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Unread 09-15-2010   #7
"My way of thanking you"
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Re: "Of Chests and Booty" by cluedog

Originally Posted by smooch View Post
As a coincidence, I'm working on a new sequence, which should be up tomorrow on DA, that is more story orientated.
Nice I look forward to seeing it.

From time to time, I'll get people wanting free art from me, wanting me to do more of this or that, or telling me my work is getting boring. Often, they don't realize how much time I put into these sequences.
I know you have to spend a lot of time on these because they are very nicely detailed and well drawn. I definitely acknowledge that it's just so often I see a link to a new one of your works and while for the first bunch I was very excited to see them now I'm just getting apathetic. Again, not saying your work is bad or your quality is going down, far from it, just I wish your commissioners had a better imagination here rather then, "transform X into girl with this costume". I suppose then I'm panning some of your commissioners in that the work is usually the exact same and not really letting you branch out, also I imagine that gets a little boring for you to draw as well since anything to excess has to get repetitive.

While there are some who appreciate the work I do in the "TG community" and I'm grateful for them and those have commissioned me and are commissioning me (I certainly don't have a short supply of commissions), many take me for granted.
Not taking you for granted at all. I think you're one of the most talented artists that draw for this 'community'. I like your art it's just again a little more creativity from commissioners would be nice. Sorry if you took my post as a negative and a slam against your art. I have nothing against your art style or quality thats excellent. I just would love to see some more diversity, but that again is likely not at all your fault and all the fault of boring commissioners.
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