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Thread: Equine Boi TF?
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Unread 05-23-2011   #12
Dragon FangX
Draco artisto ecentrica
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Re: Equine Boi TF?

Originally Posted by LordEbonFuze View Post
ok ok stop thinkign you're all that. it's stupid, sexist, and confusing.

example, oh look I have a female character turn into a frog, but on the same page I have a male character turn into a frog.. which do I put it in?
Because there is a female in the picture and she turning into the frog, it would be placed into Transformation.

Basically, so long as it has a girl turning into something in the picture, it goes into the forum that the process is. Any transformation that revolve around guys go in 'Everything Else'. It was how the forum was founded was to be a female only transformation community. The Everything Else section was added for all the processes that don't specifically fit under a category and include all male oriented process.
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