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Unread 09-15-2010   #9
opailopai's Avatar
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Posts: 62
Re: "Of Chests and Booty" by cluedog

Yeah I noticed some of the comments on the deviantart posting of this were less then favorable.

It's fantastic artwork and it's exactly what a "sequence" should be. A depiction of something changing into something else in however many images the commissioner wants/pays for. It happens that, from my experience at least- people who ask for something usually aren't specific unless you request them to be very specific. Really when someone is willing to pay 200 bucks to have a rough idea sketched out you'd think they would have almost a whole story written up but not so much.

I will admit , it's certainly a more interesting piece of art when you can tell there is a "plot" behind the scenes, such as the wizard and witch sequence, which clearly depicts them trying to out do one another with their spells before finally giving up on the fight and teaming up to make a quick buck. Whoever requested that put alot of thought into it.

So smooch, keep it up , I love your art and sequences especially . Even when the idea is generic it's still fun to look at, you can't exactly turn down a "boring" idea when it's paid work so keep it up and hopefully in the future some of the naysayers will pay for something they find more interesting.
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