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Unread 07-06-2006   #54
A TG+BE loving Sith Lord
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 466
Warlock will need to meet with a Lawyer first; it is always best to make sure you talk with a lawyer in cases like this to see if the action is allowed by law. Otherwise; well, all you have is that I didn't intend for it to be used like that argument and though that maybe good enough for Youtube, it doesn't stop him/her from hosting on a private site that doesn't care.

Also, a copyright that is officially legal will help greatly. Note: All the other clips are copyrightten as well and thus could also be remove if the owner of the copyright (assuming the copyright has not worn out) can ask it to be removed.

Just because you made it does not automatically means you have a copyright to it. And just because you do; does not mean your copyright will protect you from certain distrubutions. Like; if the Artist does not put burn protection on their album they can not prevent someone for buring copies for a few friends. However; they can if the make numerous copies with the "intent to sell."

Laws tend to be grey and copyrights are limited in terms of time and effect. Unless you have the money to keep it renewed. All things eventually become public domain once they have been out in public for a certain time.

I don't have a copy of the DVD since I don't have a Credit Card to order it. But, those that do; does it come with a Copyright Infringement Warning?


Anyway, one topic, I can't seem to use to download from Youtube ... does it require a certain speed connection? I just have Dail Up here.
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