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Unread 03-13-2010   #37
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Re: New Comic: "Bleach: Orihime's New Perspective"

Originally Posted by Jitensha View Post
Hey guys...I'm really sorry to have all your hopes up for today. I really thought I could, but time wont stop for me. I started this comic on Monday, and I've been working non-stop to finish this...and when I mean non-stop...I mean in I wake up, work and sleep. My husband pretty much cooked for me and supported me the whole way...he's such a great guy I really didn't even sleep much, maybe 5 hours max a night. Showering was done maybe every other day LOL....oh boy. Props to my hubby who loves his smelly wife

I am really almost done with my comic (I'd say about 75%-80%), the only thing is that I'm going away for the weekend, due to it being my nieces first birthday and production pretty much has to stop. I don't have these portable devices you young people call "laptops" so, I can't take my work with me :P I might take my hubbies laptop with me so I might be able to finish, but I can't make any promises. I'll be arriving back in New York Tuesday, early in the morning. So I'll definitely have it by Tuesday night if not earlier.

Again, I'm really sorry guys As an apology gift I've attached a teaser to my first post. There was A LOT of research that went into it. Oh, and those pictures are in no particular order lol... Well... Enjoy!

Oh, by the way, this is a 20 page comic, in case you were wondering :P

Thanks and sorry again (I feel so bad ><; )
Hubby? Holy crap, you're a woman? That's pretty rare in this line of stuff. Take your time on that comic, madame. We will make do.
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