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Unread 08-29-2009   #3
Tieing a Knot Or two
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Breaking Down The Walls Of Your Imagination.
Posts: 19,660
Re: **Claire's Project**

Claire Enters The Mansion

You see Claire walking into frame. She is no longer in the clearing, nor is she in a vast plain. Instead she is sitting down on an old comfy bed surrounded by an antique vanity, and a fine looking maple desk. She is no longer wearing her bathing suit, and instead looks warm and dry dressed in a nice white button-up blouse.

"This is just getting curiouser and curiouser. I set up camp again and set to work searching the area for any sign of where I was at. Finally I realized that I was definitely miles from any civilization at all, except for a large mansion which I now find myself in."

She stops, taking a drink from a glass that she had sat on the desk. She carefully sets if back down on the desk making sure she doesn't spill a drop.

"I was greeted at the door by Lord Hugo Prosperio. He says that he owns this mansion and the 100's of acres that surround it. He's quite nice, but didn't seem like he was willing to answer my questions. He acted like he had no idea what I was talking about when I brought up the missing person's reports. When I asked for permission to camp out by his spring, Mr. Prosperio told me that he insisted that I use one of his guest bedrooms instead."

"On my way to this room he took me on a small tour of the mansion. This place is just huge! From the inside it looks quite a lot larger that I thought it was. Hugo took me down a few long hallways many of which had no doors it them at all. At least I was given a room with a view. With all of the twists and turns He took me around I really couldn't tell you where I'm at in the mansion. All that I can say is that I'm on the third floor, and not on the side of the house that's facing the spring."

"After I had enough time to change Hugo returned with a plate of food a ice cold glass of Coke. He invited me to make myself at home here and told me that I was welcome to join him in his study later."

She takes another gulp from her glass before returning her attention to the camera.

"I may just take him up on that. Who knows maybe I'll be able to get some answers out of him."

She rises off the bed and walks toward the camera turning it off.

You see the hallway moving past you at a steady pace. Strait down narrow corridors with little to no light in spots. When she turns the camera towards the windows you see the moonlight shimmering off the spring in the distance.

"I still can't get over what happened to me. How on Earth could I be here?"

Claire turns down another hallway and strait into a dead end. Before her was a large wooden door.

"You mean that I've been going in the wrong direction. This can't...."

She tries the door finding it unlocked. She swings it open and enters a spacious room with very high ceilings.

"Oh wow, I definitely didn't go here on the tour."

Before her is a table with snacks and a bowl of punch. On the other end of the room is a large television set up with an entertainment center. There are several chairs and a couch surrounding it. But the thing that stands out the most is the girl standing on the other side of the table.

"Oh my God!!"

Before her stands a 9' 5" brunette giantess with hair flowing down past her shoulders. Her clothes look beyond skin tight, and at their final breaking point. Her tee shirt was splitting at all it's seams and was lucky to still be wrapping a very large pair of breasts. Her jean shorts are now an uncomfortable thong that is ready to snap at any minute. She looks quite surprised looking down at Claire's camera and finally realizes she is being filmed.

"There's no way I'm going to let you film me half naked!!!" the giantess shouts and runs toward a door that has to be built for someone at least 12' tall. The giantess looks like a child trying to open this door, but got it open and closes it behind her.

"Did I just imagine that? What was in that food?!?"

Claire walks into view taking a seat on the couch holding a golden apple in her right hand. You can see the table of food far in the background.

"I don't know how it is possible, but after reviewing the tape I have no choice but to believe it. That girl had to be almost ten feet tall."

She takes a bite out of the juicy apple savoring it for a minute before swallowing.

"I swear, every second in this mansion feels like a dream."

Then before our eyes Claire starts to shrink. At first the buttons on her blouse begin to loosen up a bit. She takes one more bite out of the apple not noticing how large it's starting to look in her hands.

"Maybe I'm getting delirious and should just try to find my way back to my room. I could always try to talk Mr. Prosperio into an interview tomorrow."

When Claire brought the apple to her lips again she is astonished. It is almost the size of her head.

"Oh my God!!"

Claire drops the apple and looks around the room. The long sleeves of her blouse are starting to fall down past her fingertips. Her clothes begin to engulf her as she looks down at herself.

"Oh my God!!!"

Her shrinking continues bringing Claire down to the size of a small child. Her feet can no longer reach the floor so she scrambles to the edge of the couch and drops down. As she does this her blue jeans fall around her ankles. Claire's now so small that her head barely rises over the back of the couch. She looks up at the camera with an frantic and embarrassed look on her face, and quickly closes the small distance turning it off.

Claire's tiny form backs away from the camera toward the entertainment center. Now with a closer look you can see that the shelves next to the television are over-stuffed with objects. There are many different board games, a large selection of paperback novels, and hundreds of DVDs. Claire was now only wearing her white blouse quick she had wrapped around her like a dress.

"Earlier this afternoon, I would have told you that things like this are impossible. But you can't deny proof! Just look at me!! I'm barley over two feet tall!!"

Claire begins pacing again in front of the television, which at her new size is larger than she is. She looks over at the camera and sighs.

"Now my camera is so large that I was barely able to move it over to this chair before dropping it. I'm so small that I can't even reach the door handle! I'm stuck in here!!"

You hear a faint clicking sound coming from the other side of the room. Claire is so agitated that she almost jumps out of her skin when she hears the noise.

"What was that?!?"

She bravely walks out of our field of vision toward the noise. In about two minutes she walks back carrying a small object and reading from a tiny piece of paper. When she finished reading she looks all round her searching the room. Then she turns to the camera with a bewildered look on her face.

"I think someone is toying with me!!"

She holds the handwritten note up to the screen showing you tiny sentence written upon it:

Point this at your device and press the red button

"Do they mean my camcorder?"

Claire waves the tiny remote at the camera. At the top it is two large buttons; one red, one blue.

"Well I guess that it can't hurt."

Claire does as the note says. She presses the red button unleashing a red light that surrounds the camera tinting your vision until she releases it.

"Holy shit! What did I just do?"

All of a sudden you notice that Claire is starting to look larger, but you quickly realize that isn't the case. You see a shocked look on Claire's face as the camera's field of vision diminishes.

"Okay you can stop shrinking now! Please?! Oh no."

The camera continues to shrink even smaller until you can barely see a small corner of Claire's frowning face. She picks up the toy-sized camera and turns it around in her hands.

"What am I going to do now?"

You are greeted by an unexpectedly normal-sized Claire looking completely frustrated. But this illusion is short lived as she turns the camcorder around the room showing you her ground level point-of-view.

"Well as you can see I managed to shrink myself again. By my calculations I'm probably only 4 inches tall."

She sighs and swings the camcorder bringing a distant towering table leg into view.

"I was stupid enough to climb up a chair and pour myself a glass of fruit punch from the cursed snack table. My thirst finished off what my hunger started."

She turns around showing you the boulder-sized apple with two bite marks taken out of it. One Gargantuan, and the other half that size.

"At first I tried to turn one of my socks into a makeshift dress, but now I'm so small I can barely even lift one of them let alone drag it around this room. So, needless to say I'm starting to get a little cold."

She moves the camcorder around the room again showing you the vast hardwood plains and mountainous couch. Then suddenly she stops and focuses on the corner of the room by the entertainment center.

"Is that what I think it is? I don't remember that being there!"

Tucked away in the shadow of the entertainment center is a large two-story dollhouse painted a light shade of pink. In the second story window you see the shadow of a small figure peeking out.


Claire dashes past the couch and doesn't stop til she reaches the large wooden front door. This didn't appear to be an ordinary dollhouse. This close the detailed craftsmanship looked amazing. The door opens easily and Claire steps over the threshold of a what looked like a mansion from the inside.

"Now where are the stairs? I know that I seen Barbie in the upstairs bedroom."

Claire crossed into the living room and at her dismay she looked like a child compared to the hand-carved furniture. The hallway leading out had a few doors on either side. One door revealed a long corridor with a pale light coming from the end.

"I hope the stairs aren't in this direction!"

Claire closes that door and opens the one directly across from it revealing a carpeted stairwell. She quickly ascends it bringing herself up to the second floor hallway. She opens the first door she comes to and the empty bathroom appears to before her.

"No, this isn't the right room!"

She continues down to the next door revealing a closet stuffed to the ceiling with boxes. At the end of the hallway is her last destination. When Claire opens the door and is shocked that there isn't a doll propped up in front of the window.

"That's impossible!! I know that I seen it!! Unless?!?"

Claire begins searching the room looking behind curtains and under the bed revealing nothing at all. Eventually the last place left in the room to hide was the closest. Claire positioned herself to strike outside, not sure what she would find behind the door. The door flies open quickly, and all that you can see is an empty closet with bare wire coat-hangers.


She walks in and confirms that yes no one is inside.

"Being tiny is really starting to get to me. I swear I seen some thing!"

Frustrated, Claire leans back against the back of the closet to rest. Seconds later you hear a loud crack. Claire shoots up off the wall and turns around.

"What the..."

Right before your eyes the closet wall is splitting open, revealing another room.

Claire builds up her courage and walks through the passageway in the back of the closet. The room she enters is almost a mirror image of the one that she just left. But, there is something different about it. Something that you couldn't quite tell at your first glance.

"Hmmm. I wonder if that mysterious person fled this way?"

She opens the door and walks out into the hallway down the hard plastic staircase. When Claire opens the door to the downstairs hallway she gasps in surprise. Leaning against the wall in the living room is the largest doll on Earth. Claire walks over to the doll and shakes her head.

"Oh my God!! There is no way that I can wear her clothes! She's almost twice my size!!"

Claire passes Amazon Barbie and spots what appears to be her kid sister dressed in a her dolly pajamas. After a minute of comparing her size to the doll Claire sets the camcorder down on a pink plastic table.

"Well, I guess it's better than nothing."

You can hear fabric rustle as Claire sets about removing the miniature clothing. After another long sigh from Claire the camcorder turns around showing her wearing the pink polyester gown with the matching booties. The clothes still look like they're a couple of sizes too large, clinging loosely on her diminutive frame.

"Damn I'm tiny!"

Claire picks up the camcorder, and walks over to the front door pushing it open. You are greeted by a strange new landscape. The entertainment center has been replaced by a mountain of stuffed toys. In fact, this room has toys here, there, and everywhere.

"How many toys do these people need?!"

Claire ventures past the hills of toys bring into sight even more toys lining the walls.

"Dolly?" Says a booming voice behind her.

Claire turns around and points the camcorder up, and up. Standing right over top of the dollhouse Claire exited is a fifty foot tall little girl. Claire freezes in place and you watch as the giantess looks down curiously. Then finally, the girl starts bending down. Her arm extends out, now only a foot away. At the last second Claire rolls out of the way and starts dashing strait at the dollhouse.

"Why are you running away?" Shouts the enormous child.

Claire reaches the door, fumbles with opening it for a second, but finally enters the shelter. You hear Claire's breathing become heavy as she rests for a second in the living room. All of a sudden the whole house starts shaking.

"Holy shit!!"

Claire takes off and bolts up the stairs, almost falling down them on her accent. Running down the upstairs hallway wasn't any easier, but Claire reaches the the bedroom door. She dashes toward the closet, but falls down as the floor underneath her moves.

All you can see is the rubber floor til Claire points the camcorder up. The giantess girl's face is now only a few inches away.


"Bye!" Squeaks Claire.

Standing up, Claire sprints into the closet and back into the other dollhouse.

Claire runs out of the closet and dives under the bed. When she peeks out from underneath her hiding spot you can see the child's hand emerging from the portal.

"Please don't find me! Please don't find me!" Claire whispers.

The gigantic hand gropes the walls, running it's finger's across paintings and ripping the wall paper with her manicured nails. Then the child came across a dresser accidentally crushing it in her first grasp. You can hear Claire hold back a scream as she crawls backwards toward the corner of the room. The giantess is making more noise than ever as her search continues.

"Dolly?!" You hear the loud muffled voice from the other side of the passageway. Then all goes quiet.

Claire shrieks as the bed starts to move. It's lifted off the floor revealing Claire cowering by the wall. The child discards the bed by the closet like a forgotten toy.

Then the bedroom door opens. A young woman peaks out, motioning Claire to move toward the exit. Claire wastes no time as she stands up, dodging five enormous fingers, and escaping the bedroom.

"Are you okay?" Asks the tall mysterious person in the hallway.

"I... I think so."

"Good, follow me."

The large stranger disappears down the staircase as Claire continues to stand there, stunned.

"Are you coming?"

Claire begins to slowly walk down the hallway, filching as she hears a large bang from the bedroom. She leaves the gigantic child still rummaging through the bit of broken furniture and descends the stairs. The door at the bottom of the staircase is wide open beckoning Claire forward. When she enters the downstairs hallway Claire turns toward the living room and sees the stranger sitting in a chair at the table.

"You want a cup of coffee?"

Claire hesitates for a second, but gives in. She walks up to the table, setting down her camcorder and pulls herself up into a chair that's twice her size. The stranger holds out a huge steaming mug and Claire accepts it. She stares down into the cup with a look on her face that suggests mistrust.

"Don't worry. It's not going to shrink you."

Claire takes a greedy sip from the over-sized mug, luckily without spilling a drop.

"Thanks. This coffee is just the way I like it." Claire's beautiful smile appears on her face for the first time since entering this room.

"So short-stuff, what's your name?" Asks the tall stranger.

"Claire Pierce."

"Something tells me this is your first time in the Size Room."

"Why would you say that?"

"Because no one and I mean no one is stupid enough to venture into the Age Room that small. You could really have been hurt in there. Those kids don't know their own strength."

Claire stays quiet and looks down into her coffee with embarrassment etched across her face.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to insult you like that. I have an idea. How about I show you around the Size Room a little, and show you how to have fun in here?"

The smile slowly returns to Claire's face as she takes another drink from her coffee.

"Why not? It's not like I could go to sleep now after almost being trampled by a fifty foot kindergartner."

Claire finishes her coffee and sets her mug down on the hand-carved table. She picks up her camcorder and points it at her new acquaintance. A young beauty in her early twenties fills your vision. She has long dark red hair that flows down her back. This mysterious girl's definitely been shrunk, but she's not wearing doll clothes, like Claire. Her modest B cup breasts are being restrained by a tight novelty tee shirt featuring a Tri-force and the phrase 'Don't make me go Zelda on your ass!!'. This is complemented by a pair of acid wash jeans.

"What are you doing?" Asks the 6" beauty.

"I'm filming a documentary about a missing person's case."

"Why are you doing that here?"

"It's a long story."

"Well no one here is missing, at least permanently anyway. Are you sure you're in the right place?"

"I'm still trying to figure that out. What exactly is this place anyway?"

"You really don't know, do you?"

"All that I know is that I swam up out of the spring and now I'm so small that I can barely fit in doll clothes."

"The spring is a portal too!?! I climbed out of the well in the courtyard."

"Courtyard? I thought that only castles had courtyards"

"Well, as you can tell, this isn't an ordinary mansion. It's larger than you could ever imagine. And I think it's adding more rooms everyday."

"That's impossible!"

The mysterious girl stands up, towering over Claire's shrunken form.

"Who are you to argue with what's impossible, shorty?"

"I guess you have a point, but how can rooms just appear out of nowhere?"

"Magic of course! The Transformansion's filled with it. In here fantasies become commonplace and dreams are the only reality. This is a resort where you can do whatever you want, or be whoever or whatever you want to be."

"Wow! So maybe all those missing people are just here on vacation?"

"Yeah, an extended vacation!" She laughs.

"I can see changing some things, but why would someone want to be this small?"

"Well for me It's all about the thrill. I just love being tiny and helpless."

"You make shrinking sound sort of kinky."

"Don't get me wrong, for most of us it's sexual, but it's also lots of fun too. Let me show you something."

The girl gets up and walks into the hallway entering a doorway to the left. Claire realizes she is being left behind and quickly follows after her. She opens the door, but all that she can see is her shadow formed from the pale light at the end of the corridor.

"Hey! Wait up!"

Claire sprints down the darkening tunnel trying to catch up with her new friend.

Claire runs up behind the shadowy figure, finally slowing down when she is with in arm's reach. The mysterious girl's hair almost glistens in the low-light streaming from the end of the corridor. After walking for about a minute in silence Claire speaks up.

"So, do you think that I'm going to stay this small? Is this transformation permanent?"

"Of course not! If you're wanting to grow back there's plenty of options. You could just change back, or have fun doing it."


"You'll see."

They continue down the tunnel at a reasonable pace, the light gradually increasing with each passing step. Finally you can see it's source. At the end of the tunnel is a small staircase with a tiny fluorescent light bulb radiating from the ceiling. The stairs look like they were built for shrunken people, but they still seem quite over-sized to Claire.

"Okay, behind this door is the Transformansion's pantry. We have to go through here to reach our destination."

Claire follows the mysterious girl up the stairs, doing the best a person of her size can. When she exits into the pantry Claire turns the camcorder in every direction showing you the shelves stuffed with gigantic bags of flour and sugar. The canned food looked amazingly large, almost twice the size of Claire's car. Then she zooms in on the floor by the wall she came out of. Set ready-to-go is the largest mousetrap ever. You hear Claire gasp in surprise.

"Are there mice in here?"

"You'd be pretty hard pressed to find any house on Earth without some kind of rodent infestation. Even the magical ones."

They set off across the expansive valley-like pantry, Claire taking in the sights along the way. You notice that they seem to be heading towards a small mouse-hole with a faint candle flame glow radiating from it. Then from out of nowhere you hear a sound that resembles thunder, except it seems more feral. Claire swings the camcorder left and right, looking for what made the sound. Then you see it. Two eyes glowing like hell's fire. They sort of look like the eyes of a.....

"Oh Shit! It's Catzilla! Run!"

The mysterious girl takes off like an Olympic sprinter, leaving Claire in her wake. Claire tries to keep up with her, and it looks like she'll even make it to the mouse-hole. Sadly though Claire looses her balance and falls on her face, cradling her camcorder like a precious child. You can see Claire's hair flowing past the frame in short bursts, knowing it's Catzilla breath before Claire rolls over bringing the monstrous feline into view. It's whiskers twitch as it smells Claire's aroma, sending Claire into a state of stunned panic. For what seems like an eternity Catzilla stands over Claire's prone body. The look of murderous intent beaming from it's eyes.

"Hey!! Fur for brains!!!" You hear a familiar voice shout.

Catzilla looks up at the sound and is immediately hit in the face by a flying mousetrap. You can hear the hurtful anger in it's growls as Catzilla jumps and starts to bat the painful device off it's nose.

"Can you get up?"

"I don't know!"

The mysterious girl bends down and lifts Claire up like she's light as a feather.

"We have to hurry! That trap will only keep him occupied for so long."

She picks Claire up in her arms like a lover and sprints across the pantry in record time. When they reach the mouse-hole she sets Claire down on her feet and they both make a hasty retreat.

Just a few inches inside the mouse-hole Claire stops in her tracks. She turns around, hugging her new friend tightly.

"Thank you! Thank you!" says Claire as she breaks down and cries.

The mysterious girl gently returns Claire's hug.

"You're welcome Claire, but you might want to save the celebration until we're a little further in the mouse-hole. Catzilla has one hell of a reach."

Claire sniffles back her tears and looks up into her eyes.

"I'm sorry. It's just that you've saved my life twice tonight and I don't even know your name!"

"Oh, then let me fix that! I'm Katie Dickson."She says extending her hand in friendship.

Claire accepts it and her award winning smile makes a cameo appearance across her face.

"I'm pleased to meet you Miss Dickson."

"Come on, there's no need to be so formal here. Just call me Katie."

"Okay, Katie, where's this fun you were telling me about?"

"It's just up ahead."

Claire and Katie continue down the mouse-hole. The walls were lined with torches producing an endless supply of light. Looking down the tunnel, it seems like it goes on forever.

"Katie, would you mind if I asked you a question?"

"Not at all!"

"Well I was just wondering. How were you able to pick up that mousetrap and throw it? It had to weight at least three times as much as you do!"

"I'm a lot stronger than I look." Katie says flexing her tiny biceps, which hardly look more defined than an average girl's would.

"So what are you? Supergirl?!"

Something like that. It's all part of my fantasy. I shrank myself down to one twelfth my size, but kept all of my original strength. I also got myself this awesome natural blood-red hair!"

"Wow! So I really can be whatever I want here?"

"Whatever your heart desires."

After ten more minutes of following the never-ending magical torches, Katie places her large hand on Claire's shoulder. This almost startles her half to death.

"This is the spot."

Claire looks around the area for anything out of the ordinary. All you can see is the same smoothly carved stone walls and ever-burning torches that make up the whole tunnel.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'll show you."

Katie reaches out and grabs hold of the nearest torch and pulls down on it. Nothing happens.

"Show me what?"

"Okay wait a minute."

Katie stands there, looking like she's trying to figure out the hardest puzzle on Earth.

"That's right, it's Wednesday!"

A smug grin appears below Katie's pale green eyes as she pulls down on the torch directly across from the one she tried before. This time the torch moves down, it's flame extinguishing. The floor underneath of them rumbles as a small section of the wall next to them lowers revealing a spiral staircase.

"Wow! This mansion truly is amazing!!" Says Claire with a sparkle in her eyes.

"You don't know the half of it, shorty!" Jokes Katie.

A suggestive smile crosses Claire's face.

"We'll see who's smaller than who in a minute." She boasts turning into the stairwell.

Claire starts going down the stairs at a quick pace, but by the time she walks down them for what seems to be half a mile she slows down. Exhaustion starts to rear it's ugly head sending Claire into a spat of heavy breathing.

"To hell with being big again! I'd be just as happy not to see another stair in my life!"

"It's not so bad. This is the easy way to get to the crawl-space under the Size Room. You should see what you have to go through when you take the trap door under the couch."

"What, do you have to slay a dragon?"

"Something like that."

Claire's Project

Last edited by LOD; 08-29-2009 at 02:20 PM.
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