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Unread 06-07-2011   #1
Octorber13's Avatar
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Location: Cananda,On
Posts: 97
Wanted: looking for people interesting in a TF Horror comic series

I am currently planning to do a series for the community here/ plus other projects ideas, however due to the request and college life work; I haven't gotten alot of free time to multi task. That is why I am asking the community or people here for help.

I am currently working on a TF (any transformation) horror series that would act like a short story each chapter and the main story would be some what in between.

PLOT: The whole story will evolve around a antique like store in a down park of the city, only appearing open in even thru midnight or until served a costumer. The main female who runs the store "White" seam to change her appearance but still keeps the same cloths style and look on her face. Reason for it is that she is a demon (succubus maybe) who harvest the souls for the desire away. The deal is that a costumer when coming into the store would of have a problem to begin with, there she can assisted that person with an item he/she is looking and wish to buy it. They will be surprise that she doesn't take money but instead they will pay later and must sign a book to clam owner ship to that item. When they exit the store, it will close out as if there was nothing there before, there the item will cause a change of event that will in the end result to ether they get the item back and make payment or the result is the item clams a victim soul inside of it and the get put back on the self for another. Every item has it's own story to tell.
(NOTe: I have character ideas but not yet drawn out)

I am currently looking for a

-artist ( I'm not so picky when it comes to style) i am looking for a anime/ manga feel and must be alright to draw any kind of tf or horror -IF NOT THOGUH I CAN SEE WHAT WE COULD WORK WITH_

-Creative story writers (I can come up with idea for the series but love to hear what others think)

-Any help you want to give is also awesome.

Well thats it for now, I'm hoping to have some people get interested with this and can help me out.


(Note: Yes I am still working on request, thats why I am doing this for help.)
Horror is just one thing that comes in transformation. A shadow like creature haunts your dreams, He is the nightmare king, Mr.October.

Last edited by Octorber13; 06-07-2011 at 07:13 AM.
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