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Thread: Paradox Alice
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Unread 06-01-2013   #39
Nightstar76's Avatar
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Posts: 83
Re: Paradox Alice

That's WHY I don't want to buy it in Japan. As much as I want to see it, I want to give you the money for it, not someone else, Mako. But my patience with distributors is pretty thin these days. Thinner than it's ever been. I know you have to deal with the current system, but in a world where there's no physical reason for a distribution system and the movie could have just been put on netflix after shooting and editing was done, at the very worst, I've lost all tolerance for the people in your industry who control the floodgates.

This is not me saying I intend to steal it or import it at this moment, but it is a reminder that the harder it is to legitimately buy something, the more likely it is that stealing or importing is going to happen.
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