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Unread 10-14-2011   #5
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Re: Lady Lana's Self-PE Hypnotic Fantasy - A Test

Originally Posted by lalilu View Post
interesting. keep us posted. I'm curious whether this will work or not.
In all fairness, I'm probably not going to post everyday, lest I eventually sound like some crazy old man...

--- Day 367 at sea. So sick of fish. George the Lifeboat is looking somewhat deflated today. What a loser...

You know the kind...

That being said, I'm still trying every night. I'll take a break over the weekend. I'm unlikely to try this thing with the wife at home, but I'll start again next week.

The immediate goal is to learn to clear my head properly. Without the correct level of relaxation, my understanding is that it's nearly impossible to achieve a good hypnotic trance, which is key in this scenario. I haven't done any real relaxation in a couple of years, and I remember that it took me several weeks back then before I was able to learn to do it correctly. But I'm getting back there.

The thing I'm wondering though is if I shouldn't try to do it after a good training session. I used to do relaxation post-workout, and it was easy to get into it as my body was already tired and trying to get into a relaxed state, and my mind already focused. I guess I could just train, get a training mat out and put on the recording and see how it goes. Since I have my own home gym, it shouldn't be a problem. The set up is just not all that appealing. I'll see...

One thing is for sure however, I'm definitely getting curious about hypnosis. An interesting field of study for sure. I'll probably try to get my hands on a book or two on the subject. I did a bit of research on the internet, but the information available is often a little sketchy. Many websites seems to be maintained by used-car dealers trying to sell their super secret mind-control tricks for only two easy payments of 19.99$. Not sure I trust those people all that much.
My opinions, not yours.
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