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Unread 09-05-2009   #40
Chronicler of Dreams
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Re: Really Bizarre Japanese Films (clips)

If you see only one Japanese seafood-themed pro-wrestling movie this year, watch "Oh, My Zombie Mermaid." (If, however you want to see a second one, I strongly recommend "The Calamari Wrestler")

Actually, the Zombie isn't a mermaid and the mermaid isn't a zombie - although both are somewhat prominently featured. The English title is a little weird given that the Japanese title is pretty self-evident in itself - "Ah, House of Wrestling."

That said, it's a very entertaining flick featuring a bunch of actual Japanese wrestlers - with better production values in general than you'd probably expect given some of the previous clips I've posted. However, it is very, very disappointing that the final form of the mermaid (which is shown gradually transforming(!) over the course of the movie) is only seen from a distance. I guess they didn't have the money for a nice close-up of a standard mermaid body after all the weird prosthetics they used for the nasty version

Oh well - now that I've figured out how to use virtualdub properly you only have to d/l one clip instead of 6.
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