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Unread 12-14-2012   #6
Process Master
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 612
Re: TMC's Scripts To Clips Contest!

You can provide whatever you think you need to provide. If you think the clip needs 20 minutes of monologue then include it. This isn't about trying to restrict people from doing what they need to do. I merely provided a simple template to follow in an attempt to keep the scripts easy to post and read, etc.

Also I should point out that I may post scripts from users over on TMC's own forums who do not wish to sign up on these forums for whatever reasons, so don't discount the scripts I attach!

Also worth mentioning is that even if you've sent TMC a script before and perhaps they haven't made it into a clip, you can still post it here. You can also post scripts that may be complex on the off chance that at some point down the road, they still turn your script into a clip. Just because you may not be in the three that initially get picked doesn't mean TMC won't eventually make yours. The more ideas that come from this contest, the more clips that will come about as well!

I would also encourage posting multiple scripts if you have them. While only one of your scripts can be chosen to win it still gives people here as well as everybody at TMC more scripts to read and chose from, so don't limit yourself in that way. I really hope this contest starts to take off, since if we don't get enough scripts, I wouldn't call it much of a contest. >.>
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