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Unread 06-12-2014   #151
Mr Wayne
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Thumbs up Re: One Week at Wolf Lake NEW 6/5 (Growth, sex, other tags inside)

On behalf of Qzar9999, I have offered to post the next story segment for him in order to keep the continuity flowing. Enjoy. ^_^

* * * * *

"Oh god," Ellen Barrett mumbled to herself as she spotted Dana Ripley walking into the break room. She silently hoped the blonde bimbo would just leave her alone, but apparently it wasn't her day. Dana saw her and flashed a thousand-watt smile, ambling between the tables and standing opposite the seated Ellen.

"Ellen! Hi! How are you?" she said with malicious mock cheerfulness. "Have you heard? About the promotion?"

"Would that be the promotion I was in line for until you hypnotized Mr. Weyland with those watermelons you're smuggling?" she snapped viciously.

Dana smirked. "I got that job because I was the better candidate. You're just jealous because you can't fill out a top with what little you've got. My assets have nothing to do with getting the position."

"Wonder what other positions you've been in lately?" Ellen replied snarkily. Pushing out her chair, she stood and grabbed her cup, then turned away and walked toward the water cooler. She wasn't particularly thirsty, but she wanted to get away from the bitch. Especially since her last comment had stung- Ellen self-consciously glanced down at her chest for a moment, painfully aware of how flat she looked. Today, like most days, she hadn't even bothered with a bra, as her A-cups didn't need one. Her lack of curves continued all the way down, and though she'd never admit it to her rival, she was jealous that her skinny legs and flat ass didn't compare to the busty blonde.

Dana followed her, her heels clicking against the tile. "You know, Ellen, I'm getting a little tired of your constant jibes. My looks don't detract from my ability to do my job, despite what you may think."

"Yeah, but your ability to do your job doesn't prevent you from using your looks to get by with things around here, either." Ellen pulled the handle, but the cooler produced only a dry click. "Great. Fucking thing is empty." She sighed loudly and started toward the sink. "Guess I'm drinking tap water."

The clicking followed her again, each tap a miniature spike to her nerves. Dana's voice assaulted her ears again. "Like I said, you're just jealous. In fact, I'm starting to wonder if I should be concerned about it."

Ellen took a big sip of her water, rolling her eyes. "If you have a point, get to it. You're boring me and ruining my break."

Dana smirked evilly. "Well, it's like this. I'm frankly worried that your petty jealousy and this silly office rivalry is detracting from your ability to do your job. When my promotion is official, I'm going to recommend that your performance be reviewed."

Ellen's eyes widened. "You wouldn't."

Dana grinned wickedly. "You think so?"

Ellen gasped, her jaw dropping in shock. "You bitch! Who do you think you are?" She was suddenly distracted by a strange tingling that began to spread through her system.

"Well, pretty soon, a supervisor, since you asked," the blonde replied with another smirk. "And that puts me in a perfect position to..." She noticed that Ellen didn't seem to be paying attention to her and was instead frowning down at her body. Annoyed, she snapped her fingers in front of the brunette's face. "Hey! Pay attention when your superior is addressing you!"

Ellen scowled at her. "Superior? Like hell you are." She absently patted at her chest, which felt slightly constricted for some reason.

Dana saw her hands moving and glanced down... and was surprised to see Ellen's chest looked a bit different than she remembered. She'd cruelly compared her endowments with Ellen's on more than a few occasions, and she could tell there was more there today. It was as if she was swelling, or... "Oh my god!" she said with a braying laugh. "Are you really so pathetic that you're using falsies now?"

Ellen's eyes narrowed. "What the fuck are you talking about, Tits McGee?" She was angry at Dana, but it was hard to keep her focus-her clothing was starting to feel uncomfortably tight.

"As if you didn't know, Olive Oyl. I'm talking about these." She poked Ellen right in one of her fake mounds, only to be astounded when whatever padding she was using gave like real flesh. The brunette even winced at the jab, as if it actually hurt.

"What was that for?" She rubbed her chest, and her eyes suddenly widened. She looked down at herself and her jaw dropped. "Holy shit! Where did those come from?"

"Oh, please. You bought them off the rack, just like any other flat-chested wannabe," Dana barked. "They're fake, and I can prove it." So saying, she estimated about where the nipple would be on a real breast and pinched. Hard.

"Yeeeow!" Ellen screeched in pain. "What the hell has gotten into you, Wonder Bitch? That hurt!" Glaring angrily at the blonde, Ellen swung her arm back and splashed the rest of her large glass of water directly in Dana's face.
The night is darkest just before the dawn...

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