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Unread 01-16-2014   #82
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Re: Story: One Week at Wolf Lake (Growth, miniGTS, GTS, F/m, F/f, sex)

@Volf: I will admit that there may have been a bit of fatigue by the time I got around to Jackie. Although I also did want to do something different, so I do claim that as at least part of my motivation. ^_^

@tsokei: Thanks! Hope you continue to enjoy.

So here's your next bit. It's a little shorter, but at least I'm sticking to my update schedule, yes? Besides, it's important plot-wise, so :P

* * * * *

Vanessa fidgeted uneasily in her seat, self-consciously tugging at her ill-fitting dress. Seeing the worried expression on her face, Jake asked yet again if she was okay. "For the eighth time tonight, I'm fine."

"Sorry, hon. You just...well you've seemed distracted and nervous. Makes me think you're not having a good time," he replied.

She made herself smile at him. "Really, sweetie, I'm having fun. I'm glad to be out tonight with you." Which was partially true. The movie and dinner had helped her relax some, but she wasn't able to get her mind completely off of the conversation with Carla earlier, or the fact that she herself was apparently infected.

"You sure?"

"I'm just...stressed out. About work. You know," she said absently. From the way she talked, exposure has caused much more severe symptoms in other women...wish I could see it for myself and get a better idea of what's going on.

"Yeah, I can imagine. How is that going, by the way? Any luck coming up with a way to cover the company's ass?" he said, looking concerned.

"No, nothing yet. I don't know if I'm going to be able to find anything useful in the records at all," she replied, staring out over the crowd on the dance floor, still mostly lost in her own thoughts. Plus, if I could see a more extreme reaction, it would give me a pretty good idea of how much I was exposed to... Just then, inspiration struck.

"Hmm. Maybe we should have thought of--"

"Sorry, hon, I need to use the restroom," Vanessa said quickly, cutting him off. "I'll be right back, okay?" Without waiting for a reply, she stood from the table and stepped off across the floor. She glanced back a few times until she was sure Jake had turned his attention from her, then turned in the direction of the bar.

Stepping up to the crowded counter, she got the attention of one of the bartenders and requested four cups of ice water. When they were brought, she carefully scooped them up in her hands, balancing them to keep from spilling any on herself. I'm sure this water is filtered, but why take unnecessary risks? Of course, if it's filtered it probably won't work. Carrying the cups, she weaved her way through the crowd toward the restrooms and pushed through the door.

Once inside, she dumped each cup down one of the hand sinks, then refilled them with water from the tap, figuring it was highly unlikely to be filtered. Once more carefully balancing the cups, she stepped back out to the main room and stood at the edge of the dance floor, searching for the right opportunity. After a few minutes of scanning the crowd, her gaze landed on a pair of brunettes dancing with each other near the far edge of the floor; two men--possibly their boyfriends--sitting at a nearby table were watching appreciatively as the women pressed against each other, grinding and gyrating in close contact. Perfect.

She slowly moved closer through the crowd, being as careful as possible with the cups, since she had filled them up near the top to ensure maximum results. As she came within a few steps of the intimately close pair, she feigned stumbling forward--and violently flung the full cups at the two women, splashing them liberally with tap water. The two jumped in shock and turned in spluttering rage to glare at Vanessa.

"What the fuck?" snarled the taller one in a voice with a faint Hispanic accent, brushing droplets of water off her exposed tan skin and staring down in dismay at her damp attire. She'd worn a revealing red dress, one of those with the holes down the sides. It showed a fair amount of cleavage up top and a lot of her long, long legs below its short hem. She was also wearing matching red heels, giving her a few extra inches, but Vanessa could tell she was pretty tall even without them. "What's the matter with you?" she snapped.

Fortunately, Vanessa already had her excuse handy. "I'm shorry," she slurred, wavering side-to-side as if she was having trouble standing. "I jus' shlipped. It was a acci...assi...I din' mean to," she added, hoping she was selling the don't-mind-me-I'm-drunk bit without being too obvious.

"You stupid bitch! You have any idea how much this dress cost me?" She looked like she was about to attack Vanessa, but then her dance partner put a hand on her arm.

"Calm down, Carmelita. It's obvious she's drunk," said the shorter woman, scowling at Vanessa. She stood out a little less than her friend, wearing a loose-fitting gray sleeveless top, a denim skirt, and fishnet stockings that covered her legs all the way down to black platform boots.

"I don't care! She just spilled her fucking drinks all over us! I'm gonna make her pay for that!" Carmelita said, glaring daggers. At a gentle tug on her arm, she turned the glare on her friend. "Let go, Susan!"

"She's not worth it. Come on, don't let this ruin our evening, Lita," Susan said, pulling again at the furious Latina's arm.

"If I may, ladies?" said a blonde waitress, stepping in between Vanessa and her two dripping targets. She had a nametag pinned to her black t-shirt that read MELISSA, and she was brushing herself off with a bar towel. "She got me too, but I have a spare towel you two can use. And I'm pretty sure it's just water," she added helpfully.

I didn't realize I got someone else, Vanessa thought, trying not to look surprised. She had been trying to pick people close to her own age in case that could skew the results, and Melissa looked to be probably late thirties. Oh well. I did what I needed to do.

Seeing that Carmelita still didn't look entirely placated, Melissa added, "Why don't I also bring you ladies a drink on the house?"

"Mmm, free drinksh?" Vanessa said slowly, keeping in character. "I wanna rum n' coke."

"I think you've had enough, honey," said Melissa, frowning. "Why don't you try to find a place to sit down for a little while, okay?"

"It's your lucky day, puta," snarled the taller woman. She and Susan placed their drink orders with Melissa as Vanessa staggered away toward her table.

When she returned, Jake was looking at his phone. He glanced up at her, his expression equal parts amusement and concern. "Did you fall in? That took a while."

"I'm fine. There was a line," she answered, sitting down next to him and peering across the room. She easily spotted Carmelita's bright red dress. Now I guess I just wait for the show to start.
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