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Unread 09-01-2013   #12
Purveyor of Porn
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Re: Story: One Week at Wolf Lake (Growth, miniGTS, GTS, F/m, F/f, sex)

And now, what you've all been waiting for! The first ladies bursting out of their outfits!

...And most definitely not the last. XD

* * * * *

“Striker, this is Wizard, over. Do you read me?”

“Lizard, this is Biker, I read you.”

“No, no. I'm 'Wizard' and you're 'Striker.' Get it right.”

“Whatever you say, Blizzard.”

“Dude, will you quit screwing around?”

“Are you gonna lighten up and have fun or not?”

An annoyed sigh. “Alright, alright, fine, we'll do it your way, Marcus. Look, are you in position yet or not?”

“Yeah, Jason, I'm in position.”

“Do you have a visual on the targets?”

“Oh, I have a visual alright.” A low whistle. “Man, are they hot or what?”

“Bleuugh. Marcus. Don't say things like that. It's disgusting.”

“Hey, it's not like any of them are my sister, man. Good thing, too, it means I'm allowed to appreciate the view.”

“Seriously. Knock it off.” A pause. “Commence attack exactly three minutes from my mark. Ready...mark.”

“Copy that.” Another whistle. “Gorgeous. If they weren't so much older than us I can think of something I'd rather do besides shoot them with a squirt gun.”

“Radio silence, Marcus.”

Concealed at opposite ends of the yard, the boys readied their high-powered water guns for the imminent assault, making sure the ice had sufficiently chilled the water. Near the middle of the yard, in three deck chairs by the pool, sat the objects of their attention. Jason's sister Kim and her two friends were sunning themselves in bikinis, much to Marcus' enjoyment and Jason's irritation. If it had only been the other two girls, he probably would've agreed with Marcus, but he couldn't appreciate them while he was preoccupied with the awkwardness of seeing his sister dressed like that.

“The college certainly picked a beautiful day to cancel classes, right, ladies?” Kim Gaines said lazily. She stretched and shifted in her deck chair to get more comfortable.

“Couldn't agree more. Perfect tanning weather,” replied Jenna Cooper. “Speaking of tanning...” She turned over and lay face down in the chair.

“Don't you think so too, Danni? ...Danni?” Kim turned her head. Danielle Bennett had a large sun hat over her face. Kim lifted the hat and Danielle jerked upright instantly.

“Huh? What? What is it?” she said, blinking furiously.

“Oh, nothing. Just saying what a nice day it is today.”

“Well, it was a nice day. Then you woke me up,” said Danielle with exaggerated annoyance. “I was having a nice dream, too. Don't you know it's bad luck to wake somebody from a pleasant dream?”

“Oh, no, now I'm cursed with terrible bad luck!” Kim put on a horrified expression, which quickly shifted to a grin. “Get a grip, Danni. We've had nothing but good luck today. Right here, right now, what could possibly happen to us?”

As if on cue, Jason and Marcus broke cover and dashed at their unsuspecting targets. Screaming battle cries, they blasted their victims with high-pressure streams of icy water. The three friends were so stunned at the sudden attack and the cold that they didn't react for a few seconds—long enough to get drenched. The boys, laughing like madmen, sprinted away as the girls leapt up from their chairs, shivering and furious.

“JASON!” roared Kim. The soaked coeds took off in pursuit of the pair, but they hadn't gone far when Jenna began to slow down, and finally stopped altogether. She called to Kim and Danni to wait on her for a moment. “What's the matter, Jen? You can't be tired so fast,” Kim said in puzzlement.

“No, it's not that.” Jenna grimaced and squirmed, tugging at the bottom of her bikini. “It's my suit. It's like it's...I don't know, it's like a wedgie or something.”

Danni smirked. “That's what you get for wearing floss. Especially trying to run in it. Now you know why I don't wear thongs.”

“No, you don't wear thongs because you don't have the ass to get away with it.” Jenna continued pulling at the suit, trying to fix her problem.

“There's nothing wrong with my ass, Jenna. I just don't feel the need to put it on public display.” Danni unconsciously adjusted her own bikini as she noticed Kim fidgeting out of the corner of her eye. “Kimmy? Something wrong?”

“My suit feels funny too,” replied Kim. “And I'm not wearing a thong like she is. I guess these things just aren't cut out for running.”

“Ouch! This thing is killing me!” cried Jenna. Suddenly she let go of the bottom and starting pulling at the top. “Great, now it's my top too.”

Danni started feeling a pinch from her own swimsuit. “Me, too. What's going on here?”

Meanwhile, Jason and Marcus, realizing they were no longer being chased, had backtracked until they were watching the trio from around the corner of the house. “Why do you think they stopped?” Jason whispered. “What's the deal?” After a long pause with no reply, Jason said his friend's name a few times trying to get his attention. Marcus, however, was unable to take his eyes off of the women. Jason hadn't looked much because of his sister, but Marcus had been all but staring for quite some time that afternoon. He could easily tell that the bikinis were much tighter on the girls than they had been earlier. As he watched in fascination, they appeared to be getting even tighter. The swim wear didn't leave much to the imagination to begin with, but now the bikinis were so clearly defining every inch of the three women that they might as well have been transparent. No sooner had he thought this than Jenna's thong suddenly snapped off. She yelped and covered herself with her hand, but not before he'd gotten a look. He glanced up at her curly blond tresses and had a fleeting thought—so that's what that expression means—then got another eyeful as the straps on Danni's shoulders broke and her top flew off.

“Oh my God! What the hell? What did those two creeps do to us?” screamed Kim as her swimsuit also disintegrated. The trio were doing the best they could to cover themselves with their hands, but that was only so effective. “Jenna, go get the towels. We need something to cover up with.” As the blond ran toward the chairs, still awkwardly trying to keep her hands in place, Kim glanced at the corner and saw Marcus goggle-eyed and practically drooling while a frantic Jason (who was a bit more aware of the situation) was pulling at him, trying to get him to run. “Jason! We're gonna KILL you for this!”

“Um, Kim, don't you think we should get dressed first?” said Danni as Jenna returned and handed her a towel. “Hey, I thought these were beach towels!”

“They are,” replied Jenna as she tried to arrange one around her body.

“Smallest damn beach towels I've ever seen, then,” grumbled Danni. “Did you get them from a discount store or something?”

Marcus snapped out of his trance and the boys sprinted away. Kim stared daggers after them as the girls clutched the inadequate towels and headed for the house.

Some time later, the boys were taking turns on a shooting game at Vic's Arcade. “Man. How much longer, do you think?”

“I have no idea. They were really angry.”

“Yeah, I know, but we've been here for three hours already. I'm running out of quarters,” complained Marcus. “Technically, I could go home.”

“Yeah, you could,” replied Jason. “And if you do, and abandon me to them, I'll tell them that it was you who did something to their swimsuits.”

“You know as well as I do that neither of us did anything. We don't know what the hell happened.” He paused, and a broad smile spread across his face. “Not that I'm complaining. I enjoyed the show. I mean, did you get a look at those boobs?”

“Dude! My sister! Seriously!” A blaring noise issued from the machine. “Damn it. You broke my concentration. Game over. Your turn.”

“Oh, I'd say it's game over for both of you,” said an angry female voice from behind them.

“Uh-oh.” Jason gulped as the pair turned to face the speaker. “Look, Kim, we're sorry if—HOLY SHIT!”

Jason was used to his sister being taller than him. She was a few years older, so that was normal. However, he wasn't used to his sister being two feet taller than him. The last thing he expected to face when he turned around was a seven-foot version of his angry big sister. A quick glance to either side showed Danni and Jenna to be of similar stature. They were practically bursting out of the clothes they were wearing—clothes that had fit fine when they'd come over earlier. He looked at Marcus, and, as expected, he was too busy staring to be of much help. He probably didn't even realize how much trouble they were in...
Tace atque abi. Plenus stercoris est.

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