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Unread 10-27-2012   #7
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 49
Re: Mako's Collection: The Hive

Mako i loved your work since before siren song and yes you have changed men into women and then into different things a horse, a bug, jackel aka werewolf, a demon etc. all were almost As was your latest works.
I have an idea for one that would be very interesting to see you or someone try here is the story:
Businessman is traveling in his car and over the radio a news report tells of a bridge washing out the bridge this salesman has to cross to get to where he is going. The newsreporter goess on to tell of another bridge further down and the road you have to take. But he didn't mention a fork in the road a fork that will or can change your life forever. The businessman comes to that fork in the road as it gets there the weather changes it is get dark with thunder and lightning in the sky when there wasn't any sign of it not long ago. At the sign post there was one sign pointing down one of the roads little did the salesman know but the sign was wrong because the wind had moved the sign to point to the wrong road and on the ground by the sign was the sign for the other road" as he past a lightning bolt lit up the sky and it also showed what the other sign had said "STORE FROM HELL".
It wasn't but a mile after choicing the wrong road that he gets a flat tire but what luck a store is just ahead about a hundred yards and it is still open so he goes to go in he reads the sign above the store which was broken and laying face down just in front of the store which read " FROM HELL".
The store was dimmily lit it had jars on selves. Had he noticed what was in them he would have run for the hills but he was hoping he could use the store's phone to call for help. An old lady was up front he goes to her to ask about a phone which he would find out there was none after he asked her but she told him there was a town a few miles down the road but as he goes to turn around to leave he crashes into a stand full of jars and they fall and break and the stuff in them sprays all over him and his clothes. As you have guessed the lady was a witch and it was one of her potions that has helped he stock her business for hundereds of years yes as the guy screams in pain which soon turns to pleasure Yes this Witch is a brothel owner or Madam and soon would have a new worker. You can chose the look and what he to she says during the change.
There is a lesson to be learned by this story chose your path carefully because your life can change fast by one wrong turn )
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