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Unread 05-22-2014   #139
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Re: One Week at Wolf Lake NEW 5/15/14 (Growth, sex, other tags inside)

It's still Thursday on the West Coast. :P

Sorry for the delay, gang, had to work late. Hope you enjoy! Let's look and see how one of the previously-affected denizens of Wolf Lake is doing...

* * * * *

“Ugh. I can't believe I'm still hungry,” moaned Kim staring despondently at her empty plate. “I never used to eat like this. I'd get fat.”

“Well, it's only natural you'd have more of an appetite now,” her father Paul said automatically from behind his paper. “After all, you're” he trailed off, as if unsure how to finish the sentence.

“A growing girl?” her brother Jason said snarkily. His grin vanished as his sister stared daggers at him, her unusually large fist clenching on the table. He swallowed nervously and turned his attention back to his pancakes. That was one thing she'd noticed since her bizarre growth spurt—while she'd been able to keep her smart-mouthed younger brother in check before, it was almost effortless now that she stood 6'9”.

Of course, at this size, almost everyone is intimidated by me, she thought. It had its benefits, of course, but one of the drawbacks was that, so far, most guys didn't seem to like the new her. She had realized to her dismay that though her figure had gotten more impressive—she now sported noticeably larger breasts and a curvy but firm ass—it did her no good if she was significantly taller than the average male. Not for the first time, she found herself wishing she could've gotten just the curves and stayed her old height. That would have been an occasion she would have enjoyed buying new clothes for, since none of her old ones fit anymore.

She had taken herself to the doctor following her unexpected change, and he'd told her that it was likely just what it appeared to be—a late growth spurt, albeit an unusually large one. Still, on the off chance that it was something more serious, he had advised her to take a few days off of classes and get some bed rest while they waited on blood work to be returned. She had gone shopping on Tuesday, then spent most of Wednesday at home watching Netflix and talking to her two similarly-afflicted friends. She found it almost impossibly unlikely that all three of them had experienced the same post-puberty massive growth spurt at the same time, but they had no better explanation, so they mostly talked about nothing, the better to take their minds off of the fearful possibility that it was something dangerous.

This morning saw her sitting down to breakfast with her family in one of her new outfits: a pale blue button-up shirt over a tank top (as she had had a lot of trouble getting anything with sleeves to fit her) and a pair of men's jeans. She hated that, and the men's sneakers she was wearing, but she was going to have to go to a larger shopping center to find a place that carried clothing for unusually tall women. She considered herself fortunate that she'd even been able to find a couple of bras and panties that fit her.

“...for you, Kim?”

She shook her head, startled, and realized her mother had been talking to her. “Sorry, mom, lost in thought. What was that?”

Liz Gaines smiled at her daughter. “It's okay, dear. I'm sure you have a lot on your mind. I was asking if you wanted more pancakes and another glass of milk.”

Kim started to refuse, but her stomach grumbled warningly. She just wasn't used to how much more she needed to eat at this size. “I'll have a few more pancakes, thanks. But no milk. I think I'll have water instead.” So saying, she started to get up. Her longer legs and bigger hips thumped around under the table, and she apologized to her father after she kicked him.

“Kim, honey, why don't you just sit there. I'll get it for you,” her mother said with a worried look.

Sighing resignedly, Kim slumped in her chair. It creaked slightly in protest as her weight shifted on it, another reminder of how big she'd gotten.

Liz scooped up a short stack of pancakes and set them down on Kim's plate, grabbing the syrup from in front of Jason and moving it next to her daughter. She picked up the empty glass and went into the kitchen to rinse it out, then turned to the fridge. She ran the icemaker, then switched it to water. She noticed the 'filter status' light was red, and she reminded herself to buy a replacement that evening after work. Figuring it probably wouldn't hurt anything, she pressed the button and watched a stream of water fill the glass, then returned to the table and placed it next to Kim's plate.

“Thanks, mom,” her daughter said, scooping up a bite of pancake.

“Sure thing, sweetie. Any plans for today?” Liz asked.

Kim frowned. “Well, unless the blood work is done, I'm still not going back to school.” She took a big gulp from her glass before continuing. “Likewise, there's no point in me going for a follow-up doctor visit unless it's done. I still need more clothes that fit the new me...” She gestured down at herself, scowling, “...and I already know the shops around here are a waste of time. I don't know, I might drive over to Waynesboro and see if I can find some stuff there.”

“That's not a bad idea, Kim,” her father said. “I'll give you my credit card for the day. Just don't go crazy with it.”

“Hey, if you're passing around your credit card, can I go buy a new video game?” Jason said with a grin.

“Very funny,” Paul replied. “Now is not a good time to be making jokes. Your sister is...ah, having some difficulties right now, and we need to be supportive and sympathetic.”

“Aw, just because she turned into a super-sized freak...”

Kim's closed fist impacted the table with a loud thud. “You little shithead! I'll break you in half!”

“Enough!” their mother snapped, drawing their attention. “Jason. You will not talk about your sister that way. Kim. You will not threaten your brother like that, and I'll thank you to watch your language. If you two can't stop antagonizing each other, why don't you just sit there quietly and finish your breakfast?”

“Fine,” Kim muttered. “Sorry, mom.” She took another big gulp of water and returned her attention to her pancakes.

“Yeah, sorry, mom,” Jason echoed, picking at his plate.

Several moments of silence passed, the clink of silverware, the occasional tap on the screen of Liz's tablet, and Paul's newspaper pages turning the only sounds in the room. Soon, though, Jason became aware of another noise: a faint creaking sound, like straining wood. It was so quiet that he wasn't sure he'd heard it at all, but seconds later it happened again, slightly louder. Jason glanced around and saw Kim frowning down at the chair beneath her. He guessed that it had been the source of the noise, although their mother and father didn't seem to have caught it.

Kim shifted slightly in the chair, eliciting a few more complaints from the wood. She settled back down and returned to her rapidly disappearing pancakes. Shrugging, Jason fixed his eyes on his own plate as well...but moments later, yet another strange sound intruded. It was a soft, sibilant noise, like the rustle of fabric sliding over something. It was followed by a peculiar one that he couldn't really identify--it was a kind of stretching sound, like you might get if something flexible was pulled really tight.

Perplexed, he again looked around the room. He saw Kim had put down her fork and was patting herself up and down, a puzzled look on her face. The stretching sound continued for a moment, then suddenly there was a faint pop and it stopped. Kim's expression changed from confusion to anxiety as the chair creaked again. Jason got the sense that something looked different about her, but he couldn't pin down exactly what. Curious, he watched her fidgeting, trying to figure out what the difference was.

Noticing his scrutiny, she surreptitiously flipped him off. As she did, he saw the long sleeve of the pale blue shirt was snug against her skin and higher up her forearm than it was earlier. He heard that stretching sound again and was startled to see the cuff slide up her arm and clench tighter.

Thinking he must be seeing things, Jason looked up at his sister's face. The look she wore now was one of full-blown panic. More tellingly, against the background of the picture window behind her, her head was higher than it had been minutes ago. Another soft pop, and then a tapping sound on the table drew his attention. A button rested on the surface, a couple of broken pale blue threads clinging to it. Glancing back up, he could see that Kim's new shirt was missing a button near the top, and diamond-shaped gaps were showing between the other closures. More stretching and rustling reached his ears. There was no denying it--his sister was having another growth spurt right before his eyes!

Now that he knew, it was obvious. Her clothing was tight in several places and looked a size too small. The table was lower against her body than it had been. Her boobs looked bigger, though he really tried hard not to look at them for long. Her green eyes were wide, her large hands gripping the edge of the table. If he watched closely, he could actually see her head creeping upwards. The fabric sounds continued, growing gradually louder as her body put more and more strain on them.

Suddenly, a different noise was added to the symphony of destruction her clothes were playing—a quick, muffled snap. Another one happened seconds later, and then another. He saw Kim lean back (making the chair groan again) and peer under the table; following her lead, he did so as well. Looking at her feet, he saw a few of the laces on her new shoes were broken, and as he watched, a couple more on either shoe snapped, the sound repeating. A tearing noise, like canvas ripping, made him look slightly above the shoes; the cuffs of her jeans had risen up her shins, and the denim was pulling apart at the bottom of the seam.

Jason gulped nervously and sat up once more. Another tapping noise came from the floor, and he saw that her shirt was now missing another button. Kim's face was a mask of apprehension; evidently she shared his anxiety about this renewed growth spurt.

“Uh...Mom? I think--” He froze when he saw the look his sister was giving him, equal parts angry glare and silent plea. The message was clear: don't say anything.

“Yes, Jason?” Liz said, glancing at him.

“Um...I, uh...I think the pancakes are really good today. Thanks,” he finished lamely.

“Oh. Well thank you, honey. I'm glad you like them,” she replied with a smile, returning to the screen of her tablet.

He turned back to Kim, raising an eyebrow at her as if to say, Now what? He could see that her outfit was having even more trouble keeping her contained—the diamond-shaped gaps between her buttons had spread wider, and the stretching sound was now accompanied by a ripping noise every few seconds. Her breasts were so big now that he couldn't avoid looking no matter how he tried, and the openings in her blue shirt revealed that the tank top was losing the battle to cover her torso.

Kim seemed to realize that she couldn't hide it from her parents for long. She suddenly spoke up, her unsteady voice betraying her nervousness. “Guys, I don't feel so good. I think I'm gonna run to my room and--”

She never finished her sentence. As she was speaking, she pushed the chair back from the table, and the motion, coupled with her ever-increasing weight, proved to be too much for it. Its back legs cracked loudly and it fell to the floor, unceremoniously dropping the enlarging Kim ass-first onto the tile. Jason's jaw dropped as he saw just how big she had really gotten—even sitting on the floor, her shoulders were above the tabletop.

Her startled parents immediately turned to look at her and saw what Jason had been seeing for the past few minutes.

“Oh my god, Kim! It's happening again!” Liz cried. As if to punctuate her statement, two more buttons shot off of Kim's shirt and the garment spread wide open, revealing an extremely stretched tank top with two massive globes spilling out of the top of it.
Tace atque abi. Plenus stercoris est.

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