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Unread 04-04-2010   #1
Dragon FangX
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Capri Sun Disrespectoids

An earlier mention of Whoopee Cushioner was made on the forum but not the whole thing. So I thought it might be good to set up an area for the Disrespectoids. I mean, wow. Some of these have a underlying fetish air to them.

Bobblehead Fred - A boy turned into a bobble head version of himself. Kind of animated inanimate object TF be my guess.

Leaky Louie - A boy who was made to have alot of holes around his body that... I not really sure. I guess he just drinks and water comes out.

Whoopee Cushioner - A girl that was turned into a giant walking whoopee cushion. Its been made reference she looks alot like a sex doll.

Chuck the Clucker - A boy who's lower body was turned into that of a chicken. So... chicken taur? Half animal TF?

Boing Boing Betty - A girl that, in the commercials, turned into one of those playground equipment rides. Inanimate TF.

Handlebar Harry - A boy who was fused with a girls tricycle... Inanimate? Not sure on that one.

Balloona Luna - A girl who was turned into one big balloon animal. Balloon TF.

Chewie Stewie - A boy who was made into a big doggy chew toy. Another inanimate.

Thats the list so far with two new ones to be introduced in May and June. I think one is another girl (if not just a boy with dreadlocks). Ether way, nice to see a whole series of commercials dedicated to TF. Poof TF but still.
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