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The Process Forum - View Single Post - One Week at Wolf Lake NEW 5/31 (Growth, sex, other tags inside)
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Unread 10-29-2013   #68
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Re: Story: One Week at Wolf Lake (Growth, miniGTS, GTS, F/m, F/f, sex)

Thanks for the comments, guys! @make: Vanessa getting exposed to a higher dosage? What are the odds of that happening?

Apologies for the delay. I've been sick; an acute case of Batman Fever. Symptoms include sleeplessness, muscle spasms in the hands, difficulty concentrating, and extreme loss of free time. Between Arkham Origins, Halloween with the family, and a couple other things, I'm gonna take a few days off. Before I go, though, have another segment of the story. Enjoy!

* * * * *

Mike Murphy gripped his radio and pressed the talk key as he put the ambulance in park. “Dispatch, this is EMT unit 7. On scene at the park,” he said before grabbing a small medical kit and exiting the vehicle. His partner, Dave Garrett, stepped around the front to meet him.

“Ready, Mike?”

With a nod, Mike walked briskly toward the park gate. He keyed his radio again. “Dispatch, did the caller say where in the park--”

He stopped talking immediately as he saw something through the trees ahead. At first he thought his eyes were playing tricks on him. That couldn't possibly be a human leg taller than he was.

“Mike. Are you seeing what I'm seeing?” Dave said from next to him.

“I, uh...Dave...are you seeing women who look like they're 20 feet tall?”

“Good. It's not just me,” he responded dazedly.

Just then, one of the group, a black-haired woman who was wearing only panties but still more dressed than most of the others, waved an impossibly huge arm at the duo. “Hey! Medic! Over here!”

Mike blinked rapidly several times, trying to gather his wits. He keyed his radio again. “Uh...Dispatch...EMT 7 here. I think...I think we're going to need a few more units on scene, here,” he said. “Have someone bring a blood testing kit.” Considering the condition the women were in, he added after a moment, “And a bunch of tarps or sheets.”

“What's the situation, 7?”

“It's very hard to explain, Dispatch. Look, send the supervisor; he can see it for himself when he gets here.” Releasing the radio, he stepped through the gate toward the giant woman waving at him. Shortly, he realized Dave was still standing at the gate staring. Irritably, he walked back and grabbed his partner's arm. “Wake up, Dave!” he snapped.

“Huh? Oh. Sorry, Mike,” his partner replied after a moment. Shaking his head as if to clear it, he fixed his gray eyes intently on Mike's. “I just got lost in thought for a sec. I mean, seriously—what the hell is going on here? How are they so big?”

“That's what we're here to find out, man.” So saying, Mike once again entered the park gates, glancing behind to make sure the shorter man was following him. The black-haired woman who had waved to them turned her head to track their approach. Mike couldn't help but notice that the other enormous naked women were doing the same. Finally, standing right next to the first woman, he tried to ignore the fact that he only came up to her knee and forced himself to remain calm.

“Hi,” she said. “I'm Linda. I'm the one who called about our...situation.” She gestured at herself and the other huge women. “I didn't really know how to describe it over the phone without you thinking it was a prank or I was crazy,” she added apologetically.

“Hey,” one of the other women—a strawberry blonde—called down to him. “You're kinda cute. What's your name, little guy?”

“Cristi!” Linda hissed. To Mike, she said, “Sorry. A couple of my friends aren't acting normal. I think it's related to what's happened to us.”

“What's happened is that we grew fucking huge,” Cristi interrupted. “And not just our height. Look at my tits!” she said, gazing down at Mike as she hefted her gigantic breasts. “Want a closer look, cutie?”

“Dammit, Cristi! Knock it off!” This from a woman with straight blond hair standing further away from Mike.

“Don't be such a bore, Pam. I've never had a set like this. I wanna play with them. I want a cute guy to play with them! And I loooooove a man in uniform,” said Cristi with a grin. She turned her attention from Mike to Dave. “How about you, stud? Bet you've never seen tits like these before.”

“Cristi, will you shut up? I don't know what's gotten into you but this is not a good time to be thinking about sex!” Linda snapped.

“Prude,” retorted Cristi, sticking out her tongue (which Mike figured to be at least half his size).

Looking up at Linda, he cleared his throat. “Ladies. If I may. We're here to help you.” Noticing that his partner was staring at Cristi's chest, he loudly added, “Isn't that right, Dave?”

Dave jerked guiltily. “Huh? Oh, uh, yeah. Here to help you.”

Mike rolled his eyes. “Consummate professional, you are,” he mumbled. He called up to Linda. “We have more units on the way. Whatever is wrong with you ladies, we'll figure it out.”

“I'm sure we can have you back to your old selves in no time,” Dave added, setting down his medical kit and rummaging around in it.

“We're also going to have something brought for you to wear,” Mike continued.

“That's a relief,” said a woman with wavy blonde hair. She was the only other one who had underwear on, and she hadn't stopped trying to cover herself with her hands the entire time.

“Oh, what's the rush, Hannah?” replied the auburn-haired one next to her. “We're all exposed, you know.” From the corner of his eye, Mike would almost swear she was surreptitiously touching herself.

He addressed Linda again, asking her a few questions about some basic personal info, including her previous height, and writing it down on a pad next to her name. “Alright, so. Normally I'd check your blood pressure, but I'm not sure how to go about it at your size, or even what your normal should be. Considering that, I think the first thing I should probably do is see how much you've grown. Can I get you to lie down for me?” She nodded at him and complied. Even with her lying down, he couldn't see over her body.

“Hey, sexy, want me to lie down for you and let you check my measurements?” Cristi said, leaning over Dave and dangling her massive tits above him. He made a strangled sound and tried very hard to keep his eyes on the equipment he was removing from his medical bag.

“Would you please stop that?” Hannah cried in exasperation.

“....Anyway,” said Mike, looking through his supplies for a tape measure, “Can you tell me more about what happened to you? How did you get like this?”

Linda sighed heavily. “I wish I knew. We were here at the park for a picnic, and we had just finished up and were going to a movie. We headed for our cars, and then the sprinkler system went off and we all got drenched. Right after that we noticed our boobs growing and our feet busting out of our shoes; then the rest of our bodies joined in and we ended up like this,” she said, gesturing at herself.

Mike pinned down the end of the tape at her head and began unrolling it toward her feet. “Were any of you feeling at all ill or strange before this growth occurred?”

“No, not that I know of...anybody feel sick or anything today before this happened?” she called out to the others. They all echoed her sentiment (except for Cristi, who used it as another opportunity to slip in an innuendo).

“Well, you must have been exposed to something in the food, or—Christ, you're nineteen feet tall!” he blurted suddenly. “Sorry,” he said sheepishly. “I guess it's still sinking in.”

“That's okay,” she said, rising from the ground and brushing herself off. He couldn't help but notice her colossal breasts jiggling with the movement. “I can hardly believe it myself.”

“It is pretty crazy,” he replied. “Well, let me get the info on the others here and we'll see what to do next. There should be a supervisor en route here, and hopefully he'll have a better idea of our course of action.” He turned to the next woman, who'd been silent the entire time and seemed very anxious. “What's your name, ma'am?”

“Marion Allen,” she answered.

“Nice to meet you, Marion, I'm Mike,” he said, trying to put her at ease. “I just need to ask you a few—Dave!”

He ran over to where Cristi lay flat on her back, his partner held against her titanic tits by one massive hand. “Dammit, Dave!” he yelled.

“Don't be mad at him, cutie,” Cristi said, raising her head to smile at him. “I picked him up and put him there.”

“I was powerless to resist!” Dave called from his perch.

“Yes, I'm sure you fought tooth and nail,” Mike said flatly. “Get your ass down from there.”

“Hey, tell her,” replied his coworker. “She's not kidding about picking me up and putting me here.”

“Ma'am...Cristi...” he said to the huge grinning face focused on him, “Would you please put him down? We're trying to help you ladies.”

“What if I don't want help?” she asked, smirking at him. “Maybe I don't want to turn back into a five-foot-nothing flat-chested nobody. Maybe I like being big,” she said, squeezing one of her massive melons again for emphasis.

Deliberately ignoring the spectacle, Mike tried to speak more forcefully (not an easy task, given how intimidating her size was). “Cristi. Look. We don't know what other effects you may experience. What if this makes you really sick? What if it kills you?”

Cristi sighed. At her size it was quite loud. “Spoilsport.” She slid Dave out from between the mounds on her chest and set him down beside her.

Mike turned to his friend, who was grinning like an idiot. “Dave. Think you can keep your head out of her tits long enough to do your job?”

The grin disappeared. “Come on, man. Cut me a break. You can't tell me you haven't even looked. This is incredible!”

“Yes. It is. In fact, it's unique. Which is why we don't know what could happen to them next. They could grow again any minute. Their hearts could stop. Can you PLEASE be a fucking professional here?” he snapped.

“Fine, fine...” Dave grumbled. He turned back to Cristi. “Cristi, I need you to lie flat for me again. No funny business, okay?”

After several minutes, the two men finally had the measurements for all the women. Joanna was the shortest woman, at seventeen and a half feet; the largest one was the twenty-one-foot Hannah. Shortly, the sound of a siren alerted Mike to the arrival of more paramedics. “Excuse me, ladies,” he said, walking toward the park gate. In the parking lot, he saw three more ambulances arriving; stepping out of the lead one was James Green, his shift supervisor. “Hey, James.”

“Mike,” he said gruffly. “Care to explain why you called for assistance without giving us any details on the situation? And why did you need sheets and tarps?”

“Excuse me? Mike?” Marion called. “Did you say they're bringing something for us to wear?”

James had turned to look at the source of the sound; Mike watched his jaw drop as his eyes widened in shock. “I think a better question would be, what are we going to do now?” he said.
Tace atque abi. Plenus stercoris est.

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