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The Process Forum - View Single Post - One Week at Wolf Lake NEW 5/31 (Growth, sex, other tags inside)
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Unread 01-02-2014   #77
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Re: Story: One Week at Wolf Lake (Growth, miniGTS, GTS, F/m, F/f, sex)

Ok, so. This is even longer than I anticipated. The bad news is this scene is being split one more time, which means the lesbian action and the destruction won't happen until the next part. The good news is the next part is already written and will be going up very soon, as I'm going to try to commit at least one hour a day to writing in the new year, at least until all my commitments are caught up.

Volfsbayne, thanks for your continued support of this story. You too, MinMax. I hope everyone else is enjoying as well. On to more growing Hooters girls!

* * * * *

Ashley was distracted from the growing Asian by another moan, this time from behind her. She whirled around and saw Sara kneading her breasts, her tank top pushed up above them for easier access. Her red skirt was tightening as her hips and ass swelled, and its bottom was creeping up her thighs, slowly revealing her red panties as it rose. Seeming to realize what she was doing, she suddenly stopped and dropped her hands, her face flushing in embarrassment. “I...I...It just...feels so good,” she said, looking sheepishly around. “I couldn't help ooooohhhhh....” she trailed off as she suddenly surged up several inches, her skirt rapidly ascending all the way up to her hips, showing off her panties completely—and they were so tight and wet (probably not just from the hose, Ashley mused) that they left nothing to the imagination.

Her momentary embarrassment forgotten, Sara again started playing with her breasts as they grew even larger. Despite their increasingly prodigious proportions, though, they still didn't sag; Ashley felt a twinge of jealousy and briefly thought, I hope mine look that good in ten years. Before long, they'd swelled so large that it seemed impossible for the tiny tank top to have ever contained the massive bust that hung below it. A creaking sound from below briefly drew Ashley's attention to her shoes; she'd worn red open-toed sandals, and the straps were biting into her oversized feet. Her toes were far out past the front opening, her heels over the back, and her soles straining at the sides. After a few seconds, the straps popped in quick succession, the shoes violently destroyed as Sara's feet surged outward. Her height continued to increase as well, her skirt sliding up so high it looked like a red belt before a motion from her toned thighs snapped it violently apart and it fell to the floor. She rose higher and higher, passing Jackie quickly. On her way up, she tried to slide a hand into her panties to touch herself, but they were pulled so taut that she couldn't get her enlarging fingers into the waistband. Undeterred, she gripped the underwear and with a quick flex of her arm (Ashley gulped nervously at the size of the taut muscle that briefly appeared) she tore the offending item off.

"Mmm god this feels soooo......aaahh..." Sara moaned as she slid her fingers into her snatch. Wow, her crotch is already above my head! She rubbed herself quickly, each stroke seeming to fuel her growth. Her tank top constricted around her shoulders before it shredded and fell away, the scraps of white fabric sliding off her still-growing breasts. "Ohh yes!" she cried, her head steadily climbing, her height approaching Kasey (who still hadn't stopped growing). Hearing a few more cheers (mixed with a few chants of "MILF!"), Ashley glanced at the assembled men crowded below the stage.

The audience seemed to have thinned out a bit more, but the ones who were left seemed to be enjoying the show quite a bit and looked like they couldn't quite decide whether to pay more attention to the Asian or the redhead. Pigs, she thought. But then, I guess I don't really blame them. It almost looks like those two are having a masturbation-fueled growth competition... Gazing across the room, she saw James still seated at his table, his mouth open in shock. Well at least he doesn't look like he's hypnotized.

"Oh god, not me too!" Ashley turned her head to see Lara grimacing as she tried to pull her increasingly inadequate shirt down to cover her swelling chest. Her nipples, big to start with and even bigger from her earlier expansion, were poking stiffly into the fabric and growing by the moment. With a look of panic, she clutched her boobs and appeared to be trying to compress them, as if she expected to hold back whatever was happening. "No, no, no..." she whispered, trying to deny her expansion even as it began in earnest. Her head quickly rose, the electric blue color of her hair becoming less visible as her naturally jet-black locks lengthened and thickened. She gasped and clutched at her blue bikini bottom as it pulled into her nether lips; she tugged the material free and let out a pained cry. Must have given herself a wedgie, Ashley thought with faint amusement.

Two sudden but relatively quiet tearing noises drew her eyes to the front of Lara's shirt. She watched in surprise as the girl's giant nipples poked completely through the cloth! She shrieked in embarrassment and tried to cover her chest... but now that fabric had torn, her continued growth was slowly finishing off the shirt. More and more of her creamy flesh was exposed as her swollen tits pressed through the widening holes. Her arm was across her chest, but it left less and less to the imagination as her ample bosom lifted it further away and more curvy breast pressed out above and below it. Far below her giant tits, the sound of ripping canvas could be heard as her toes poked through the front of her shoes, slowly disintegrating them as her feet grew.

She emitted another gasp and a stifled moan as her bottoms again slid in between her pussy lips, the stress clearly visible in the garment as her height and hips swelled beyond its capacity. She reached down with her free hand and tried to tug the material free again, but it had no slack and wouldn't budge. She succeeded only in making herself gasp and yelp as her efforts squeezed the bottom against sensitive areas. After several attempts, it finally snapped in the middle, leaving a blue band stretched tightly around her waist with a blue strap dangling from the middle, its torn end doing nothing to cover her shaved snatch. This was predictably met with more cheers and catcalls.

Lara blushed and put her hand over her crotch to try to cover herself. Seconds later her blush deepened as the waistband gave with a loud snap and the bikini bottom shot off like an overstretched rubber band. This was followed by another loud tearing noise from her top as the growing rips reached the edges of the shirt and it exploded, scraps of torn white fabric hanging limply over the arm she had across her enormous tits the only evidence it had ever been there. She continued to rise in height, although she still had to look up to Sara--herself only breast-high to Kasey. The massive Asian woman had one hand braced against the ceiling over the stage and her head was inching slowly closer as she screamed in what had to be at least her third orgasm. Lara's expansion didn't seem to be progressing as quickly as theirs had. Maybe because she's not playing with herself, Ashley mused.

"Oooh, I think it's my turn now..." came Amanda's distinctive accent. Sure enough, she was growing, her tits warping the front of her shirt, the sleeves climbing her arms, her too-small panties clinging to her womanhood. "Aaah! So tight!" she cried, clutching at the tight underwear. At a glance, Ashley could see that the Aussie's magnificent ass had begun to swell again, and the back of the panties (which already looked like a thong) had been lost to view, squeezed in between her curvy cheeks.

Her growing breasts lifted the shirt front higher and higher, its hem climbing slowly up the fleshy orbs, the fabric stretching and showing small rips in places. Ashley glanced up to see her blonde locks flowing down around her head, which was gradually rising against the background of the wall...but... That's weird, she thought after a moment. Amanda must be getting taller, but I'm still looking her straight in... She felt a constriction around her upper thighs and looked down to see her jean shorts creeping upward as they tightened. Oh.

"You too, eh?" said the blonde, eyeing Ashley with a grin. "Does it turn you on?" she continued, squeezing her tits through the thin shirt. "Because it definitely does me..." She played with her breasts some more, getting easier access as their increasing size lifted the shirt ever higher. "Oh!" she gasped as it slid above her nipples, leaving them completely open to her fingers. Her boobs seemed to almost be pulsing, growing slightly bigger every time she pinched her nips.

"," replied Ashley lamely, knowing the lie was obvious. The other woman raised an eyebrow skeptically and smirked. "Okay, yes. It feels...mmm...really good," she said after a moment. "But I'm still not about to start playing with myself in public, like some people."

"Are you sure about that?" Amanda asked, grinning as she looked down at Ashley's chest.

Ashley looked down with a frown. "Huh? Why--oh!" she cried, realizing she'd unconsciously slid one hand over her expanding boobs as the other was sliding down her belly. She flushed. "I didn't...I mean I wasn't..." she stammered, embarrassed.

The Aussie flashed her a big grin. "Uh huh. Sure."

Ashley started to say something else, but her attention was drawn to an incredible pressure against her ass. Trying to twist her body to look, she saw that her butt was blossoming too! Putting a hand behind her, she could feel how much curvier it was, and her shorts weren't up to the task of containing it. She felt increasingly umcomfortable as they grew tighter...and tighter...and tighter...until they suddenly exploded, the entire back of her shorts bursting open! She felt cool air on her skin and heard a few whistles from the audience; feeling around for the torn fabric, she realized her panties had also blown apart, leaving her ass bare to the crowd. Her blush deepened and she tried to cover her nudity. Amanda noticed and grinned at her.

"I don't know what you're so modest about," the big blonde remarked. "We're all gonna be naked soon if this keeps up. In fact..." So saying, she grabbed her shrinking, ripping shirt in both huge hands and tore it apart. "Much better. That was getting too tight anyway," she said. "Speaking of things that are too tight, these panties have got to go too..."

"I can help with that."

(Aren't I just a bastard for cutting it off right there? )
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