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Unread 08-29-2009   #4
Tieing a Knot Or two
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Breaking Down The Walls Of Your Imagination.
Posts: 19,660
Re: **Claire's Project**

Claire Explores The Crawlspace

The spiral staircase continues to go deeper and deeper. Then, right before Claire lost all hope that she would find the last step, she emerged into a tiny subterranean resort. If Claire wasn't breathless after her workout the sight before her sure finishes the job. The ceiling was only a few feet in the air, but to the diminutive Claire this room was quite expansive indeed.

"Oh my God!!" Says Claire in awestruck joy.

High above Claire's head was the most unique lighting system on Earth. A combination of Christmas and Halloween decorations dance across the ceiling in a manner that seems oddly enough complementary. The red and green strands of light shine like stars, while the large orange globes give off enough light to illuminate the whole room. The Jack-O-Lantern grins painted on the globes set off a festive atmosphere. Large buildings are erected all around the crawlspace out of seemingly any kind of material, from Lincoln Logs and cardboard boxes to flower pots and paper mache. And the people, there have to be at least a few hundred of them, all having the time of their lives. Signs were hung up everywhere proclaiming that all were welcome to enjoy themselves including one that was very unique. A hand-drawn cartoon character with it's arm extended and a word bubble stating 'You must be this small to ride.'. Then you hear what sounds like a few dozen screams, and Claire turns the camcorder to one corner of the room just in time to catch a roller-coaster propel down it's apex.

"Well, are you just going to stand there?! Come on, let's have some fun!" Katie grabs hold of Claire's hand and pulls her stunned friend onto a crowded midway.

Claire's amazed at the diversity of the people that surround her, and now truly understands what Katie meant when she said you can be whatever you want. Before your eyes are people of every shape, size, and color. Literally every color of the rainbow is represented. There are even a few that are shorter than Claire is.

Katie and Claire pass a few games of chance like you would see at any amusement park, but they were missing something. There were no rows of prizes lined up to choose from.

"Aren't you suppose to win things if you pay to play the games? Where's the prizes?" Claire asked.

"Pay?! You're a guest of the Transformansion, everything here is free of charge. Oh, and the prizes are magical!"

They walk through the midway bypassing dozens of games that were variations of the usual amusement park games, scaled back for the tiny guests. Ping Pong balls took the place of basket-balls being shot through hoops. The ring-toss game actually looked like they were using someone's wedding rings.

"What do I want to play first?"

Claire stops next to the ring-toss game, but is still eyeing a pile of marbles in the next cardboard booth. She walks over to the multicolored marbles and examines the thimbles she's supposed to knock over with them.

"Here, hold this for me please."

Claire hands her camcorder to Katie and picks up a marble testing it's weight in her hands.

"Want to try your luck little lady?" Asks a voice out of nowhere. Claire looks around the booth seeing no one.

"It's the game talking to you Claire." Katie informs her.

Right about now Claire would believe anything that you told her, so she makes no attempt to argue how ridiculous that sounds. Claire stares down the thimbles, the glare from her eyes weigh down on them like gravity. She aims and throws an azure glass-ball at the shiny tower. It goes wide right, missing horribly.

"Oh, too bad. Come on Claire you can do it!"

Claire eyes the red marble, but saves it for last. She adjusts her aim a little and pitches the yellow sphere. This time she barely misses it to the right.

"You almost got it that time!" Katie says with cheerful encouragement.

The red marble lays there almost exuding the confidence that it would shut out Claire's efforts. Claire looks at the stacked thimbles with a gleam of frustration in her eyes. She winds back and lets go. Almost in slow-motion the marble flies directly at her target. It doesn't even look like she over adjusted her aim, until the marble veers left missing once more.

"Damn! I'm usually so good at this game!" She says accepting back her camcorder.

"Too bad." sympathizes the phantom voice. "But every-one's a winner! Here's your consolation prize!"

Claire smiles now that she knows her efforts weren't in vain. A sparkly aura surrounds Claire and she starts to feel goose-flesh envelope her arms. The magic seems to build for a second, giving Claire a feeling of anticipation. Then finally the aura around Claire implodes making Claire loose her balance, falling on her butt. Claire sees stars for a second, but the dizziness subsides letting her get to her feet. Slowly Claire rises off the ground, ready to adjust to any changes she might have underground. Claire turns to Katie, and is taken aback by the sight before her. Claire now stood eye-level to Katie's bare midriff. She had shrunk again!

"Oh no!" Claire exclaimed.

She looked herself over and notices that this time the doll's clothes and her camcorder shrank with her. The marbles magically float back to their original position. They looked more like bowling-balls to Claire at her new size. Claire stepped up to the booth determined to fix this little problem. She reaches out to pick up a marble, but Katie stops her.

"Claire, I know from experience that these games only get harder when your that size. How about we go on a few rides, have some fun, and then I'll show you some games that take more luck than skill to win."

"Okay, I guess we could do that." Claire sulks.

Now Claire was so tiny that hardly any of the people they pass are smaller than her. In fact, she had to look up to see the ass of the girl she was walking behind.

"Oh, I have an idea! Do you want to split some candy, Claire?"

"That sounds good to me."

Katie leads Claire up to a concession stand made out of an old Crackerjack box.

"What would you ladies like?" Asked the attendant that looked oddly like the cartoon boy on the side of the box.

"A peanut butter cup!" Replied Katie.

"Small or large?"

Katie looks down at Claire and responds, "A small should be more than enough."

Katie and Claire walk away from the Crackerjack box, each of them munching on half of a bite-sized Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. Claire was having a heck of a time trying to eat her piece, which was just about as large as her head.

"Are you starting to see the advantages of being this small, Claire?"

"It has some good aspects, but I still sort of love the idea of being bigger than a bug."

"Oh, you're not that small! There's billions of bugs that are a lot tinier than you!"

They pass a large swimming pool equipped with a dozen water-slides ranging from two to four feet high. Katie caught the glimmer of what she thought was anticipation in Claire's eyes.

"You want to try out the pool Claire?"

"I really would love to go down the water-slides, but I don't have my swimsuit with me. And right now I could use my top as a hammock!"

"You don't need a bikini for this water park! Just wear what you have on."

Katie pulls Claire through the gates of the tiny water park, and up to the edge of the pool. Katie jumps in enthusiastically and looks up at Claire standing on the edge.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Asks Katie.

"The water will ruin my camcorder."

"No it won't! Jump in!"

Claire jumps over the top of Katie's head and creates a large splash. As she swims up out of the water Claire notices how wonderful this pool feels. It's almost like the water isn't even touching her, accept she could still feel this pleasant liquid move across her skin.

"It's great isn't it?"

"Yeah!" Claire says looking up at the slides.

"So does this mean that you'll loosen up and have some fun!"

"We'll see." Says Claire as she climbs out of the magical water.

After climbing out of a pool Claire would normally be soaked, but she was still dry from head to toe. She looks down at Katie and then back at the slides.

"I'll be right back."

Claire walks over to the nearest slide, and begins to climb the stairs to the top. She giggles at the fact that the entire support structure was made out of glue and Popsicle sticks. Claire reaches the line and is almost stunned by how large the girl in front of her is. Claire doesn't even come up to the midpoint of her thigh!

The line slowly shuffles up the stairs until Claire reaches the top. She peeks over the railing, and sees Katie waving up at her from a towering three feet.

"I'm sorry Miss, but your just too large to fit on this slide." A ride attendant says to the girl in front of Claire.

"What do you mean too large??!! I'm only ten inches tall!!!"

"You're too tall! Now step aside so that the other guests can have their turn."

"To hell with that!" She says pulling a small flask out of her bountiful cleavage.

The large girl opens it and downs the whole thing. Claire watches as this girl's ass slowly begins to creep closer to her face. She shrinks down below Katie's height and continues to reduce before Claire's eyes. Her shorts fall down to her ankles, followed by a pair of lace panties. Claire's eyes open wide as the top of this girl's head falls down below her chin. The shrinking ends with this girl now eye-level with Claire's bust. She climbs out of the pile of her clothing and looks at the attendant with a snooty grin on her face. She then sticks out her tongue and dives headfirst down the slide.

"Are you just going to stand there! You're next!" The attendant barks at Claire who obediently does what she's told.

Claire doesn't just take one trip down the slides, she goes on all of them at least three times. Eventually Katie joins in on her fun. In all of this something amazing begins to happen. Claire forgets all about being tiny and really starts enjoying herself.

"Where to next!" Says Claire with real excitement emanating from her voice.

Katie and Claire exit the water park and head for the southern corner of the crawlspace. They walk under a section of the roller-coaster just as a group of passengers blast by. Claire looks up just in time to see a line of teacups rolling on a track made of silverware.

"I want to go on that!"

"I thought so." Katie replies.

The two friends walk all the way to the edge of the amusement park to reach the end of this ride's line. As Claire passes the park's gate she stares at a large steel structure just outside. You can hear the faint sound of music with deep bass flowing from the "air holes" poked through the thick steel walls. A large neon sign proclaims the to be:


"What's in there?!" Asks Claire.

"Oh, that's a night club. I'm sure we'll find our way there before the night is over."

They stand in the long line leading to the cupboard that acts as the ride's entrance. Claire watches as people enter and exit 'The 6" Spot' until she finally enters the ride's housing.

From the outside it looks like an ordinary cupboard, but once you enter the illusion dissipates. Before your eyes is a large set of stairs leading up onto the ride's platform. Where there would usually be gears and equipment to run the ride there is nothing. Claire stopped herself from asking 'How does this ride move?', knowing the answer already. An attendant ushers people into their seats, and Claire squeals as it reaches her turn.

"Please take your seat." The attendant says pointing at the next teacup.

There is a small bench in each of the cups on the track. Claire squeezes in a teacup with Katie and looks around for her restraints.

"Uh Katie, where's the seat-belts!"

"This ride is infused with tons of magic. You won't have to worry about falling off."

Claire really hopes that Katie is right, and finds herself getting really nervous as the ride starts to move.

The roller-coaster starts out at a slow crawl and gradually builds speed as it exits the cupboard. Claire and Katie were in the second to last tea cup, which is just now starting it's climb to the apex. The roller-coaster starts out it's journey in the upper atmosphere of the crawlspace.

"Eeep!!" Says Claire ass the ride stops just an inch below the ceiling.

The coaster stays at the top, building suspense for it's passengers before rocketing down the slope fast enough to knock Claire back in her teacup, hard. It runs past groups of people who look up as dozens of screams fly by their heads.

Then, without warning, the coaster plunges under the floor boards and into a world of darkness. Up, down, all around the ride turns in every direction possible. The ride suddenly escapes into one of the Transformansion's hallways. People that seem to be at least two-hundred feet tall are still wandering the halls even this close to midnight. The coaster shoots down the hallways like a bullet and blasts in and out of rooms at it's leisure. Then the ride looks like it's going to crash straight through a wall. The screams of the passengers intensify and Claire's almost verges on bloodcurdling. At the last second the wall parts and the coaster rockets into the mansion's study. Hugo Prosperio looks up out of his novel and gives a little wave just as they exit, back into the darkness.

The coaster finds it's way through the pitch black, the passengers shouting approval. The ride is then flooded with an intense light that leaves everyone stunned. Claire can feel a tingling sensation throughout her body that subsides as the coaster begins to make another upward climb out of the darkness.

The passengers woot in delight as the coaster erupts into a beautiful Crystal Dome with all the colors of the spectrum shining down on them like a benevolent sun. The coaster begins it's spiral climb around the perimeter of the Dome, building up to it's maximum G's. Then Claire screams as she notices a large set of eyes peering at her outside the Dome. Not just one set, but many, all of which belong to a group of giantesses looking with intense curiosity at the tiny roller-coaster on it's journey. Claire gulps as she recognizes one of the large faces. The tiniest of the giant ladies stares at the diminutive passengers with a mile-long grin etched on her face. Her generous breasts are still exposed and being pressed up against the Crystal Dome with untold amounts of force. When it seems like the ride can go no higher the coaster dives out into the middle of the Dome and plunges deep into the darkness. The screams from the passengers are louder than ever, and only stop when a familiar blinding light irradiates everyone on board.

Then like the end of a dream the coaster slows down and crawls to a stop back inside the cupboard. The passengers slowly get to their feet and stumble off the coaster as best they can.

"Wow!" Says Claire finally as they exit the ride's cupboard.

"Yeah, I've been on that ride several times, but it still amazes me!"

Claire watches as several of the other passengers from her trip swarm right toward 'The 6" Spot'.

Claire's vision turns up to Katie showing off her beautiful puppy dog eyes.

"I'd like to check out that place next." Claire says pointing at the nightclub.

"Sure, why not?!"

The two of them walk through the amusement park's gates. Back behind them more screams are issued as the roller-coaster begins it's next journey.

Claire walks through the door to 'The 6" Spot' and is immediately greeted with loud dance music. Everyone inside looks like their having the time of their lives. Just about everyone in the place was dancing, and the one's that weren't seem to be finishing up their drinks so they could get out on the floor.

"You want to dance, Claire?"

"Yeah, but I don't see many guys out there to dance with."

"Oh there's plenty of men in here! They just don't look like men."

"Oh I get it! They're transformed into girls!"

"You catch on pretty quick." Replies Katie.

"Hey, then how do I know if you're a girl, or just some guy trying to get in my pants?!"

"You don't!!" Says Katie pulling Claire out onto the dance floor.

She was a little clumsy at first, but after she finally got use to having a partner twice her size Claire felt just like she was back with some of her college friends. Claire even had the chance to lead against a very tiny girl that only came up to her navel. Just when Claire was about to pass out on her feet Katie pulls her aside.

"Hey, you want a drink?"

"Sure! Am I to assume that there's no chance for a margarita?"

Katie breaks a smile, and walks off without answering her. Claire strolls over to a table and sits down waiting for Katie to return. She looks around the dance hall, watching all the guests have their fun. Then something catches her eye from across the room.

A rather large girl steps out of the way and she sees it again.

"It can't be!!"

Claire gets up and crosses the dance floor in a hurry. In an alcove of the night club glowing like a disco ball is a Crystal Dome about the size of a large punch bowl. Her eyes open wide as she peers down inside at the miniature roller-coaster making it's deep plunge back into the pitch-black hole in the center of the Dome.

"You know, this is my favorite attraction here in the Size Room." Says a female voice behind Claire.

She's startled a little bit, but doesn't show it. Claire turns around looking up to see who it was. There was no one.

"Down here 'Big Sexy'!" Says the voice.

Claire looks down into the dark blue eyes of a petite girl. It was the same girl she had been behind in line on the water-slide. She had managed to find an extremely tight thong that didn't cover much, but her large EE cup breasts were still proudly exposed for the world to see.

"Oh, hello!" Claire says with an embarrassed smile on her face.

The diminutive brunette takes a step toward the Crystal Dome, and stands on her tip-toes to look inside. Her breasts are mashed against the Dome's walls just like they were when Claire was making her spiral climb on the coaster. She looks up at Claire with her Cheshire cat grin and a naughty look in her eyes.

"You new here? I usually would remember seeing a hottie like you around!"

"Yes, this is my first night here in the Transformansion." Claire says nervously.

"So are you going to tell me your name, or am I going to have to buy you a drink first?"

"Cl.. Claire! My name's Claire." She stutters.

"Glad to know you Claire, I'm Ashley, but my friends call me Ash!"

Claire isn't sure what to do. This girl has a very intimidating aura about her, and it doesn't help that she has her tits out for everyone to see.

"So Claire, have you ever wanted to know what it's like to be stuffed in between a set of tits that are bigger than you are?!"

"I don't think she's interested in that type of thing, Ashley." Says Katie from behind them.

"Well, I wasn't asking your opinion. I was talking to her!"

Katie hands Claire an exquisite looking Margarita and sticks her tongue out at Ashley as she leads Claire away to a table.

"Okay, fine!! Oh, and I'll be seeing you around Claire!!"

Claire takes her seat in a booth by the Crystal dome. She gently sips on her drink, marveling at it's immaculate salty-sweet taste.

"Don't worry about her, Claire. Ashley's an enormous horn-dog with no sense of modesty at all!"

"Ash seemed nice enough though."

"Yeah, but eventually she'll just toss you to the side like a used tissue. She doesn't care about other people's feelings, and jumps onto the next best thing without so much as a goodbye!!"

Claire's comfort was well beyond any safe level. She looked up into Katie's eyes seeing all of the intensity of a jilted lover trapped behind her anger. Quickly she searches her mind for something, anything that would change the subject.

"Thanks for looking out for me Katie. I've really been enjoying myself here!"

"Don't mention it! You just seemed so lost and scared that I felt like it was my duty to relieve you of your stress."

"Speaking of relieving stress, earlier you mentioned that there were other games I could play to, um return to normal."

"If you're really ready to, I'll take you there right now."

"Yeah, I'm ready to go back to my room and lay down. But don't worry Katie, I'll definitely be back tomorrow!"

Claire gulped down the rest of her mixed drink, and with a little bit of effort she returned to her feet. Katie lead the way for her, taking Claire to a side exit. Looking back over her shoulder as she exits, Claire makes eye contact with Ashley. Ash gave her a come hither look that suggests more than just a pleasant conversation was all that she was leaving behind.

"There's still lots of places down here I can show you tomorrow, so don't think that you've seen all this place has to offer."

"I have a feeling that I could be in this mansion for a week, and still wouldn't see every corner."

Outside of the amusement park gates the makeshift buildings make a swift turn to more adult forms of entertainment. No carnival games or water-slides here. Instead you see people filing in and out of topless bars and what looks like motel rooms promising the ultimate fantasy get away.

They pass by what looks to be another dance club, but the neon sign out front suggested otherwise. A tawdry, well endowed neon lady was standing in a martini glass. Her large fluorescent breasts squeezing a toothpick and resting on an olive that looked almost as large as they were. Just beneath this neon temptress was a sign that proclaimed there was 'Real Champagne Jacuzzis' inside. Claire smiles and thinks to herself that would be an interesting thing to do tomorrow night. As Claire walks past a restaurant called 'The Itty Bitty Bar & Grill', a large group of people file out. They all take off in the same direction, towards a very large pinata that is mostly intact. The paper mache horse scanned the horizon with it's blank stare, reminding Claire of those dolls she 'borrowed' these clothes from earlier. A cute hand-drawn sign posted by the left hoof named this place 'Short and Sweet Ice Cream Parlor'. The girls turned the corner and Claire is knocked breathless by what she sees.

Nestled in the corner of the crawlspace like a hidden treasure is a grand castle laid out in golden bricks. This was definitely the crown jewel of the whole Size Room with it's tall towers in-lain with rubies and emeralds the size of boulders. It's a masterpiece of architectural design unlike any Medieval structures Claire had studied about in school. Once more today Claire was dumbstruck by the beauty before her hoping that she could at least enter that palace once during her stay here at the Transformansion.

Claire's Project

Last edited by LOD; 08-30-2009 at 03:43 PM.
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