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Unread 01-14-2010   #273
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Re: Test-0 Draws Stuff and Posts it Thread (Quickie Sketches 2)

It wasn't really a failure, as I did get one commission and I didn't give up. I made the small window for the express purpose of not having people start making commission requests before I fully made my decision. Also why I took down the email addy, because I didn't want people to think it's open and just start making commission requests when I haven't even decided if I was going to do it at all.

The test was just to get used to the mechanics, how the commissions should go, what kind of system I needed and how payments were going to be made. I didn't want to start up knowing absolutely nothing and wind up screwing people or just plain wasting their time.

Also, I have to sit here and watch the email addy for the entire time and I can only do that when I'm not working and today is my only day off for a few days (I don't have the time to do stuff like commissions during the week yet). It's fine if it's completely open and ready to go and things can go at their own pace, but this was meant to be closed off quick and simple. I gave a days warning, only three spots and only allowed single sketches and then another full day for people to decide to help me test it out or just wait and see.

Originally I was just going to be fully open next Monday, but I wanted to try it out a small bit first so I did this instead. I still plan on opening commissions back open on Monday, but I'll be keeping it to the forum viewers for now (DA gets drastically more views and I already know of a few too many people that would jump at the chance and have me buried in commissions ^^; ). So if you did want to have a commission done, you'll still have your chance anyways and I'll be able to deliver promptly and effectively. Hopefully.
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