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Unread 10-13-2013   #57
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Re: Story: One Week at Wolf Lake (Growth, miniGTS, GTS, F/m, F/f, sex)

Well thank you, V. I'm flattered.

And now, back to the growing ladies in the park!
* * * * *

Pamela and Joanna turned to look at each other as what each had said sank in. They met each other's eyes, and a quick glance showed that while they were about the same height, they were already a head taller than Linda or Cristi and were rising fast.

“Hey, Hannah! How's the weather up there?” Joanna asked suddenly. “Never mind, I guess I'll find out for myself in a minute,” she added with a laugh.

“Is this really a good time for jokes, Joanna?” Pamela said, glaring at her. Her look changed to surprise when a moment later she had to brush her straight blond hair away from her eyes, then to outright shock as she felt her hair all around her head and realized it had grown several inches longer than the pixie cut she normally wore.

“Oh, I suppose you're right, Pam,” she replied, rolling her eyes. “Maybe if I get upset enough about it it'll stop happening!”

“That's not—ow!” Pamela stopped in midsentence and started grasping at the thin straps of her green floral-print sundress. They had drawn tight and were digging into her shoulders. She cried out in pain again before they broke with two loud snapping sounds, leaving her bare shoulders marked with angry red lines. Now that the top of the sundress was no longer being pulled up by the straps, the top of it fell down some, partially exposing her pale green strapless bra and the larger breasts she now sported. She shrieked in embarrassment and crossed her arms over her chest.

“Wardrobe malfunction, Pammy?” taunted Joanna. Her smirk faded as a ripping sound drew her attention downward. The V-neck of the sleeveless pink top she'd worn today was starting to split, driving the V deeper and showing off the middle of the pink bra underneath.

“Look who's talking,” retorted Pamela. “Anyway, I think both of us are going to have some serious wardrobe issues in a minute.” She looked down at her sundress in dismay; the waist was drawing very tight as her hips grew bigger, the flowers in the pattern stretching into bizarre shapes, and the hem was already well above her knees and still creeping upward. The continued growth of her upper body had left the top of the dress behind and now only the strapless bra covered her swelling breasts. She was still crossing her arms over her chest, but her boobs were growing even faster than the rest of her and slowly pushing her arms further out in front of her.

Joanna started to crack another joke at Pam's expense, but a look at her own growing mammaries kept her from speaking. The split in the front of her shirt had reached the hem, leaving two halves of the pink top hanging to either side of her chest, pushed aside as her breasts surged outward into the straining pink bra. Farther below, a popping sound accompanied the closures on the front of her jeans failing as her waist grew too big for them. The ankles of the jeans were now up to her knees and the seams were beginning to fail, the tears climbing her thighs slowly but surely. “Damn, ladies, do you see this? I've heard of skintight jeans but this is ridiculous!”

“Jo! Really! This situation is not funny!” Pamela snapped, throwing her arms skyward in exasperation. Removing the pressure of her crossed arms left her expanding tits with only her overstressed bra for containment, and apparently it wasn't up to the task; the rear clasps shattered with a metallic pinging sound and the bra flew off of breasts that were more than twice as large as it was designed for. “Eep!” she cried, crossing her arms in front of her again.

“Ha! I don't know about that, Pam, you showing your goods off to everyone seems pretty funny to me!” Joanna replied. “Of course I think the joke will be on me shortly...” So saying, she gestured to her own chest; boob flesh was flowing all around the cups of her bra, which was showing signs of serious strain. However, she was so focused on it that what happened next caught her off guard. The seams on the sides of her jeans had stopped separating about halfway up, but they suddenly exploded all the way up and the shredded denim went flying off in front of and behind her, leaving her lower half clad in only a pink thong. Or, at least, it had been a thong. She'd grown so big now that it looked more like a strand of floss, and as her growth continued, it slipped in between her lips and disappeared from view. “Aaaaaaah!” she cried in a mixture of shock and pleasure at the unexpected sensation.

“Maybe that will get you to stop making jokes for a second,” Pamela sneered. “God knows we could use a moment of—mmmmmmmm...” she trailed off into a moan. Keeping one arm across her chest (though her boobs were so big now it left little to the imagination), she moved her other hand down toward her waist and started clutching at the front of the remains of her dress. Much like Joanna's thong, Pamela had grown so big relative to her pale green panties that they had slipped into her pussy and were rubbing against her clit. At the moment only Linda and Cristi were able to see it, looking up at their growing friends, but the hem of her shrinking sundress wasn't even halfway down her thighs at this point so it wouldn't be long before she was exposed to everyone. They could see her trying futilely to adjust the tightening underwear through the dress that had become a micro mini skirt. After a few attempts, there was a very loud ripping sound and Pamela came away with a fistful of torn green floral-print fabric. The tattered dress that had fit her entire body minutes ago now looked like a large green table napkin in her giant fist. “Aaaah...dammit...mmm...that was m-my f-favorite—aaah!--dress...” she moaned, having a little trouble speaking due to the distraction her underwear was providing.

“I know j-just feel,” replied Joanna. “This is be...beCOMING my faaaaaaaavorite thong, but I th-think it's...oh god...about to go...” Her words proved prophetic; seconds later, the stretched thong reached its limit and snapped apart, falling away from her swelling hips. “Aww! I was so close!” Joanna cried in frustration. A moment later a smile crossed her face. “Fuck it,” she said aloud. She gripped the cups of her overstressed bra and tore it off her still-growing breasts, then did the same to the tattered scraps of her pink top that were still hanging on her shoulders. “Aaah. Much better,” she added, rubbing her huge tits in satisfaction as she shook her head side to side, swirling her long, wavy auburn hair around. “Now where was I...?” she said with an impish grin before dropping one hand between her legs and fingering herself while rolling one giant nipple between the fingers of her other hand.

“Joanna! What the fuck are you doing?” Pamela shouted, staring incredulously as her fourteen-foot friend started openly masturbating.

“What does it look like I'm doing?” she smirked. “That made me soooo horny, and I'm already naked in public, so I figured, why not?” So saying, she closed her eyes and threw her head back, continuing to pleasure herself as she got bigger. “Oh, yeah! Feels great!”

Pamela's own panties were getting soaked from her arousal as they continued to press against her clit, and for a moment she found herself considering doing the same thing. Instead, she pulled the waistband of her shrinking underwear hard, deliberately snapping it off and relieving the pressure. “Some of us have a little thing called restraint,” she huffed, feeling a momentary twinge of jealousy at Joanna's less inhibited mentality. She noticed out of the corner of her eye that the two of them were roughly the same size as Hannah and Marion. To get her mind off of her lingering frustration, she tried to estimate about how big that made the four of them. Linda and Cristi didn't seem to have grown—at least not yet—so they made reasonably good benchmarks. Between them and the surrounding trees and park fixtures, Pamela estimated she and the others were somewhere around twenty feet tall.

Down below her, Cristi was staring up at Joanna in disbelief, still in shock at the sudden and inexplicable changes that had struck her friends over the past several minutes. It occurred to her that it was probably only a matter of time before she or Linda ended up giant and naked, and she turned to the only other normal-sized woman left. “Well, Linda, guess it's just you and me now. Which one of us do you think will be next?”

Linda shook her head and pulled her attention away from Joanna's antics at the question. She looked blank for a moment, but then seemed to have a spark of inspiration. “I don't know,” she replied, reaching into the small yellow purse slung across her torso, “but I'm not just going to stand here waiting to find out.” She retrieved her smartphone and tapped the screen.

“What are you doing?” Cristi asked in puzzlement.

“Calling the paramedics,” Linda answered.
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