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Unread 10-31-2014   #9
Oh dear, not again!
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Re: Comicbookbabe's Growth Audio Store

Originally Posted by Comicbookbabe View Post
From what I can see from your other posts about other fetish producers, you aren't much for positive reviews either. If you can't find satisfaction from Missa or Gary's work, I don't think you're going to find any satisfaction. I think you may have unrealistic expectations from fetish work. Most fetish producers work from home as amateurs, and the work they do is a passion project and is done for very little money. I don't have a recording studio, or a mixing board, all I have is a microphone and a dream. My audio software is free off the internet. And fetish work does not generate a ton of money to build up my equipment either.

If you do find the fetish producer that does satisfy you, let us know, I think we'd all be interested in seeing Steven Speilberg getting into fetish work.
You may be right. However, please don't assume my dissatisfaction with a product I paid money for, for not respecting the work that producers like Missa and Gary make. I understand it takes lots of money to pay for equipment, models, sets, schedules and props. I understand it takes time to shoot, set up objects and reshoot/take for hours, days, weeks or even months. I understand that not everyone is gonna have a studio and high tech gear to make 100% crisp material. But like I said, with nothing to gauge the material in question I was taking a risk. I took the risk and I voiced my opinion.

You also forgot to mention another producer: Veronica, whom I purchased from. However the thread seems to have disappeared.
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