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Thread: TMC Werewolf?
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Unread 04-22-2012   #36
Process Fan
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 57
Re: TMC Werewolf?

Largely echoing the above...

1) My suggestion is to pick a story (I'd suggest one from Cursebearer or Northwind, but there are many authors out there who write a good transformation situation and scene) and read the transformation sequence. Figure out what you can do and what you can't do, and don't try to do what you can't. Work around those constraints.

2) I want to double up Anahki's #1; the actress is key. If you get a "7", looks wise, who is really into the scene and gives a strong performance, it's better than a "10" who isn't and doesn't.

3) Building off that, and assuming there isn't a workaround for the majority of the transformation effects that we'd all dream of seeing, I would suggest a significant focus on the build up. A strong actress dealing with the dread (or whatever emotion your scriptwriter goes with) of the oncoming transformation, plus the initial "pains" of the transformation do not really have to involve any (or at least any significant) special effects.

4) One more time; if you can't do something without it looking ridiculous, don't do it. Focus on what you can do well and go with it.
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