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Unread 07-17-2012   #863
Process Master
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Posts: 612
Re: Dickgirl TG Thread

Hey All! New Futa Clip up at Taylors!
CoCo`s Gender Transforming Journey Price: $24.00 USD
Coco is on love with a girl who only likes men so she tries to win her affection by turning into a guy. She is elated when it works at first but then she transformed back into an even shapelier girl then before. Then she grows a monster penis.

Okay, I know this clip doesn't exactly fit straight into this section as it is actually several different clips and fetishes all in one! But the majority of the clip is still Futa, so I'll stick it here for now. Okay, the entire clip is several things in one clip. CoCo turns from female to male, then back to female, then becomes a Futa! It's crazy!

My two cents? Well, it's multiple fetishes all at once, how can you go wrong for the price? CoCo is CUTE, right up there with Mika, but I love that asian-ish look so I may be biased. The female into male transformation is done rather well, especially as a first try. She loses her breasts, grows some eyebrows and a ragged beard, and even gets some torso hair. What's crazy, is once she puts on some male clothes, she really does look like a young 21+ year old guy. She even cops an attitude to go along with that look. The reversal isn't as crazy or nearly as long, but that's to be expected. She passes out and everything goes back to normal. The last part where CoCo becomes a Futa is pretty damn nice honestly. It's almost like a violent eruption of raging hormones and penis growing in her pants, and CoCo's acting really sells it. This part she's in as much pain as she is pleasure, and the looks she gets on her face are great!

Overall, I'm definitely giving this one a 9 out of 10 because CoCo is a good actress, and this type of transformation is rare as it is, and to put three different transformations in one clip is just awesome of TMC. I think if they keep pushing themselves in these new directions as well as trying new effects and make-up, they are easily on the right track to doing all those other transformations people are dying to have. You know what I'm talking about people! Great clip guys, so...umm..yeah go buy it! Great job TMC!
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