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The Process Forum - View Single Post - One Week at Wolf Lake NEW 5/31 (Growth, sex, other tags inside)
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Unread 08-29-2013   #5
Purveyor of Porn
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Re: Story: One Week at Wolf Lake (Growth, miniGTS, GTS, F/m, F/f, sex)

Originally Posted by Volfsbayne View Post
Just kidding QZ. B-) Seems interesting and well written so far. Should be curious to see what clothing shrinkage and destruction ensues in the near future. Just don't hesitate to add in plenty of instances where the clothes tighten, little by baffling little bit until the rippage begins.
Hey, first comment on this thread! Thanks, V, I was starting to wonder...

Glad you like it so far. Don't worry- there's gonna be plenty of fabric-related structural failures in this story. I know that first little bit of growth was just a tease, a morsel, but stick around for the main course. ^_^

This next bit doesn't have any growth in it, just some character stuff, but the one after that--Hmm? What was that? I thought I heard someone mention a volleyball team...

* * * * *

Carla was spending her lunch break at the small sidewalk cafe across from Dr. Matthews' office, nibbling on a sandwich while going over her notebook. She stopped and leaned her head back for a moment, removing her glasses and rubbing her eyes to ease the headache that had been building all day. Between these notes and the predictably busy workday, it was promising to be a nasty migraine before it was over.

“Problems, little lady?” said a deep male voice from behind her. She smiled for a moment, then put on her best annoyed expression and turned around to glare.

“Nothing you can help with, and who are you calling little lady, beanpole?” she remarked icily.

He looked down from his impressive height with an irritating grin and fixed his gray eyes on her green ones. “Well, you, obviously, short stuff. See anyone else around here who looks like an extra from The Wizard of Oz?”

She smirked. “I'm sure everyone looks like that from up there in the clouds, Gigantor.”

“Why don't you say that to my face? I'll get you a stepladder.”

“Will!” she gasped in exasperation.

He bent down to kiss her, then, still grinning, took the seat across from her. “Hey, babe. What's up?”

She glared at him again. “You've got your nerve, thinking I want to make small talk with you after you insult me like that.”

“You'd know all about small talk, wouldn't you?” he retorted, still wearing that same expression. She knew he meant it all in good fun, but sometimes it bothered her. He knew her height was a sensitive issue. She'd always been short, and had been picked on for it mercilessly throughout her childhood. It was even more of an issue with her now that she was dating him. She always thought they made an odd-looking couple—Will stood 6'4” and she was just barely 4'11”. She constantly worried that people were staring and whispering behind her back whenever they went out together. He always told her not to worry what everyone else thought, because what was important was that he loved her. It was one of the things she loved—and envied—most about him. He had a natural ability to genuinely not care what other people thought. The unfortunate flip side of this was that he could be lacking in the tact department, even sometimes hurting her feelings while thinking he was just making a joke.

He could also be very perceptive. Dropping the goofy grin, he turned serious. “What's bothering you, hon?”

She sighed. “Oh, nothing much. Just wondering if I shouldn't be getting paid for all this paperwork I'm having to do for CHC.”

“You're having to do that on your lunch break?” He frowned, then cocked an eyebrow. “Better make that overtime pay, then.”

“Well, it's my own fault, really. I had nearly a month to do this—it just kept getting put off. You know how I am sometimes,” she replied.

“Only sometimes?” He dodged the thrown ice cube that was her response.
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