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Unread 10-16-2009   #195
*ching* *ching*
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Re: Test-0 Draws Stuff and Posts it Thread (Quickie Sketches 2)

Thanks for all the support.

As for drawing, I've been a bit caught up with it all, thinking I was going to have it done with this week only to have to wait another week. I have very little to motivate me to draw right now, but one idea I've had was enough to bring me through to at least one more sketch before I actually get it fixed. ^^;

It's a belt caused TG, where the person in question was surprised from behind and had a belt slapped on him with his arms stuck inside the belt. The belt transforms the guy into the form the owner of the belt wishes, in this case a very odd mix of traits and clothing. Also, every tick of the belt tightens it more and more, only instead of crushing it pulls the clothing and body of the wearer inward, shrinking them as well. Here we see what should have been the last of the TG, only it seems the owner has decided to leave the belt on the poor TG for a little while longer, just to see him/her squirm and shrink.

I should have put some kind of reference to his size as well but I couldn't get anything else down. ^^; If it helps, he's already lost a foot in height during the time the TG was in effect and is closely reaching the second foot lost now.
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