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Unread 08-06-2005   #11
Oh dear, not again!
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The stupid thing I don't understand about those movies are, since he kills you in your dreams...why?? I mean it's your god-damn-freakin DREAM!! I can do anything in my dream and how the hell is this dumbass burned guy gonna ruin it?? I mean if I saw him in my dreams, I would either run, of blast the F*** out of him with a laser gun from my own DAMN HEAD!!!! A woman shood, since I'm a GTS fanatic, grow to a gigantic size, or shrink his ass and STOMP THE F*** OUT OF HIS NARROW ASS!!! Since it's "your" dream and he can kill you in "your" dream, why can't it work vise versa??
I would be having a field day beating the living or dead S*** out of him!! Can someone agree with me please or explain how the hell this S*** is possible??
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