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Unread 07-19-2014   #1822
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Re: BE Request Thread(Read First Post)

Originally Posted by shy View Post
I found myself thinking fondly back on two pieces of process material, both involving a guy who turns blue.

A guy turning blue is not what makes it interesting ; ) it's just a memorable feature in both. Forgive the second (penis expansion), it's just so relateable to the first (breast expansion).

1) Comic (cartoonish, trying-to-be-anime but still pretty western art)--- A boy and a girl are unknowingly subjected to some sort of aphrodisiac experiment (nearby mad scientist friend?) in a mostly tan/yellow room---immediate increased beauty ensues (breast expansion and ass expansion for the girl, muscles and penis for the guy), and they have a moment of stunned reaction before, comically, the guy says "TITS", the girl says "COCK", and then they both say "FUCK" as they go at it. Eventually the guy's transformation goes even further (because the serum involved octopus something or other?) and turns into a bigger, more muscular, tentacle-equipped(?) blue demon guy. girl might have been asking the mad scientist wtf, hence the octopus something explanation. : )

2) Hentai---asking because it is so hilariously similar---in a dark residential bedroom, some adult seductress is sexing a handsome and muscular but oblivious Goku looking guy, but soon his lust unlocks his "power", his eyes go yellow, and he starts growing more muscular, blue, hairy, bigger in general, and some penis expansion, culminating in him humping her straight out the ceiling or something. Meanwhile the seductress has (I think?) a nearby ally she is conferring with that was trying to warn her, or something? And the seductress is definitely showing signs of losing her confidence and not knowing what she is dealing with (along with having the sex of her life).

No clue on the second one, but the first is from one of the early installments for Chocolate Milkmaid.
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