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Unread 07-17-2009   #24
Chronicler of Dreams
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Re: Really Bizarre Japanese Films (clips)

Ok.....when Takashi "Ichii the Killer" Miike makes a kids film, you know something's up with it. (Actually aside from this one, he did previously do "Zebraman" which I've heard is really good and I need to check out, as well as the forthcoming - playing fests right now - "Yatterman" live action remake).

That said, this one kinda walks an awkward line - on the one hand the protagonist is a little young for most of us to identify with, and on the other hand, for a live-action kids movie (even in Japan), it's got some pretty disturbing images. A little long too.

Overall good stuff though - some folks have posted youtube clips of this before but these should be better quality - and now that it's on US dvd (mine's a HK release), I'd recommend giving it at least a rental for a fun, colorful, adventure - "The Great Yokai War"

And since you guys said you don't mind male tfs here as well, I think there's one in this batch, and probably a few more in some future movie rips.

Still not working to rip w/ subs, but oh well.

A few clips here:

1. Male Yokai merged with motorcycle and turned evil.

2. Long neck yokai (can't remember name of creature).

3. Yokai council scene - lots of interesting yokai on display (another big group scene at the end of the film that I'm not ripping). Wish we saw more of the cat girl.

4. Very brief clothing transformation.
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