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Unread 07-28-2013   #32
Process Master
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Posts: 612
Re: Shrinking video from Missa!

Look, it doesn't matter what I say Reaver, you're just going to disagree to disagree at this point. I didn't tear the guy up I simply wanted him to explain his reasons or else don't say anything. I'm fine with opinions if I understand why you have that opinion. Missa told me why the guy didn't like it and he probably would have felt embarrassed admitting it on these forums, but the point is if he had said "it's not my thing because 'blah blah blah' I could have seen that it was purely a kink related opinion and not something Missa did "wrong" and I'm fine with that. I draw anime styled characters, and there's a bunch of people I know who like my art but will never really "like' my art because they hate Anime and everything it stands for. I can live with that but I'd be pretty upset if I didn't know that was their reason and would feel like a failure for not being able to please people.

Finally, there's a reason why I rarely ever do a video review anymore. Believe it or not, a lot of people on these forums never speak up or write anything, but they do read reviews and that in turn can effect the sales on clips from these producers. They all have the numbers when it comes to sales and I've been shown the numbers. I've been shown that sales were going steady at one point, then I post a review on these boards, and suddenly they stop. This happens from negative comments, even small insignificant ones to you or me and it's not just on this board.

Now does this mean these companies have disappeared because of some negative comments? No, not yet and they probably won't, but it still hits them in the pocket books nevertheless. When you think of how much money goes into these clips with only maybe 20 to 25 people on this entire board actually buying anything, even 2 or 3 people no longer interested in buying it due to some negative comment they read could have an impact on the producer. And I'm not just talking about Missa here either.

But hey it's the internet and comments and opinions are going to fly regardless of what I say or do. I'd like people not to post negative comments without a basis as to why something is wrong in their eyes, but if they do they do. Anyway, I'm now done with this subject as I've spoken my peace and given my thoughts and opinions. If you agree then you agree and if you don't, then you don't.
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