirmed about as she tried to hold on, during which the man began to walk strangely and become disoriented as Kaori was unintentionally caressing him with her body. Finally, the man (in his disorientation) bumped into a woman emerging from one of the private areas, causing his towel to become undone and fall off with Kaori now trapped in its folds. The women and the man both looked down in surprise to see that he had a full erection, she then grabbed him and said ?I thought you never ask? as she pulled him into the private area, leaving Kaori struggling in the folds of the discarded towel.

Kaori then finally found her way out of the towel and realized she was again less than a foot tall now, she knew that she had to find Yuji quickly before anything else happened. Kaori continued along the path, carefully maneuvering through the forest of giant legs and trying desperately not to get stepped on. She then made her way over to the entrance to the private area that she thought she saw Yuji enter and slipped inside; as she ran along she noticed a discarded set of brown cloths near the edge of the pool. As she ran over the cloth, looking around for Yuji, a small hand suddenly emerged from under the folds and grabbed Kaori?s leg. Kaori shrieked as she fell forward into the cloth and quickly kicked her leg free of the mysterious person?s grip; she then watched as a small woman crawled out from the cloths and motioned towards her. She looked as Kaori with intense desire and lust in her eyes, almost as if it was all that guided her; Kaori scrambled to escape, but the women soon grabbed hold of her and forced herself on top of her. ?No, Stop? she yelled struggling to free herself, ?what?s wrong with you?? the women remained silent as she began feeling her hand around Kaori?s pelvis; Kaori knew she couldn?t afford to lose herself to her body?s desire?s again and quickly slid her fingers onto the woman?s vagina and began to pleasure her, the woman began to lessen her hold on Kaori as she slipped deeper into her state of bliss. Kaori then grabbed the woman?s wrist and placed her own hand over her vagina and the she then proceeded to pleasure herself, leaving Kaori to slip free of her grasp and slowly sneak away.

As Kaori made her way to the bushes, she looked back to see the shrunken women still laying on top of her clothes pleasuring herself, completely unaware that she was gone, ?what on earth is going on?? she said to herself as she slipped into the bushed into the pool next door. When she finally made it through, she looked up and saw too giant naked women sitting at the edge of the pool right in front of her; they were embracing one another and kissing passionately, as arousing a display it was to her, Kaori knew she had to resist the urge and continued to sneak past them. ?Oh I think our ?little? guest is really enjoying himself now, don?t you think Aya?? one of the women said to the other, ?indeed Mia, I think our friend is ?fitting in? nicely?. Kaori looked over and was shocked; there was Yuji, barely a foot tall himself, naked, and sandwiched between the two women?s massive breasts lost in the constant movement of the massive mounds of warm soft flesh that continuously caressed his entire body. ?Yuji!? Kaori yelled up at him, but he too was lost in a state of bliss he could not escape, Mia and Aya were too focused on their pleasure to notice Kaori as she quickly ran over to him and grabbed hold of his arm and tried desperately to pull him free. As Kaori began to slowly shift Yuji?s body towards the side, the mounting force of the two women?s giant wet breasts caused Yuji to pop right out from between them and smack right into Kaori and send them both tumbling into the bushes

Kaori soon regained her bearings and suddenly found that Yuji was lying on top of her, kissing her neck and grabbing at her breasts in a euphoric daze. ?What the hell are you doing?? Kaori yelled as she forced Yuji off of her and gave him a powerful smack across the face; Yuji fell back from her in an even greater daze before finally regaining focus. ?Uh? what happened?? he asked still confused holding the now red side of his face, ?of like you don?t know!? Kaori yelled back at him. Before she could scold him any further, she suddenly realized that she had also been seduced by her body?s desires and couldn?t control herself either, she looked around and found that they were no longer plagued with sexual desires and saw that they had begun to increase in size and slowly return to normal. ?Yuji? she said, ?I think I?ve figured it out, because our sense of pleasure is stronger here, we lose ourselves to it, and the more we lose ourselves to it, the more we shrink, and the more we shrink, the more intense the pleasure becomes? ?that would make sense? Yuji said, noticing that he was growing back as well, ?but why is it that only we shrink and not like Mina or Carthus?? ?I don?t know? she said, ? but I think we should find out before things get out of hand, come on? the two of them emerged from the bushes and made their way back out to the main pool. ?Ah there you are? Mina said as she and Carthus approached them, ?I trust you two have been enjoying yourselves? ?oh yes?indeed we have? Kaori said playfully wrapping herself around Yuji?s arm, ?yes, this place is quite interesting? Yuji added. ?We?re glad to hear it? Carthus said, handing them their clothes ?we took the liberty of finding something more your size, I hope that they are to your liking? ?Yes thank you? Kaori said as they took the clothes and quickly dressed themselves

The four of them soon left the Baths and made their way back to the main structure and re-entered the atrium; ?well? Mina said, ?I think I will return to my chamber and rest for a while, you are welcome to venture about the city if you like?. ?Thank you? Yuji said back to her, ?I think I will? Kaori then looked to Carthus and suddenly had an idea, ?Mr. Carthus?? she asked, ?I was wondering, I have a bit of a fascination in ancient cultures and such, I was wondering if I would be able to see this fertility idol of yours? ?well, Carthus said, unfortunately, access to the citadel is typically not for newcomers such as yourselves, but if I believe we can make some sort of exception? ?that would be wonderful? Kaori said to him in an almost flirtatious manner, ?I?ll be upstairs in our room later whenever you want to come by?. Yuji was looking at them in both a state of confusion as well as jealousy; Kaori then left Carthus? side and met Yuji at the top of the stairs, ?would you mind telling m what that was all about? he quietly demanded as they made their way into their room, ?look, if we?re going to find any answers, I think this idol of theirs would be a good place to start; and besides, it?s easy for a woman to seduce a man into giving her what she wants, you?ve made that perfectly clear?. ?Okay you have a point? Yuji said, ?but you forgot the part where the man?s counterattack is even greater, you could very well find yourself as the one seduced in the end, and we both know how that ends? ?look, I?m telling you, it?s our only option? she said, ?maybe, but it?s just too risky, I can?t let you just go alone, who knows how small you could get this time? ?I have to go alone, it?s not like you and come with me without anyone seeing you? Kaori suddenly stopped and began to smile, ?or is there??.

?Oh no? Yuji said, ?You can?t be serious?, ?what?? Kaori said, ?it would be the perfect way for you to look around while I keep him busy? ?and when I lose control and end up even shorter? ?that won?t happen? Kaori said, ?we were able to resist going all the way just now, you can do it again, you just need to pace yourself and try to make it last, isn?t that what all you men try to achieve anyway? Yuji felt somewhat embarrassed about the idea, but soon realized that it really was their only option, ?okay? he said, ?let?s do it? grabbing the small box containing the stone from earlier and retreating to a private area in the room, ?I?ll just need a minute or so? I still can?t believe I?m doing this? ?oh don?t be a baby? Kaori said back to him, ?just pretend it?s like any other time? ?okay? he answered back, ?but if there is a next time, it?ll be your turn?. A few minutes later, Carthus knocked on the doorway leading to Kaori and Yuji?s room; Kaori then emerged from behind the curtain, adjusting her tunic around her chest, ?well hello? he said to her, ?you ready?? offering his arm out to her ?oh yes? she said, wrapping her arm around his, ?lead the way?. The two of them made their way up to the top of the structure and approached the doorway Yuji saw earlier with the guards, the two small men stepped aside as Carthus and Kaori entered the citadel and slowly made their way up to the top of the spire. ?Amazing? she said as she admired the elegant architecture and colorful mosaic patterns that lined the walls, ?It?s beautiful? ?yes indeed? Carthus responded, ?what you see here is the oldest part of Micronia, centuries upon centuries old, and yet seems completely untouched by time?. Carthus then looked over to Kaori to see that she seemed slightly tense and was breathing somewhat heavily, ?are you alright?? he asked, ?Oh I?m just fine? she said, ?I guess I?m just a little excited, this is all so incredible?.

Yuji was trying desperately to hold himself in place as the massive suffocating wall of cloth pressed against his front, and the warm soft essence of Kaori?s breasts pressed against his back. He slowly pulled himself up to peak his head out from behind the top of Kaori?s tunic and saw that she and Carthus had reached the top of the steps and were entering the main chamber where the idol should be; with the soft silk of Kaori?s tunic brushing the tip of his erect penis with every step, Yuji was having a harder time resisting, knowing that he needed his hands to hold himself up. Yuji?s squirming around was very helpful to Kaori either, feeling the tiny naked body wiggle between her breasts was triggering some of her own unwanted desires as well. Kaori and Carthus rounded the last corner and Kaori was amazed at the site before her; the idol was carved into the shape of a woman, almost resembling an ancient Greek goddess numerous symbols (similar to those found on the stones) covered her body and were emitting a faint yet eerie glow. ?Miss Kaori? Carthus said, ?allow me to present the source of all power in Micronia, Saiko the goddess of pleasure? ?amazing? said Kaori, Yuji too was captivated at the site of the idol, as he continued to gaze into the glow of the symbols, he felt his urges increasing even more, he simply couldn?t resist for much longer. Kaori was also beginning to feel a great energy within her body, as if being closer to the idol amplified, and Yuji continuing to squirm around in her chest was not helping.

Yuji could not hold back any longer and let go of Kaori?s tunic with his hand and began to enact on his desires, the grip of his other hand slowly failing. As Yuji began to move about between her breasts even more, Kaori began to feel a familiar and now dreaded tingling sensation coarse through her body, she already began to feel her tunic sliding down her shoulder, her sandals were now loose and the bottom of her tunic was dragging on the floor, making it difficult for her to walk. Yuji couldn?t hold on any longer and the silk cloth of Kaori?s tunic slipped from his hand, sending him sliding down Kaori?s body, he soon realized what was happening and quickly tried to grab hold of Kaori?s tunic again to slow his decent. By the time he achieved a good grip again, he found himself pressed against Kaori?s pelvis and brushing up against her vagina. The sudden feel of Yuji?s body against her caused Kaori to stumble out of her sandals and plant her face right into Carthus? chest, the sudden loss of height then caused her tunic to completely slide off her body (taking Yuji with it) and leaving her standing stark naked at nearly half her size with her arms around Carthus. Yuji?s fall was enough to break him from his daze and regain focus; he emerged from the folds of Kaori?s tunic and saw that it was his chance to get away and ran around behind the idol.

Kaori remained frozen in place as she and Carthus stared at one another for a moment, she then noticed the shrunken Yuji run behind the idol and knew she had very little time; she looked back up at Carthus and smiled, slowly pulling down his loincloth and exposing his penis to her. She then knelt down and gently placed it into her mouth, as she began to pleasure Carthus, she forced her hands around his waist in fear of giving in to the intense need of pleasuring herself as well and losing control. Yuji looked on and couldn?t believe his eyes and forced to turn away before his urges overwhelmed him; he then looked to see a series of carvings were behind the idol?s base. Despite not being such an ancient culture buff like Kaori, he still remembered some of Mr. Oda?s teaching and quickly tried to translate the inscriptions. After a few moments of reading the carvings, he suddenly exploded in a state of panic and immediately ran back towards Kaori, without warning he suddenly felt a giant hand scoop him up and lift high into the air, he quickly whipped around and was shocked, there was Mina clutching him like a little doll. ?I?m sorry, my ?little? friend, but it seems you?ve learned of you and your companion?s fate a bit too soon, however, that doesn?t necessarily mean that we still can?t have a little fun now can we?. Mina then turned to the idol and saw as the symbols began to glow more intensely, Yuji watched in horror as Kaori suddenly began to give in to her desires and immediately began to pleasure herself, causing her to shrink even further, Carthus then lifted her up from her clothes and began to pleasure himself as he brought Kaori?s pelvis to his face and cradled his tongue between her legs and pleasured her as well. Yuji looked back in terror as Mina began gently brushing his penis with her fingertip, the sensation becoming more than Yuji could stand, mina then again inserted Yuji?s penis between her lips and began to pleasure him as well. Yuji tried desperately to resist, but it was to no avail, he violently convulsed as he came in Mina?s mouth and slowly drifted out of consciousness, his mind filled with fear and uncertainty and above all Kaori.

End of Part 4
After years of research and countless hours of labor, a lone scientist finally discovered the secret to a new generation Shrink Ray that had the ability to shrink clothes...

...Thank goodness I was able to silence him before he told anyone.
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