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Thread: TF Romance
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Unread 03-02-2014   #68
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Re: TF Romance

Dude, just say boobs.

On a less silly note, I understand what you're saying, but the thought is self-contained. Sometimes, racism and sensitivities aren't simply contained to families or small groups of people who you can just eyeball and defeat with the classic: "You can't decide who I love." line that romance likes use. Sometimes, these perceptional (superficial or otherwise) differences extend to a large part of the population of the world you live in. While emotionally-wise, you and anybody would feel owed the right to love for the sake of loving, with no conditions (such as being too physically turned on by the partner), you have to accept that the vast majority of people are conditioned to believe such things as anthros or metamorphs to be something out of fiction or fantasy.

Then suddenly one pops up in front in front of you, your son taking her by the paw/claw/tentacle/etc to introduce her to you, both making impressive displays of loyalty and unlimited devotion that you can't help feel but this is the perfect match. You're not only dealing with the issue of your child bringing home his beloved, presumably his soul mate, but you're also adjusting your eyes to something you've never seen before. Your knowledge on a fellow human being of a different race hinges on how much you tolerate different cultural standards and/or skin tone. This is an entirely new sub-species of the human genome you're beholding, whether it's been a genetic or magical miracle. There is just no way to process both the emotional achievement of your child and your discovery of an anthro and not feel conflicted by your own thoughts. You haven't been prepared for it, you only have limited knowledge based on imagined what-ifs to build up your opinion. And it is true, your boy and this girl's love might be pure in all of its forms, but how long have they been at it? If they're at this junction, probably more than enough to have gone through the process I mentioned above to adjust to each other, and themselves, over this situation. You simply have not been prepared to deal with this.

So now that there's a bit of speculated context, let's return to the romantic couple. You have your girl next to you, learned to accept her. Your family's upset about her appearance, and even if you find it unfair, you have to understand they haven't had the time that you HAVE had to get to know this aspect of (super)nature in human beings. Given the time, they would coddle her and make her a part of the family just as you, because you're adamant and headstrong to the point of facing an important fear and deciding to do your best with your loved one to be accepted. It can go any way, but let's assume the family accepts you and your mate.

What of the world? Fuck it, no government or Goddarn planet will tell me what to feel. But to live in the world that you and your girl share with the rest of mankind, there needs to be acceptance from anybody you share the same place with, that includes streets, buildings, public transport, any place you can think of. The issue isn't isolated to a household or the perception of a small group of people anymore, unless you want your girl to hide for the rest of her life; this issue isn't the one resolved by showing her off and expecting everyone to understand your point of view like your kind family reluctantly (at first) did, these are billions of suddenly inflamed opinions we're talking about; like it or not, it would have to be a perfect world for it to not go with the prejudice of a creature like this being in a relationship with a human being. It's out of the norm, and your crowd isn't limited to your house, let alone your city or government anymore. It's the world

This is why, in my opinion, the plot will sometimes demand the guy to make the transhumanistic choice: "I can't bear you being against the world. I'll follow you down the same road if I have to." and change themselves to share the same prejudice. It is shallow, you say, and I get where you're coming from, but the world would not care. Your loved ones would understand your choice, they already understand your love is true.

The world doesn't understand that. It isn't about a specific mindset, or a specific culture, or even an consolidated view that everything transhumanistic must be persecuted; there simply has not been any previous conditioning to let the world know: "It's okay. Her stinger won't accidentally pierce your eyeball, just don't stroke your face against it.", you're dealing with the same problem you had with your family at the start, except this time its gravity is multiplied by literally millions.

Love CAN triumph all, we've been taught that in many tales. But love isn't always perceived the same way by everybody.

Alternatively, just say boobs.

Last edited by DragonMasterX; 03-02-2014 at 06:41 PM.
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