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Unread 05-01-2013   #46
Process Fan
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Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 84
Re: Introducing Metrobay Comix!

Welcome to another week of our efforts to arouse and amuse you with some of the finest 3D comics on the internet!

Going into the archives we have Forbidden Fantasy, then there’s the start of a new series called Short Circuit, and we end the week with updates to The Key to My Heart and Pleasure Island!

Remember that you need to be a paying member of Metrobay Comix to enjoy our stories except for the things in our Free section! To join, please go to and click the button under “Sign Me Up!”. For other details see my introduction message earlier on this forum.



Hey Metrobay fans... this week we've dug into our archives and pulled out a BIG one. We're reposting "Forbidden Fantasy" to the members gallery here at, in all its 435 pages of glory!

Poor Crissy Tanner. All she wanted to do was be the best superheroine she could be, and try to use her unique powers for good. But when she got caught up in the "Night of the Drones" and was turned into a mindless Robounit, something snapped inside that pretty little head of hers. Now, as we have seen in stories like "Tough Love" and "Crissy Tanner's Nightmare", all she can think about is being turned back into an obedient slave. The urge to be controlled has gotten so great that it has become a fetish for her, a "Forbidden Fantasy" that she longs to see come true. But who will help her get what she wants more than anything else? Ted? Lisa? Gilbert? Perhaps even...Belinda?

Find out how Crissy went from cutie to Chrome in “Forbidden Fantasy”!

The Drone Agenda - Forbidden Fantasy


Hey Metrobay fans... this week we debut a new short story in the members’ gallery. It's called "Short Circuit", written by Doctor Robo and illustrated by MCtek!

In this story, Ted Twiss has been working on an improved emotion chip for LISA, which will hopefully allow her to more accurately experience what it's like to think and feel like a human being. Ted is confident that it will work, but first they have to go through some tests. No big deal, right? I mean, what could go wrong?

This story is loosely based on a request from a valued Metrobay Comix fan and member. Feel free to submit your own story ideas using the "Fan Contributions and Requests" section of our forums. Who knows, maybe someday your idea will be made into a Metrobay comic!

Short Circuit #1


What's up this time?

The trap has been sprung! Our intrepid heroine MacroLass has been lured past the facade of an ordinary looking abandoned building by a strange female carnival barker into a display of 3 very female latex statues. She's feeling freaked out and a little blue right now because things are obviously quite cerulean. Is there more here than meets the eye? Can it get much weirder? Very likely. Can it get kinkier? Most definitely!

The writer is the talented and ever so humble MacroLass (such a surprise) with art by Finister Foul and post-work by the gracious Trishbot.

The Key to My Heart Chapter 3


So far we have seen our bevy of beauties transformed against their will into maids, statues, bimbos, catgirls, and even a human cow! But this IS a Doctor Robo comic, right? So you're probably wondering "Where are the robobabes?" Well, here we go!

As you can see from the cover, *someone* has it in for Kelly West. But how is her robotic 'twin' involved? Well, the answer may shock you!

Pleasure Island Day 8.1
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