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The Process Forum - View Single Post - One Week at Wolf Lake NEW 5/31 (Growth, sex, other tags inside)
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Unread 12-10-2013   #75
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Talking Re: Story: One Week at Wolf Lake (Growth, miniGTS, GTS, F/m, F/f, sex)


Ok, so it looks like this scene's gonna have to be THREE parts long. My muse just won't shut up! But I guess it means more growth for you guys, so enjoy. ^_^

The next bit, in addition to the growy goodness you've come to expect, will contain lesbian sex and light destruction. Which is odd, because I swear the scene in my head didn't originally include those things... XD


She was interrupted by a loud cry from Jackie, still standing at the edge of the stage. The blonde was fidgeting with her skintight top and orange shorts, but she was looking past them to her feet. Her shoes looked a little odd; they seemed to be distended and bulged outward in odd places. She gave another cry of pain. “Oww! My feet! My shoes feel so tight!” She shuffled her feet around, but if anything her discomfort worsened. “Fuck, this hurts!” she yelled, finally sitting down and reaching for them.

Kelly looked confused and annoyed as she turned back to the microphone again. She tugged her Hooters top briefly away from where it clung to her breasts and tried to move it around a bit as it settled back into place. “.....Oh-kay. Sorry about that, guys. Let's get back to--”

“Aaah! I can't get them off! Help me!” Jackie interrupted again, frantically tugging at her shoes. “It hurts!”

Now looking genuinely concerned for her coworker, Kelly uttered a quick apology into the mic and walked over to Jackie. She unconsciously shook her own feet once or twice on the way over, as if her shoes didn't feel quite right either. Ashley watched as the redhead bent down to the blonde, gripped her right sneaker in both hands, and pulled...but even though the laces were untied she couldn't budge the shoe. Kelly gripped as hard as she could, prying her fingers under the edges of the shoe's opening, trying to pull the tight material away from Jackie's sock. She tugged hard, leaning back, and was finally rewarded with a series of pops and a loud ripping sound before falling on her ass. Glancing down at the shoe in her hands, Ashley was stunned to see the laces had burst all the way down and the top of the sneaker had split down to the toes!

She looked back to Jackie, wondering what the hell was going on. Just then she heard another popping sound, which drew her attention to the blonde's left foot. One of the laces had snapped in the middle and, as she watched in amazement, the rest fired off like bullets as the bottom of the sneaker tore free from the upper piece, leaving the ruined top half of a shoe lying on top of a foot that looked at least a size too big for it. Why the hell did she wear those if they're too small for her? Then Ashley noticed the blonde's socks looked too small for her as well—they were threadbare, stretched-out, and had holes in them. Weird... Absently, she tugged at the waist of her jean shorts, trying to get them into a more comfortable position.

“Ow!” Another pained cry drew her attention to Kelly. The petite redhead was standing again and had her hands at her waist, clawing at the closure on the front of her orange shorts. Something about her appearance seemed off to Ashley, but at first she wasn't sure what. As Kelly looked up, a worried expression on her face, it struck her—her hair looked different. Ashley would have sworn it was cut almost boyishly short, barely past her ears, but it now fell past the base of her skull. As she continued to look, she almost imagined she could see the woman's hair creeping longer still. Kelly's grasping fingers finally managed to pop the catch in her shorts, but even as the front pulled open they seemed to be drawing tight around her hips again.

Ashley blinked several times and shook her head, looking away from the waitress. “Am I seeing things?” she started to ask Amanda, but the question died in her throat. The blonde's breasts were noticeably bigger. They had filled out her white shirt before, but Ashley could see that they now stuck out further than they had previously. Her stiff nipples looked even larger as well, pushing further out against the front of her top. She tried not to stare, but she could see the twin orbs slowly expanding further, lifting the bottom of the shirt slowly higher up Amanda's flat stomach. Now that the idea was forcing itself into the front of her mind, she could see Jackie—still sitting at the far side of the stage, her legs drawn up in front of her, rubbing her feet to soothe the pain—was experiencing something similar, her tits gradually swelling into the space between her chest and her knees.

Ashley was feeling the first stirrings of panic now, unsure what was happening to them. She turned her head to the opposite side as she unconsciously tugged at the bottom of her own shirt. She could see similar effects in the other women; Lara's already-huge nipples seemed to be swelling before her eyes, and Talia's cutoff shirt was climbing her chest, displaying the bottom curvature of her boobs. The effect was most noticeable on Kasey, though; the short Asian's shirt had been loose before and only clung to her when it was wet, but it was obviously tightening around her now. Hmm...something else looks different...almost like she's... No. No way. That's impossible. After a moment, though, it couldn't be denied.

Kasey was getting taller.

She'd looked about 5'1” earlier, shorter than even the petite hostess Kelly, but she seemed to have gained more than two inches in the last few minutes. Ashley kept trying to tell herself that it just couldn't be happening, even as she watched the woman rise slowly higher. There's no way. Bigger. It's completely impossible. Bigger. People don't just spontaneously grow taller. Still bigger, and now she found herself eye-to-eye with the formerly diminutive Kasey, who had spotted her breast growth and was looking down to watch them swell under her shirt. Judging from her gleeful expression, she either hadn't noticed her new height of 5'7” or didn't care.

Ashley started to say something to her, but suddenly she felt a momentary dizziness, and then Kasey seemed to shrink back down a few inches...but a quick look at Talia and Lara made her realize the truth. She was growing, too! She could feel her cutoff jean shorts squeezing her ass tightly and digging into her waist. Also, her t-shirt sleeves were shrinking on her arms and it was feeling very constricting on her... Wow. She had glanced down at feeling a tightness in her chest and saw she was experiencing the other type of growth as well. Her breasts had gained at least a cup size and were still inflating like two balloons as she stared. She could see the fabric stretching thinner and thinner, her stiff and growing nipples plainly visible through the wet shirt.

It was scary not knowing what was causing this, but at the same time she felt really good; her breasts and, to a lesser extent, her whole body felt pleasurable tingling as she got bigger and bigger. Intrigued by the sensations, she raised a hand and cupped one 38E tit and, unthinkingly, rubbed her nipple. A wave of pleasure shuddered through her and she moaned softly...but cheering and catcalls from the spectators immediately ruined her enjoyment. She'd forgotten they were there for a moment. So far, the audience hadn't realized anything was amiss; they had mostly been drinking, and since the womens' breasts were visible anyway they probably couldn't even tell that the growth had occurred.

That changed pretty quickly when Jackie stopped rubbing her feet and stood back up...and up...and up. She was a towering 7' tall, at least, and her soaking Hooters tank top didn't even cover the nipples on her now-huge breasts. As she reached her full height, Ashley saw that the familiar orange shorts looked absolutely tiny on the blonde waitress—she appeared to be wearing orange bikini briefs. The audience roared louder than ever at her exposure, and she shrieked as she looked down and saw the problem. “Oh my god!” she cried, trying in vain to pull the tank top down over tits that would've filled a shirt twice the size. “What—how--” She pulled the bottom of the shirt again and was rewarded with loud tearing sounds as the shoulder straps failed. She was then able to tug the top far enough down, but with it being too small and very wet and clingy, it only covered the middle of her breasts, making her seem to be wearing a translucent sash. With her immediate problem solved, she looked around at the other women and seemed to finally notice she stood head and shoulders above the rest. “What the fuck happened to me?” she shouted.

Kelly, staring at her transformed coworker, could only shrug—a motion that made her larger breasts shift in interesting ways and also blew out one of her shoulder straps. She yelped in astonishment as she tried to keep her top from falling on that side. Not that it would anyway, Ashley thought, noticing that the redhead's expanding bustline had stretched her top taut across her torso as well. “I don't know, Jackie, but I think it's affecting the rest of us...” she said, taking a quick survey of the contestants.

“What? Us?” said Amanda. She was answered by a gradual ripping sound; Ashley looked down in shock to see the side of Amanda's shorts tearing open along a seam. At first she thought the blonde woman was growing taller too, but as she kept watching she could see the Aussie's ample ass swelling, growing curvier in proportion to the rest of her! The shorts had looked almost skintight before; now even “painted on” wouldn't quite say it. The bottom of the shorts rose higher and higher on her plumping cheeks as the stitches in the side ripped further up the legs. Finally, with a much louder sound, the seam gave way and the shorts fell off, revealing Amanda's tight white panties wedged firmly between her large round buttocks. Predictably, this resulted in more loud appreciation from the crowd of men.

“Wait, wait, wait,” Ashley suddenly uttered, drawing the group's attention. “Why is it affecting all of us differently? I mean, it looks like most of us got bigger tits, but then Amanda's ass explodes, and Jackie, Kasey and I get taller.”

“Interesting point,” said Sara. At first, Ashley didn't think she'd changed any, but she belatedly realized that it was only because she'd had such big tits to begin with. At a closer look she could tell they were bigger, the woman's tank top having climbed up her belly. “Do you think maybe we're all going to--”

A loud moan broke in, startling everyone as they turned to Kasey. She had apparently grown again, as she was once again eye-level with Ashley, but that changed quickly, her head rising higher above the other contestants. “Mmmm...” she moaned again, throwing back her head and tossing her long dark hair (which was getting even longer as she grew). “Fuck yeah. I wanna be big,” she added, caressing her expanding mammaries through the thin white fabric pulled across her chest. The shirt, which had been visibly too big on her before, was now so tight it looked like a little girl's shirt on the Asian Amazon. Her breasts were swelling rapidly, already probably up to 38DD and pushing out ever-further as they put increasing strain on the shrinking shirt. Her nipples stood out stiffly, so large now that the fabric had torn a little bit where they poked into it. She squeezed her giant boobs together and moaned again much louder as she pinched her huge nips. There were the expected cheers from the audience, although not as many, and Ashley heard scattered expressions of confusion or worry; evidently the more sober ones had finally noticed something weird was going on.

Kasey's expansion continued, her ass beginning to blossom as Amanda's had, going from nearly flat to lusciously curvy in a matter of seconds. Coupled with her rising height, it was too much for her black thong, which drew up and slid between her pussy lips, eliciting a sensual cry from her before it snapped off and fell to the stage. “Bigger! I want to be even bigger!” she shouted, sliding one hand down her belly as the other kept playing with her still-growing breasts. To Ashley they appeared to be F-cups and showed no signs of stopping; a tear had formed in the bottom of the shirt and was quickly growing as her tits pushed the material up and out. The huge Asian passed even Jackie's impressive height and kept going, reaching eight feet as her questing fingers found their way between her legs. She gasped in pleasure and began to play with herself...which seemed to speed up the process! Nine feet, ten, and still going up as she rubbed her fingers along her slit.

The other women watched in astonishment as Kasey masturbated, driving herself to increasing heights, crying “BIGGER!” with each stroke of her fingers. There was a loud crunching sound and she suddenly seemed to shrink slightly, but she rose right back up and kept going. A quick glance down revealed that the black heels she'd been wearing had been crushed beneath her increasing weight; the torn remains were quickly vanishing beneath her expanding feet. Damn. Two-inch heels and she still barely cleared five feet...she really was short before! The rip in her shirt reached the neck and the ruined tee tore wide open in front; she briefly stopped playing with her tits to grip the shrinking sleeves and pull them hard, shredding the garment and tossing it contemptuously aside before returning to her ministrations. By now, all but the most inebriated patrons had realized what was happening. Some of them had panicked and run, some simply stood in shock at the live sex show that was getting bigger before their eyes, and a few seemed to be enjoying it. Kasey's eyes were closed, her head thrown back, her mouth open in cries of pleasure, her hands going wild on her body, and all the while she crept up in height...thirteen feet...fourteen...fifteen...
Tace atque abi. Plenus stercoris est.

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