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Unread 09-13-2013   #96
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Re: Cow Girl Farmer (Cuddlebeam)

Now I feel like the magician who doesn't want to reveal his magic tricks.

Excluding the mannerisms system I want to include, the system would work on a list and probabilistics. The list will have behaviours from the most open to the most autistic (Im using the "Openess/Intimacy" parameter here as an example, but actually all five would be used at the same time). Then, with a random chance with the shape of a normal distribution (Gaussian bell) centered on the most common (or closest) response for X Openness Tendancy (cow1.opennessd in the game, betaguys) a behaviour is chosen. That behaviour will be an " empty sentance" that will be randomly filled with words and expressions depending on the personality. A lazy character would use short expressions and vocabulary for the same thing a energetic character will go overboard with explanations and interjections.

That's the ground principle. With it, the more text and behaviours learned by the system, the more unique each cow becomes.
Thank you everyone!

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