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Unread 08-14-2014   #686
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Re: Shrinking Request Thread(Read First Post)

So this one is OOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLDDDDD... But I remember lots of details, so I know I'm not imagining it or recalling something different.

There was a sequence some years back. I'm pretty sure it was on an older version of the Process, and I'm 99% sure Picklejuice drew it. It involved a woman waking up one morning and finding herself slooooooowly shrinking (each image had an inch counter in an upper corner that only went down about an inch or two per image). She started off by saying stuff like "Today's gonna be a big day!" and then got confused when everything ELSE was big and getting bigger. She hid behind a shelf when a coworker came into her room talking about a chemical spill/gas leak/something, and realized after he left that that was what was causing her to shrink. Her clothes and stuff kept getting bigger, and she was trying to reassure herself that she couldn't possibly shrink more than 3/4 her height or so...then she tried to open the door and shrank too small to get it while her hand was on the knob, then ran over to her desk and climbed up to use the phone and couldn't get through...and then the sequence ended with her climbing back down and realizing she was small enough to stand under her high heels, and getting turned on by the process, getting herself off, and stopping at around 1" tall.

Uh...anyway. I fondly remember this and can't find it amongst my old stuff or on any old versions of the Process. Anybody got it?
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