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Unread 07-24-2012   #80
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Re: Marie in Wonderland Part - 2 *VOTING TIME*!

Originally Posted by Jitensha View Post
Well I talked to my bosses about taking some personal time to do comics, so come late August I might be taking an unpaid day off a week for about a month to work on Marie. I really, REALLY want to finish it...I hate having unfinished work lol. I was surprised they would be so cool with it (n_n), but I guess since my husband hasn't found work in almost 6 months, they want to help me as best they can (since they can't financially at the moment...we're in the middle of moving to a brand new huge office..). I would in the long term make more money with a comic than losing 4 days of work, plus the itch is just KILLING ME!!! Ughh, I thought I would be thinking 'good riddance', don't have to deal with pirates, or worry about a steady income, but man, sometimes I just miss making comics. As much as it was a stressful process for me, it was a a forum for me to express my creativity, and an awesome place for me to grow as an artist (since readers have been pretty much blunt when they don't like something! lol). The whole experience just pushed me to try and become better and better. So thanks guys, really!

It's official, Marie is back in production in about a month :3
ainly not complaining about your decision to finish the comic (btw: yay!), but don't get creative satisfaction from your job? I imagine you work in the animation field, right? I think you said something about computer games, but my nemory might be off... :-)
Dangerous Dave.
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