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Thread: Race Change
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Unread 03-14-2014   #246
Crash Ichimonji
Perverted Asexual
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Re: Race Change

Originally Posted by babblingfaces View Post
So, I've just come up with an idea for a racial change set in a fantasy world and featuring my recurring character, Leona. However, I'm having some doubts regarding how to portray matters related to ethnicity and culture in a fantastic context: The TF is obviously to a Japanese woman, yet in the context of this world, there is no Japan or Europe per se. In these terms I would rather not use Japanese as a foreign language, even when using English as a sort of "common" tongue. Essentially, there would be a progressive change from one language to the other, with the parts that cannot be understood not being understood by the reader either. Anyways, how do you guys feel about this, and how would you approach all of this as well? What would you place instead of foreign speech to signify the character is hearing something that is incomprehensible to her? Also, what do you guys think of Asian TFs that involve broken English (that is properly "broken", not "bloken")?
Is this going to be a visual sequence or a written one? If it's visual but with speech-bubbles, just make up symbols for actual Roman letters that look nothing like real letters in our alphabet.

If you need a fictitious 'foreign' language, I've been working on an auxiliary language for a while that I'd be happy to let you use. It's a bastardization of Latin, Ancient Greek, and a mish-mash of Slavic-based words with a grammar, conjugation, and declension of its own. Even when spelled in Roman letters it still looks different than all the languages involved mostly.
DA Account: Crash-Ichimonji
Originally Posted by morwalugi View Post

Missa the host
a rental van with 10 fetishists aboard
a film crew
a road map of tf shrines and areas of interest
and drive the van and its fetishists around to f/x labs,
Sleepy Hollow,etc as the passengers discuss their fetish

turn the camera on yourselfs to make a documentary about
your RL kinks due to the fetish
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